December 2nd (3pm)

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---Remus POV---

Remus sat in the library, next to Lily doing his essay. He tried to focus, but he couldn't. He wished Sirius were here, but why? If Sirius were here he would be a distraction which would not be good so he tried to push the thought out of his mind.

"What are you thinking about?" Lily said, causing him to look up quickly.

"I'm no-"

"Sorry, who are you thinking about?"

"No one." Remus replied, taking his quill and trying to write his conclusion paragraph of his essay.

"You are definitely thinking about someone." Remus shook his head. "C'mon you can tell me." Remus kept writing. He went to dip his quill in ink, but accidentally spilled the ink all over the table.

"Damn it!" he yelled.

"Mr. Lupin!" Madam Pince yelled. "5 points from Gryffindor for foul language."

"Sorry Madam Pince," he replied quietly.

"Tergeo," Remus said, pointing his wand at the mess. It instantly fixed itself, but not his and Lily's ink-stained essays. Lily looked at him with a frown.

"Now we have to rewrite it." Lily said.

"Well, at least it'll probably turn out better than the first draft?"

"Now you have to tell me who you're thinking about." Remus didn't say anything. "Is it one of my friends?" Remus shook his head. "Do you talk to them a lot?" Remus nodded. "It's a guy right?" Remus' head whipped up.

"How do you-"

"Every study session you had with Adam Pucey you came back with your hair messier than before and a wrinkled shirt."

Remus went bright red, "Do you think my friends noticed?"

"I mean James is as oblivious as can be, Sirius isn't very aware of what's going on, and Peter maybe, but he wouldn't say anything."

"You seem to know my friends pretty well."

"Considering I had to watch them for a bit so I can pr- I mean nothing."

"I know you're going to get James' back with a prank, as long as you don't do anything to me."

"If you tell me what color I should turn his hair and robes and how I could make him embarrassed."

"That's a hard one. Nothing makes James embarrassed but maybe green hair, hot pink robes and if you can slick back his hair, do it. He'll probably cry."

"Thank you, now back to your crush." Lily looked too determined to stop, so Remus began to debate the pros and cons of telling her. "Is it one of the marauders?" Remus blushed. "It is!" Lily suddenly went quiet as if she was debating something.

"Obviously you don't like James because he's been trying to woo me since first year."

"He told me to tell you he's dateable."

"Ha! I'll believe it when I see it." Lily said with a laugh, "Now I doubt it's-- YOU LIKE SIRIUS!" Lily yelled.

"Keep your voice down." Remus said, his face and ears bright red.

"I should've known. I thought all that hugging is just a thing the Marauders do."

"It is," Lily raised her eyebrows, "Maybe I just do it a bit more with Sirius."

"Good thing he likes you."

"Lily, I know you're trying to get me to ask him out but he's been with every girl in this school, he's not gay."

"You never know."

"I'm going back to writing my essay." 

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