December 13th

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---Remus POV---

The full moon was tonight and Remus couldn't get out of bed due to the pain. This left him a lot of time to both think and cry in pain. Sirius and Remus hadn't talked much since their last encounter. It wasn't like they were avoiding each other, just avoiding the situation. Remus pulled a book off his nightstand and began reading. Reading to try to pull his thoughts away from Sirius and about the weird feeling he had as Sirius undressed him and the way Sirius always played with his hair when he was nervous. He also tried to not think about the long night ahead. Days like these always scared him. It was when every bone in his body broke and reformed into a terrible monster he couldn't control, and having to worry about Sirius made it even worse.

"We got your lunch Moony!" Sirius yelled as Peter, James, and him walked through the door.

"There's chicken noodle soup, chocolate, strawberries, and cheese." Peter said happily.

Remus sat up on his bed with a grin, "Thanks guys."

"Anytime mate," Sirius said, sitting down. "By the way, the chicken noodle soup was my idea, not Prong's no matter what he tells you."

"It was most definitely my idea." James replied.

"No it was not."

"Yes it was."

"No it was-"

"Guys!" Remus yelled at the bickering two.

"Sorry moons." Sirius said, sheepishly. Moons was a new nickname. He had never been called moons before.

"Well me and Peter are going to go eat our lunch, but Sirius offered to stay here with you." Sirius gave James a look but then nodded. Peter and James both walked out of the room, leaving Sirius and Remus alone together.

"Are you guys going to be there tonight?" Remus asked quietly.

"Of course Moony, we'll always be there for your transformation."

"I don't know what I did to deserve friends like you."

"Honestly we wouldn't be the prank masters we are without you."

"You wouldn't finish your homework on time without me." Remus said with a laugh.

"That is also very true." And just like that, things weren't awkward between them. And for a second Remus forgot about all his worries because as long as Sirius was his best friend, everything was going to be alright. 

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