December 18th

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---Remus's POV---

Sirius and Remus had both agreed that their relationship should be kept a secret from the school since being gay wasn't exactly popular. James, Peter, Lily, Marlene, and Alice all agreed that they wouldn't tell anyone, though Remus could tell how much Lily wished everyone would know. Most likely to take the attention off of James and her this morning. Remus and Sirius both walked next to each other beaming. There was James and Lily, hand in hand, both of them red and also smiling. Sirius opened the door into the great hall for the group of 7. When students saw a blushing Lily Evans holding hands with a grinning James Potter there were murmurs. There was a sneer from the Slytherin table which Remus believed to be Severus and his friends. He saw a blonde hufflepuff get up and pass a galleon to a brown-haired Ravenclaw with a frown. Remus even thought he saw Dumbledore pass a handful of coins to Professor Mcgonnagal. Lily seemed to notice this as well because her eyes became wide and she rushed down towards the Gryffindor table.

"Wow, even Minnie knew you two were meant to be." Sirius said to Lily, as he and Remus sat across from Lily and James.

"Shut up Black." Lily said, spreading marmalade jelly on her toast. She was still bright red when she bit into it.

"So, tomorrow is Hogsmeade," Alice said with a smirk. Lily rolled her eyes and looked over to James.

"You wanna go to Hogsmeade?" James said, his mouth full of apple.

"Ask me when you're done eating."

James swallowed, "Would you do the honor of accompanying me to Hogsmeade?" James asked in a weird voice.

"Sure nerd." Lily said laughing. Lily looked over to Alice, who was staring at Frank from across the table. "You going to ask Frank, Alice?" Alice shook her head and looked down at her toast.

"Why not?" Marlene said.

"Yeah, what's the worst that could happen?" Peter asked quietly.

"I'm not going to. I bet he likes some Hufflepuff, not me." Alice said, sadly.

"Oh for god's sake." Lily stood up.

"Where are you going?" Alice asked, loudly.

"Remember that I'm doing this for you and technically you did the same thing to me last night."

"LILY!" Lily started to run towards Frank and while Marlene held Alice down. Remus saw Lily whisper something in Frank's ear and Frank blush bright red.

"I'm going to kill her." Alice said through clenched teeth. Frank got up and walked to where Alice was sitting as Lily gave a pleased smile.

"Hey Alice," Frank said, shyly.

"Hey Frank." Alice said back with a small smile.

"I was wondering, I mean I get if you don't want to, and I know it's short notice, but if you want to uh...go to Hogsmeade with me."

"Really?" Alice said blushing bright red.

"I get if you don't want to, I was just wondering cause I really like you an-"

"Yes." Alice said, biting her lip.

"Ok, great!" Frank replied, beaming as he rushed over to his friends and one of them gave him a pat on the back and high-five.

"Now for the final two." Lily said looking towards Remus and Sirius.

"Oh no, we'll be staying back." Sirius said with a mischievous smile that made Remus go bright red.

"I guess we're staying back." Remus said laughing.

"And we'll need your cloak James."

"And that." Remus replied, confused.

"Ok?" James replied, also confused.

"Great." Sirius said, grinning. 

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