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(i'm adding christina and gabbie to this, and they're going to be super important. just a reminder, tate and jonah are dating. jack and daniel are probably fucking. kay is zach's ex, but for now, she's nice. i'm trying to figure the rest out currently, so)

"good morning, my love." corbyn said as he poked zach's cheek. 

the two basically lived in zach's apartment. or they would go to corbyn's. or they would spend the night in the abandoned pool. they had been dating for two weeks, but they were inseparable. 

"5 more minutes!" zach whined, and corbyn snickered.

"no, c'mon, you promised me that'd you meet my friends." corbyn also whined. zach looked at corbyn's puppy dog eyes and gave in. 

the boyfriends got dressed and rushed to zach's car. 


"look who it is!" jack yelled from his side of the table.

"hey jacky, jo, and dani. and hi tate, you look lovely today." he greeted his friends taking his usual seat, pulling zach with him. 

"you guys know zach?" corbyn suggested.

a nod came from jonah.

"yeah." that was jack

"um, i guess." that was daniel.

then tate spoke, "unfortunately." 

"hey! fuck off, you love me!" zach teased tate causing her and the others to laugh.

"you take good fucking care of him, or i'll fucking cut you, we clear?" jack threatened as soon as the group started laughing. zach shuddered but didn't show his discomfort.

jonah agreed, daniel did too. 

then tate coughed and spoke up again, "same goes to you, besson. you break his heart more than it's broken, i'd keep an eye out because i'll fuck you up."

"okay! now that the threatening is done, we should ditch." daniel suggested. they all agreed, except for corbyn.

"c'mon baby, we're going to the beach." zach tried to persuade his boyfriend. 

"i'll go. but i don't wanna go in the water." he said while pouting. so the group got up and left the cafeteria. 


corbyn was seating on a towel as all his friends ran around frantically in the water. 

he didn't realize the two girls sitting beside him until one of them poked his side.

it was christina harris and gabbie gonzalez.

"hi corbyn." the curly haired girl chriped. 

"hey gabbie, christina." he responded with a smile.

he looked down at gabbie's bump. gabbie was pregnant with jack's kid, only the people in their circle (daniel, corbyn, jack, jonah, tate, and now zach) knew plus gabbie, chris, and kay. kay wasn't exactly friends with gabbie, but she was always with her. something about her being the only person who understood her situation which made corbyn confused, but he left it alone. but gabbie and jack both came out as gay, and they're still pretty close friends. 

his eyes turned to christina. christina was ashley's ex girlfriend. they didn't end on bad terms, they ended because ashley was never home. it was true, so they ended their relationship as friends. gabbie and christina were in fact dating now. christina along with some other friends planned to help raise the baby.

it was strange though. the group never included gabbie and christina because of their relation to kay. no one liked her. except for the girls and zach. 

corbyn didn't see an issue with her, but jack warned him to stay away, so he did.

"corbyn!" the blonde snapped out of his thought when gabbie called his attention.

"shit sorry."  he apologized.

"you're good." 

they sat in silence. but it wasn't the same as when zach and corbyn sat in their comfortable silence. it was awkward. 

corbyn diverted his gaze to his boyfriend who had jack and daniel thrown over his shoulders. he watching adoring the boy as he threw his friends into the water, zach met corbyn's gaze and shot him a wink. 

the girls sitting next to corbyn gushed at the sight.


i decided that the sequel is gonna be one chapter with like 3,000 words? yeah ok, um. sorry this is like a filler w extra info. 

love u peace out babies

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