epilogue: my husband

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5 years later...

the propasal-

"zachy, why are we going to the bay?" corbyn asked his boyfriend of 6 years as they drive into their hometown.

"you'll see, corbyn." zach responded with a smirk. corbyn stayed quiet as they made the drive to the abandoned pool. corbyn smiled as zach pulled him to the spot that they hadn't been to in 3 years.

"what are we doing here?" corbyn inquired as they sat in the center. zach got on one knee, and corbyn passed out. 

he woke up in zach's car again. 

"did i fuck it up?" corbyn cried as he sat up.

"no baby, you didn't. can i finish right here?" zach reassured and kinda asked. corbyn nodded and let zach start.

"matthew, remember the first time you gave me head after the 'smoke sesh'...." zach trailed off.

"zach, the fuck?" corbyn grumbled before zach continued. 

"i got the opportunity to love you, and i am so grateful for that. you have given me the most joy i had ever had. i will love you forever. you know, i'm so ass at speeches, but i don't know what i'd do without you. my eight-year-old daughter loves you like a father, and that is because you are helping me raise her. without you in my life, i could never be gentle. i quit smoking for you. because of you. i just want to spend the rest of my life with you. so my beautiful princess, will you marry me?" 

when zach finished, corbyn kissed his lips with passion after screaming  'yes! yes! yes!'.

and they made beautiful love that night.

the wedding-

corbyn's bachelor party was christina, ashley, gabbie, and jordan. zach's was tate, kay, jonah, and daniel. christina and tate being the best 'men'. jack was to hand corbyn over to zach. and of course, ray besson was okay with it. lavender and paisley were put to bear the rings. and poor, eben was to be the flower girl. 

behind the scenes of the fairytale wedding, both grooms were flipping out.

"what if he gets cold feet?" corbyn to jack.

"what if he passes out?" zach to daniel.

"what if thinks i look bad?" corbyn to ashley.

"what if he leaves?" zach to jonah.

"shut up!" was the last thing that the friends said before pushing the two lovers off. 

zach went down the aisle with tate, then kay, then jonah, and then daniel following him. they made their places at the altar, and they walked until corbyn walked down the aisle.

the groomsmaids walked down the aisle too. christina, ashley, gabbie, and then happily jordan. everyone laughed when they saw jordan wearing a dress because they knew corbyn forced him into it. closely after the maids, eben skipped down the aisle with white petals being thrown as he skipped.

the music started. the song was ironically 'i wanna be your girlfriend' by girl in red. corbyn made his way down, with jack by his side, the aisle with tears in his eyes. zach also had the tears.

"you take care of eachother." was all jack said before kissing corbyn's cheek and sitting down in the front row. 

the pastor pledged them, and they said their vows quickly. 

"do you take corbyn matthew besson  to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"i do"

"do you take zachary dean herron to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"i do"

"i now pronounce you husband and husband, you can kiss the groom." and with that, corbyn grabbed zach's face and kissed him passionately.

"i love you, my bitch forever." zach joked.

"zach! it's our wedding." corbyn let out a giggle, and they made their way to the banquet.

everything went well at the after-party.

tate and jonah announced that they were adopting a child. 

christina and gabbie were being great moms to lavender. 

kay was a good mom to paisley, with the help of zach, corbyn, and eben.

jack and daniel were still fucking five years later. maybe they were fucking at the banquet.

but zach and corbyn were happy.

who knew you could get a beautiful life because you want to be someone's bitch?


okay, so this is done.

stay tuned for the next update, but i just wanna say thank you so much. i love you alll<333

my bitch, zorbynWhere stories live. Discover now