December 6th (4 pm)

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---Sirius POV---

The Marauders walked along the streets of Hogsmeade, chocolate in their hands. "Oh look there's Lily, Marlene, and Alice." Sirius said with a grin. "Guess she said no to you again Prongs."

"She'll say yes by the end of this year. I know it."

"Keep dreaming." Remus replied with a laugh. "Oh she's walking over here." Sirius noticed James's face get red as he started to try and look cooler.

"Glad to see you got the dye out of your hair Potter," Lily said with a small smile.

"So it was you." James replied, still looking flustered.


"Hi Sirius," Marlene said with a small giggle.

"Hey Marlene," Sirius answered back, with a confused look.

"Anyways, just letting you know Potter that if you try to prank me again, I'll hit back 2 times harder, so don't even bother."

"Bye Lily." James said kindly.

"Bye Lily? Wow you really need desperate help." Sirius said with a smirk.

"That's mean, besides if anyone needs help getting their crush, it's you."

"Sirius has a crush?!" Remus and Peter yelled at the same time. Sirius blushed bright red and gave James a glare.

"Yes and now we're going to drop it ok?"

"Yeah and Lily is going to say yes to James next time he asks her." Remus said sarcastically.

"Just tell us!" Peter said, hopefully.

"No!" Sirius said quickly. "Later, maybe later."

---Remus POV---

Of course Sirius has a crush, Remus thought. Remus wanted it to be him so bad, but Sirius wasn't gay and even if he was, he wouldn't fall for him.

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