
274 11 51

smut warning


ty for writing this my love

no!" corbyn whined, giggling profusely. 

"yes." zach said, handing his credit card to the waiter, the blonde sighed and rested his chin in his palm, smiling at the brunette across from him. 

"i hate you," he smiled, and paid no attention to the waiter walking away after handing zach his receipt.

zach winked and stood up, holding out his hand for the smartly dressed blonde.corbyn smiled and took it, letting zach pull him up. he knew most eyes in the fancy restaurant were on them, but he didn't care. 

when they reached zach's car, the brunette opened the door, corbyn smiled, scanning the taller boy's face. there was something different about zach tonight. halfway through the journey, when they were stopped at a red light, zach pulled out and lit a cigarette. corbyn watched as he wound down the window, letting the smoke out of the small hole in the car. corbyn found him ridiculously attractive, especially when he smoked. 

 zach felt corbyn's eyes on him, he safely looked over, smirking as he passed the blonde the cigarette, corbyn blushed and wound down the window slightly, taking a puff himself.

 corbyn watched outside the window, the cool night air running through his hair, he knew zach was taking the route back to his place, he wondered what awaited them.

a short drive later, they arrived at zach's place, corbyn's eyebrows furrowed and he smiled looking around. 

"you cleaned up?" zach bit his lip and threw his keys into the pit next to the door,

"yeah," corbyn slipped his shoes off and headed to zach's room, the boy following close behind him. he sighed and flopped down on zach's comfortable, made bed, looking up at the ceiling fan, he heard the boy enter and close the door behind him, then the thud of his leather jacket hitting the floor. 

the bed dipped and corbyn was immediately filled with anticipation. zach lied down on his side next to him, propped up on his elbow,  he put a hand on corbyn's waist and pulled the boy into his side to face him. 

"hi," corbyn smiled, before reaching up and cupping zach's cheek, pulling the boy down into a kiss. 

it was a new type of kiss. a way that zach's lips had never kissed him before. it was passionate, hot, intimate. 

corbyn sighed softly into the kiss as zach moved his body on top of him, knees either side of his thighs. one hand was still holding his waist, the other pressed into the mattress beside his head. 

zach's tongue dipped in, teasing around corbyn's before he disconnected their lips, and leaned up to pull his shirt over his head, throwing it to the side. not much longer had passed before both boys were only sporting boxers, the kiss now lustful and intense. zach pulled away, breathing softly, 

"are you sure?" he mumbled, softly caressing corbyn's flushed cheek. 

"yes." he breathed out, leaning up to press his lips to zach's immediately after. zach pushed him gently down against the mattress, corbyn's insides exploding pleasurably as zach's hands nimbly removed his last article of clothing. 

 it wasn't long before zach's body weight was pressing down against him, every inch of skin they had, being kissed or touched by the other. zach settled between corbyn's legs, his kisses moving down to his neck as he spread them slowly.

 "i love you," corbyn whispered, zach's lips disconnected from his neck, and the brunette leaned up, his lips ghosted over corbyn's, the faux blonde could feel his hot breath on his face. 

"i love you too," the boy whispered, pressing his lips to corbyn's in a slow, unrushed, kiss. they had all the time in the world, and wasting it away with each other didn't seem like a bad idea. 

not moments later, the room was filled with corbyn's soft moans, as zach's fingers thrust in and out of him, slowly opening him up. 

 zach leaned down, his lips ghosted over corbyn's as he whispered, 

"shh, yeah, i know baby, i know," he pressed a kiss to the side of corbyn's lips, before catching them in a kiss as he pulled his fingers out, the blonde whimpering.

"you okay love?" zach whispered, before pressing a short kiss to corbyn's lips. 

"yeah, please, go." corbyn whispered, zach lined himself up, corbyn gasped as he felt him pressing against his entrance, zach reached down and took corbyn's hand, pressing it into the pillow next to the blonde hair.

 he took corbyn's other hand and placed it on his shoulder. zach looked at corbyn for consent, the blonde nodded, and relaxed into the sheets, before zach slid in. corbyn's back arched, he moaned loudly in unison with zach. once zach was all the way in, he stopped, letting corbyn adjust, he peppered light kisses over the blonde's cheek, neck, and collarbone.

"go." corbyn whispered

zach looked down at him. his cheeks were flushed, hair messy, bottom lip clasped between his teeth, he was beautiful. and the best thing was, he was all zach's. z

ach pulled out, almost all the way, before pushing back in, corbyn moaned out in pleasure. he began to thrust his hips, not too fast, but not too slow. 

just how he knew corbyn would like it. the blonde did, in fact, love it. 

his body rocked in perfect time with zach's thrusts, making him go deeper and deeper. the feeling felt fucking euphoric. corbyn let out blissful sounds, while zach let out small grunts. 

corbyn felt a familiar knot in his stomach, he squeezed zach's hand to let him know, the brunette's thrusts sped up, they were sharp and precise.

"whenever you're ready, love," zach whispered. 

corbyn opened his eyes, and the chocolate orbs staring back at him were enough to let that not untangle, he released over his and zach's chests. 

zach followed not long after, deep inside the blonde, before burying his head in the crook of the smaller's neck, panting softly. 

 their chests rose and fell, brushing each other, for a few moments. zach leaned up and looked corbyn in the eyes. 

 "i love you," he whispered, his lips brushing corbyn's in a soft kiss.

i love you too," corbyn spoke quietly against his lips. zach slowly pulled out, kissing his boyfriend to distract him from the pull. 

 he squeezed corbyn's hand and gave him a small smile before he stood up and grabbed a towel from the bathroom. 

 he was back not seconds later wiping off his and corbyn's chests before pulling the boy into his arms and throwing the covers over them both. 

corbyn snuggled into zach's chest, the taller boy pressed a kiss to the blonde hair and mumbled an 'i love you,' to the almost sleeping blonde.  

corbyn hummed in response, before slipping away into a land of dreams.


this is the best-written chapter in chapter in 2 minutes!

ok ok bye love u guys

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