After The Transformation

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---Sirius POV---

Remus was hurt. Blood was oozing out of his deep cut in his chest. How could Sirius let this happen. He was there so this would happen to him and not Remus. "Sirius! Madam Pomfrey is coming right now! She can't know we were here, let's go!"

"But Remus!" Sirius yelled back, pointing towards an unconscious Remus.

"Madam Pomfrey will fix him up don't worry." James replied back. Sirius quickly bent down towards Remus.

"I love you." he whispered, needing to get it out of his system. He then followed James as they ran back to the castle, barely not getting caught. Sirius glanced at his thigh. There was a large gash on it that he hadn't noticed a few seconds ago. Blood was quickly running out of it. He fell down on his bed, the world spinning. He heard James call his name and then Peter's. And that was the last thing he heard.

---James's POV---

James saw Sirius fall and quickly looked down at his leg. On it was a deeply cut gash that ran from his knee to his upper thigh. "SIRIUS!" James yelled as he fell to his bed. "Peter grab his legs carefully, I'll grab his upper body."

"What are we going to do?" Peter asked quietly.

"Bring him to Madam Pomfrey" The two quietly brought Sirius down and banged at the hospital door. A frantic Madam Pomfrey answered the door, her hair out of place, most likely from carrying Remus in.

"Oh my goodness," she said, glancing down at Sirius's leg. She took Sirius and placed him on a bed and grabbed a healing potion. She poured the bottle on the open wound and watched it fade away to a scar. "How did this happen?" she asked the boys.

"He, uh, fell."


James began to come up with an elaborate story, "See he sleepwalks. And when he was sleepwalking he walked down the stairs and into the common room and he cut himself on something and yelled for us to help him and then passed out."

"Well, he'll have to spend the night here. You two go back to your room and get a good night's sleep. He should be all better in a day. The healing potion will leave him a bit drowsy." 

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