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"Earth to Thalia!" a waving hand followed by Newton's annoying voice is what snapped her away from her daze. They had tried to be nice and sit with her but it was now made clear that she did not welcome their presents. She preferred to sit alone and she had a perfectly good reason to back that up.

"Did you forget again?" Angela asked quietly enough so no one else could hear her speak. Thalia loved Angela for this reason. The calm girl would always check in to make sure that Thalia was properly caring for herself. The raven-haired girl shook her head slowly at Angela's question. She hadn't forgotten her meds, today had just been one of those days and Angela understood. Her friends would do anything to make her feel better and Thalia knew that. Today's methods would prove false however as the bell rang to end lunch. Thalia dumped her tray, which she had barely touched, and pulled her hood over her head before making her way back to her locker.

She gathered what was needed and slammed the locker door to scurry to class. The girl prayed that she wouldn't be late again. The teacher had explained last time if she was late again, it would result in a detention and a phone call home. Thalia never wanted to risk a call home. That's not what she had planned to deal with. Today she planned on getting school over with, going home, doing homework, and going to sleep. A call home didn't quite seem to fit into her agenda. She made it through the big door with seconds to spare. When she arrived she noticed that no one sat in their seats, but stood all around the room chatting with one another. Confused, Thalia glanced up at the chalkboard and groaned at the big letters written across it that read, "NEW SEATING CHART!" She stood in the front corner in silence to avoid others, not that anyone would even notice her presents or anything. The teacher raced through the door, panting heavily since he wasn't the fittest.

"My apologies for running late class," he breathed. "The rain seems to be downpouring more than usual." It wasn't hard to blame the actions of the weather. After all, the rain seemed to worsen with every passing day.

"I'm sure that you have all read the board," he pointed to the chalkboard in the front of the room. "Now if you could all please line up at the front, I will go over the new seating arrangement." The class groaned but cooperated, lining up at the front of the room while Thalia remained in her spot. The teacher went down the list in his hand. Placing each kid in a seat carefully to make sure they would each pay close attention during his lectures. When it was obvious that no one paid attention anyway. When he reached Thalia's name, she hoped and prayed that she wouldn't get a seat upfront.

"Thalia Call, you will sit back there." He used his pen to point to the table furthest from the front. Thalia sighed in relief as she made her way to the back of the class and took her seat. She was glad that she could sit in the back. She would not be forced to raise her hand or be expected to answer questions. Invisible, just the way she liked it. She took out her notepad and began to jot down the homework, which was also on the board.

"Jasper Hale, you will be seated next to Ms. Call." Thalia's pen fell from her hand and to the floor when she had heard the teacher's bright idea. She had always preferred to sit alone and Jasper was no exception.

Thalia knew all about the Cullens. They had moved here about three years back. The entire school was head over heels for their beauty. Thalia could disagree but she never seemed to care. Every girl was envied by the beauty known as Rosalie Hale, Jasper's twin sister, however, she was with Emmett Cullen. One of Dr. Cullens's adopted sons. Although it seemed weird for adopted siblings to date, they weren't related by blood so it was never questioned.

Jasper nodded at the teacher and made his way back to his seat. Although Thalia was highly annoyed by the teacher's "smart" decision, she did her best not to show it since she'd rather not cause a scene.

"Hello," the blonde boy tried to be polite and converse with the girl, but she ignored him. "Okay then," he gave the girl a side-eye before turning his attention back to the board. There was something about the saddened girl that he could put his finger on. One thing that he had noticed, however, was her pain. He soaked up her emotions like a sponge. He hadn't meant to do that but, it was just so strong. Jasper felt immediate empathy for the girl. Unsure of what had caused it, the girl was in extreme emotional pain.

As what felt like forever, the bell finally rang and Thalia raced out of class. She felt oddly uncomfortable the past 45 minutes and her new seat-buddy kept giving her a side-eye. She pretended not to notice, not wanting to cause a scene. Only though, she did notice and for some reason, it bothered her a little more than she thought. The girl pushed that thought into the back of her head before arriving at her next class. The last one of the day, she thought. You can make it. She settled into her seat and waited for the lecture to start.

A/N: hey everyone! This is my new fanfic, hope you like it so far! I've had this drafted for a while and finally decided to publish it.

A/N: update, I'm currently going through and fixing any spelling or grammar mistakes because I just revisited this story

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