P. 8

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"Bae did you eat breakfast?" I asked her.

She kept her face buried in my chest, her eyes were closed. Slowly she nodded her head.

"No baby, I wanted to come straight here."

I reached down with my hand and placed them on her naked stomach.

"Bae but you gotta eat though, you know you're feeding for two."

Christy erupted in laughter and pushed my hand away to the side.

"Your hands are COLD!" She said.

"No they're not." I brushed my fingers on her breast and her cheek.

She immediately moved her head back away from my chest.

"Bae yes they are!" She said.

I looked at her and smiled. Christy was curled up on the bed next to me, the white hospital blanket was over us.

"Bae can I ask you to do something?"

She immediately lifted her head up and looked at me.

"Yeah, ask me bae." She said.

"Are you gonna do it?"

Christy nodded her head really fast up and down.

"Bae... I wanna... see you."

"What do you wanna see boo?"

I began to smile. "Bae keep it a bean, I wanna see you get up and start dancing."

Christy looked at me, she didn't say anything. Then she began to smile.

"Why?" She asked.

"Because... can you just do it? I love to watch you dance." I said.

Christy began to giggle, then she got slowly got off the bed and walked to the center of the hospital room. I then reached up with my hand and turned the overhead light on. Christy snickered loudly as I did this.

"Bae, can I record you with my phone please?" I asked her as I grabbed my phone from the other side of the bed.

Christy paused a little bit and drew on a straight face. "Umm... no!"

I looked at her and frowned. "Por Que?" I asked her.

"Because..." She said as she smiled and giggled.

"I don't want you showing it to anybody else."

"I won't!" I said.

Christy folded her arms across her chest as she stood naked in the middle of the hospital room. She then curled her bottom lip.

"Jason... remember what you said about me not putting our personal stuff on Facebook and social media?" She asked me.

I nodded slowly. "Yes, I recall."

"Well... I won't be doing it no more. Everything between us is gonna be private. And I expect the same from you."

"But... But..." I said as I began to pout.

"Bae that's the end of it." She said.

Then Christy reached down her pants pocket and pulled out her pink iPhone and started playing music. She then lifted up her hands over her head and started to move her hips. She walked closer to me to the bed as her hands were raised up. My mouth was open wide, drool started to drip out.

She then grabbed my hands, causing me to get up off the bed. Then she sat me down on the chair that was on my bedside. She still continued to move her hips slowly. Christy then sat down on my lap and lifted up her leg and put it over my neck and she turned towards me and looked me in the eye.

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