P. 70

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Abdul quickly turned around and headed up the stairs. He had not retightened his belt, his pants were falling off his waist as he treaded up the stairs. Shay looked at him and held her hand up to her mouth and giggled. She waited until she could hear the bathroom door upstairs opening and closing, then she got up from the couch and slowly treaded up.

The bathroom door was wide open and the lights were on. Shay could see Abdul removing his white V-Neck T-Shirt and the white beater vest underneath it. She quickly rushed and crouched beside the opened door and peeped in the bathroom as Abdul disrobed. Then she pulled out her white iPhone and started to record. Abdul was able to feel her presence. He stopped midway as he was taking off his vest.

"What are you doing?" He turned his head to the door and said.

At first Shay didn't know that he was addressing her. There was no way that he could've known that she was there.

"Shay, what the hell are you doing? I can see you over there behind the door." He said.

Shay quickly backed her head on the wall next to the door. "It's no use now..." She thought to herself.

She stuck her head out first. When her eyes caught with Abdul's she grinned and moved some of her golden blonde hair that was covering her eyes to the back of her head. She also slid the iPhone back in her pocket.

"Why you bouta take a shower?" She asked.

"Uhh... Cuz I'm bouta pray duuhh!" He said as he held his finger on his bottom lip.

Shay laughed out loud.

"ARD!! Take your shower Abdul. Just act like I'm not here." She smiled and said. Then she pulled out again her white iPhone and resumed recording.

"How I'm suppose to act like you're not there when YOU'RE STANDING RIGHT THERE!?"

"I'm not blind like... I can see you, weirdo." DuLi said.

Shay laughed out loud again. Then she stopped recording and held the phone down to her side.

"I'm not a weirdo Abdul!" She said.

"Yes you is, you're standing over there being a weirdo." DuLi said.

Shay lifted her arms and flailed them to her sides, then she balled up her fists.

"No I'm not Abdul! Just go take your shower and warsh!" She said.

"Are you trying to say I stink and I need to wash my armpits?" Abdul asked.

Shay erupted in laughter and almost toppled over as she hugged her stomach.

"Noo! That's not what I'm trying to say." She said.

"What are you trying to say then?"

"Nothing Abdul. Just go warsh and do your prayer." She said.

Abdul looked at her suspiciously.

"Wh-what did you just say?" He asked her.

"I said go warsh and do your prayer."

"Eeeewwww! Why you say it like that? It's not 'WARSH', it's 'WASH'" DuLi said.

Shay stomped her foot and tightened up her fists as they were balled up.

"That's what I said!"

"No you didn't, say it right. Repeat after me, say 'WASH'" DuLi said.

"WARSH!" Shay said.

"No, say 'WASH'"


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