December 10th (6 pm)

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---Remus POV---

Remus picked up his letter to his parents. "See you all at dinner." he said to the Marauders and walked out of the common room. He shivered in the December cold as he walked into the owlery. His parents had been so worried about the full moon coming up that Remus had to assure them over and over again that he was going to be fine. He had his friends and that was enough. Remus gave the letter to an owl and went to open the door to the owlery, but it wouldn't open.

"SHIT!" Remus yelled as he pounded on the door. He was locked in the owlery in the freezing cold.

---Sirius POV---

Dinner was almost over and Remus was nowhere to be seen. "Guys, we should go back and see if Remus is in the common room." Sirius said, worriedly.

"He's Remus, he's fine."

"But what if he isn't."

"You can go back and check." James said, shrugging. Sirius got up from the table and stuffed a roll into his robe pocket. He walked quickly towards the Gryffindor entrance. "Password?" The Fat Lady Portrait asked.

"Pygmy Puff," Sirius said. The portrait swung open and he walked into the common room. Remus wasn't there. He shouldn't be worried because Remus was highly responsible, but he still was. He ran up to their room and grabbed the Marauder's Map. "I solemnly swear I am up to no good." he said pointing his wand at the cover. The map opened and he searched for Remus's name. He was in the owlery!

Sirius ran out of the common room and to the owlery. When he got there the door wouldn't open. "Alohomora!" he yelled and the door burst open. There was Remus, huddled in a corner, shivering. "Remus!" Sirius rushed over to him and put his robe around him.

"" Remus said, through shivers. Remus looked weak and frail.

"Can you move?" Remus tried to pull himself up, but was unsuccessful. Sirius picked him up, bridal style, and carried him through the Gryffindor common room and into their room. He opened the bathroom door and ran a hot bath for Remus. Remus was still shivering as he undressed and got in the bath as Sirius walked out of the bathroom, listening to Remus's words through the door. 

"Thanks Sirius." Remus said, trying to warm himself.

"How did you get stuck?"

"It must've locked from the outside because of the wind." Remus replied. "That's the last time I go anywhere without a wand." Sirius laughed.

"Us wizards always need our wands for everything."

"I would've definitely preferred to have my wand in that situation." Remus said, laughing. Sirius heard Remus's stomach growl and he suddenly remembered the bread roll in his robes.

"I have a roll in my robes so you get dressed and I'll get that." Sirius said, rushing to his robes, trying to conceal his blush. Sirius sat on his bed, waiting for his friend to exit the bathroom. He heard the door open and saw Remus walk out in a long jumper and sweatpants. Remus sat down next to him with a smile on his face.

"Thanks Sirius, I'm starving." Remus said, wolfing down the bread roll. When he had finished it he wiped off his lip and stared down at Sirius. There were a few moments of silence as Remus and Sirius leaned in closer to each other.

"Remus!" James yelled as he barged in the room. The two jumped apart, both blushing. "Where were you?"

"Locked in an owerly."

"Oh, you were right Sirius. Sorry we should've come and helped."

"No it's fine, I'm going to uh, go read something now." Remus said, still bright red and flustered. He grabbed a large book and rushed down to the common room.

James looked over at Sirius, wondering if anything had happened. "Nothing happened cause you ruined it mate." Sirius replied with a frown.

"Does that mean something was going to happen?" James said, with a hopeful look.

"I was going to try to kiss him but then you barged in, thanks."

"Aw shoot, well there's always tomorrow." Sirius threw a pillow at him. Who knew if there would ever be an opportunity like that again. 

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