December 19th

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LAST PART (sorry I don't have anything else I want to do with this story. I hope you all enjoyed!)


--Remus POV--

Remus walked out of the bathroom to a frantic James and a laughing Sirius. "What do you even wear on a date?" James said, worriedly.

"Clothes?" Remus suggested sarcastically.

"I'm serious," James said with a frown.

"That's the worst impression of me I've ever seen." Sirius said with a grin. Remus laughed while he pulled off his shirt and changed into an oversized jumper.

"Sirius! Help me!" James said, taking off his shirt and throwing it at Sirius.

"It's really not that hard. Just wear," Sirius paused and looked around the room. "This." He pulled up a Gryffindor Quidditch sweater.

"She'll like that?" James asked.

"It's fuzzy, shows your athletic, and makes you cuddly." James made a face. "Yes, she'll like it."

"Alright then." James put the shirt on and grabbed a single lily he had gotten for Lily.

"Have fun mate." Remus said with a smile and James rushed downstairs. Remus waited a few seconds then turned towards Sirius, "Am I warm and cuddly to you?" Remus said, showing his sweater off. Sirius rolled his eyes.

"Course you are Moons."

"Then come cuddle, Snuffles."

"Stop calling me Snuffles!" Sirius whined as he made his way towards Remus's bed.

Remus snickered, "Nope." Remus scratched Sirius's head as he laid his head on Remus's chest.

"Why did you want to stay back?" Remus asked.

"Cause we can't be affectionate in public."

"Does that mean we can be affectionate now?" Sirius quickly nodded his head and Remus leaned down to kiss Sirius. At first it was soft and sweet. Delicate like both were waiting for more, but too scared to do anything. Soon enough, it became passionate and fiery. Remus gripping Sirius hair while Sirius's hands traveled down Remus's back, reaching for the hem of his shirt. Remus's lips traveled down Sirius's neck. Remus pulled away from Sirius, scared of what might be coming next.

Sirius gave Remus a look of surprise. "Jesus Remus,"

"Satisfactory for you?" Remus joked, trying to push down his nerves.

"More than."

---James POV---

James waited on Gryffindor's red cotton couch in the common room. In his hands was the lily flower for Lily. It sounded a bit cheesy, but James had waited for this moment his whole life and he didn't care what was cheesy and what wasn't. He heard a small noise come from the steps leading to the girls dormitory. There stood Lily in a black v-neck tucked into a pair of white jeans. She had on her winter coat and her wand sticking out of her jean pocket. James looked at her with a smile on his face.

"You ready nerd?" Lily asked. James quickly stood up and nodded. Lily rolled her eyes and took his hand. "So where are you taking me?"

"Well, I thought about some places but I decided you'd probably want to go to the used bookstore with muggle books right?" Lily looked up at James, a surprised look on her face.

"You know me too well Potter." The two walked to Hogsmeade together, hand and hand. James could feel people staring. Even he still couldn't believe Lily had said yes to this, so he couldn't imagine what everyone else was thinking.

James heard a voice from behind him. "Potter's such a git, his only fit is a filthy mudblood." James's head whipped around along with Lily's too, appearing she had heard it too. Behind them were Lucius and Snivellus.

"You want to say that again to my face." Lily said, holding her fist up. Snivellus backed up, but Lucius held his ground.

"What are you going to do...Mudblood." James whipped out his wand, but Lily gave him a look.

"Let me handle this James." James backed up, but kept his wand out.

"Tell me if I'm wrong but you both are sitting here alone, aren't you?" The two didn't say anything. "Yet, you're so threatened by James being able to get such a gorgeous lady as myself that you have to make fun of him to feel better about him." Snivellus got red in the face. "And I remember you asking me out to Hogsmeade last year Severus, so if you can't get me to say yes, you must be feeling pretty upset that this idiot got me too." She turned around and took James's hand. James gaped at her.

"Nothing will ever stop you from being a mudblood!" Lucius yelled. Lily quickly turned around and marched up to Lucius.

---Lily POV---

Lily felt such rage and such power walking up to Lucius. She could see the fear in his eyes. She didn't feel any remorse when she threw a jab in the middle of his face. Severus backed up a lot when Lucius got punched. Lily walked toward him next and looked him straight in the eye. "I'd rather be muggle born then a Slytherin." She turned around and walked back toward James. "Go cry to Madam Pomfrey." She yelled over her shoulder. She took James by the shirt and pulled him in for a kiss. Just to put salt in the two's wounds. The kiss was passionate and fiery. She felt James smile as she pulled away.

"You're really brilliant Evans."

"Oh I know. Now are you going to take me to the bookstore or what."

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