December 15th

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---Remus POV---

Both Sirius and Remus had gotten out of the hospital wing by now and were back to doing their usual Christmas time activities. This included trying to get James and Lily under the mistletoe, large snowball fights, pranks, and a lot of weird singing that came from Sirius and James. James and Sirius had just gotten back from their prank on Mcgonagall, which would definitely earn them a detention for the next two weeks.

"Minnie's going to be happy for the next 24 hours which means that we can actually get away with things!" Sirius yelled into the common room as him and James entered.

Remus groaned, "Did you actually prank a teacher?"

"We wouldn't be the marauders if we didn't." James replied.

"I'm not doing your homework when you get in detention for a month." Remus replied, going back to reading his book.

"Put the book down Moony! It's Christmas break." Sirius said with a smile, taking the book out of Remus's hand.

"Sirius!" Remus yelled as Sirius ran out of the common room with the book. "Sirius I swear to god!" Remus began to run after Sirius, but Sirius was way too fast.

"You really got to run faster Moony!" Sirius said as he watched Remus try to catch up.

When Sirius finally stopped, letting Remus catch up, Remus yelled, "I'm going to kill you!" Suddenly Remus couldn't move. He looked up at a small piece of mistletoe above his head that was charmed to not let the person underneath it move until they were kissed. "God damnit!"

Sirius turned around and looked at his friend stuck under the mistletoe. He laughed. "Guess some girl's going to have to come and find you!" Sirius suddenly looked behind Remus and saw James giving him a glare.

"Just do it!" James mouthed and Sirius groaned.

"Fine Moons, I'll come to your rescue." Sirius quickly approached Remus. He gave Remus a quick peck on the lips and ran off towards James. Remus turned around both stunned and blushing. Sirius had just kissed him. It was short and simple but it was still something. Yes, it was meant in a friendship way, but he had to take what he could get. Remus sprinted towards the library to find Lily. When he got to the library he saw Lily reading a book called Pride and Prejudice.

"Lily!" Remus yelled.

"Quiet!" Madam Pince called out.

"Sorry," He rushed over to where Lily was sitting and sat down across from her.

"What's wrong?" Lily asked worriedly.

"There was mistletoe and I got stuck underneath it so... siriuskissedmeanditwasshortbutIdon'tknowwhatitmeant."

"Jesus Remus, slow down."

"Sirius kissed me under the mistletoe." Remus replied, blushing even harder.

"Oh my god!" Lily yelled with a smile across her face. "I can't believe it worked."


"Nothing, are you guys together now?"

"No it was just a friendship kiss, to him at least, to get me out." Lily groaned. She closed her book.

"I have to go, uh, talk to someone." Lily said quickly. "Bye."

"Wait, who?" Lily didn't answer as she ran out of the library.

---Lily's POV---

Lily rushed through the hallways and to the Gryffindor common room, books almost spilling out of her hands. The minute she got to the common room she saw James, "POTTER!" she yelled and grabbed him by the hand and pulled him up towards the boys common room, since she couldn't bring him up towards the girls dormitories. Sirius, who was sitting next to him at the time, looked very surprised.

"What did I do Evans?" James asked as she pulled him away from Sirius.

"It didn't work!" Lily said with a frown. "You said it was going to work."

"They kissed, what else did you want me to do?"

"Get them together."

"Well I thought it would be a longer kiss but Sirius is a lot more scared than usual." James said with a frown. "Plus, what do you want me to do? Give them a love potion?" James said sarcastically.

"Could we?"

"NO!" James said, a surprised look on his face. Lily shrugged her shoulders. "LILY! NO!"

"Fine." Lily replied. "But we have to do something."

"We will, we just have to plan harder. They are both oblivious gits."

"I know. A game of truth or dare?"

"That could work." 

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