December 4th (9am)

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---Remus POV---

Remus woke up first every morning. He got himself ready and then shook the others awake as well. When Remus woke up this morning he saw a very amusing sight. A green-haired James Potter with slicked back hair asleep in his bed. Remus couldn't help it, he laughed out loud, which woke both James and Sirius up, but not Peter since Peter could sleep through anything.

"REMUS!" James yelled putting a pillow over his head, "What time is it?"

"9 am, meaning get up." Remus added, "And check a mirror."

"What?" James ran into the bathroom. Sirius put a hand over his mouth to keep from laughing when he screamed. "ITS GREEN! Those evil little Slytherins."

"Oh I don't think it was the Slytherins." Remus added as he pulled a jumper over his bare chest. He used to hate getting changed in front of his friends because of his scars, but now that they knew about his problem he was fine with it.

"They slicked it back too!" James yelled from inside the bathroom. "Aguamenti! Colovaria! Dilusimenti! Remus nothing is working!" Remus began to laugh. Lily had really outdone herself this time.

"Guess you'll have to go to breakfast with it then." Sirius yelled, pulling his robes on.

"Peter get up!" Remus said, shaking Peter. He sighed, "Aguamenti!" A jet of water hit Peter in the face.

"AARG!" Peter yelled, jumping up. "What was that for?"

"You weren't getting up and I want breakfast." Remus replied, pulling on his own robes. He looked over at Sirius, "Sirius and I will see you at breakfast."

"Oh ok, bye guys." Sirius replied following Remus out the door.

They walked down the stairs to get to the great hall. "So what happened last night?" Remus asked Sirius.

Sirius shrugged, "Just another nightmare of my parents. Thanks for letting me sleep with you."

"Course, what happened in the nightmare?"

"They hated another thing about me, used the cruciatus curse but then Reg hated me. Do you think he does?"

"No I don't Sirius, you're still his big brother."

"Yeah I know, but he's my parents favorite and I'"

"Stop worrying, for right now, let's go congratulate Lily on her amazing prank."

"LILY DID THAT!" Sirius yelled, an amused look on his face.

"Who else? The slicked back hair was my idea, and just wait for the pink robes."

Sirius laughed and the two walked into the great hall. Sirius picked up a blueberry scone and Remus grabbed a cup of tea. Remus looked around and saw Lily watching the doors of the great hall, hopeful that her prank had turned out okay. All of her nervousness was relieved when a green, slicked back-haired James Potter walked through the doors of the common room with hot pink robes on. People laughed and James took it in like they were his admirers. He showed off his new hair to fellow people in his house.

"Like the new hair Potter!" Lily yelled, laughing.

"Lily Evans talked to me!" James yelled out and Lily groaned turning back towards Remus. Remus gave her a shrug and an I told you so look. James and Peter sat down at the table.

"You really suit un-messy hair." Sirius said with a smile.

"Oh shut it." James replied, taking a sip of coffee. "OW! This coffee is so hot."

"Starting the day off lucky Prongs." Remus said with a small smile.

"Shut up." 

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