The Games is the most sought after event.
And the creators are finally back after a long hiatus with a new architect.
New designs.
New challenges.
Who will be chosen? Who will survive? And who will emerge victorious.
Started: Jun 09, 2020
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Jimin gasped upwards, his eyes meeting with complete darkness. As he drew in deep breaths, he realized where he was. Inside his pod. He grunted, pushing the lid open to find Hoseok helping Yoongi out of his pod. Hoseok hurried to his side, detaching the patches from his body and then helping Jimin off.
The leader groaned, his body aching. He guessed with was the effect of his avatar running too much. He stumbled of the desk where his shirt was placed and put his over his body. And as he was wearing his shirt properly, Yoongi too walked up to the desk, taking his shirt and wearing it.
"I got something" Hoseok declared, "I got it after you guys went in to the cave. It should be useful"
"Congratulations team EarthField. You have successfully completed your mission. Your winnings will be transferred to your inventory"
Like that a few more announcement were made, declaring the other teams winning. Jimin sighed, realizing that their mission was still incomplete. He groaned, resting his body on the desk, watching the other teams jump in joy for completing their mission.
"Let's go back" Yoongi muttered, walking towards the door.
The staffs immediately rushed to their sides to escort them to their chamber. The walk was quiet. The two players were too exhausted to speak and Hoseok was busy looking around. Once they were inside their chamber, Yoongi and Jimin, laid down on the sofa.
"Um..guys, I'm going to out for a while" Hoseok said, standing at the door.
Jimin frowned, raising his body and resting it on his elbows, "Where are you going?"
"Well, I heard about the storeroom from the other players. And apparently, I could get some useful stuff from there" Hoseok answered.
Jimin nodded, letting his body fall back, "Ah okay. Be back soon"
Hoseok nodded and walked out of the room. The moment he was outside, he closed the door behind him carefully and then checked both the sides of the hallway.
"Thirty-first floor" He muttered to himself before he started walking to the staircase. He check the number plate to his floor. Thirty. He quickly rushed up the stairs.
"The storeroom is twenty third floor" Hoseok calculated the time it would take to go from the current floor to the one where the storeroom was. After he thought he had enough time to go upstairs and then retrieve anything from the storeroom, he started walking.
"You're late" Hoseok raised his eyebrows at the guy in front of him. A smirk tugging on his lips as he observed the blank look.
"Yeah sorry, tick-tock" Hoseok muttered, which made the other guy roll his eyes, "Now, what did you want to talk about?"
"Not here, my teammates might see me" The guy replied, "Let's move downstairs to the storeroom"
Hoseok shrugged, "Sure, it makes everything easier for me"