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Over the next week, both teens had held up their end of the deal. They would both meet at the same place and time every day. Thalia wasn't sure why she had agreed to this being that she wasn't very social, to begin with. But she felt comfortable talking to the boy. He never felt the need to push her to speak plus, they had only spoken of simple things.

"Wait, you can't be serious." Thalia laughed at the story Jared had told about how his older sister had beaten him in football when they were young.

"Hey don't make fun," he pouted. "She's two years older than me." he took a drink of one of the sodas that Thalia had brought. Their laughter had calmed and they sat in silence. "What about you?" he asked and Thalia looked at him confused. "You got any siblings?"

Thalia shook her head. "Nope raised an only child." she shrugged and Jared looked confused but wiped the look off his face before she could notice. "Mom never wanted more kids." she shrugged.

"Your parents, they're still married?" he questioned, lots of people that he knew seemed to have divorced parents.

"Well yeah," she took a drink from her can and sighed. "I'm wondering why they're still together. All they do is fight and argue," she frowned.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked," Jared spoke sincerely and put a hand on her shoulder.

"No need to apologize," Thalia faked a smile. "It's fine. It's the way it is." A brief silence fell over them before Thalia checked her phone. "Well, I gotta get going. See you tomorrow?" she asked, brushing off her pants.

"See you tomorrow," he nodded, standing as well. They smiled at each other before Thalia walked off to her car. She started the engine and drove back home. Jared stood there for a moment confused by what Thalia. He couldn't tell if she was lying, or that she was completely oblivious.

When Thalia made it back to her house, she was immediately greeted by her mother in a bad mood and she knew exactly what it was about. The teacher had made a call home Friday, saying that she had been late again. Thalia had gotten out of the house quick enough to avoid a scolding. That meant that she would receive one today. She walked into the kitchen to find her parents sitting at the kitchen table. Her mother tapping her nails against the wood and her father sitting with his hands crossed over each other.

Her mother glared at her. "Young lady, is there something that you would like to explain?" Before giving her a chance to explain, Janie slammed her fist on the table and angrily stood. "Don't you deny it, young lady!"

"I-, but I-" the women didn't even give Thalia a chance to answer. Janie proceeded to go off about how much of a failure she was and how her grades were poor. Tyler didn't even get a chance to defend his daughter since the women had talked so fast.

"That is it, young lady, you are grounded until further notice!" Thalia's jaw dropped to the floor, it wasn't fair, she couldn't help that she had locker problems. She looked to her dad for help but he stayed out of it. Thalia knew that her father would scold Janie later, but she needed his help now. She groaned and stormed up to her room and slammed the door. Why was that woman so evil? What did she ever do to her? It wasn't Thalia's fault she had problems with dealing with her mood and emotions. Her medication was meant to help with that but of course, Janie felt otherwise.

Was it wrong that she felt the need to apologize? Sorry that I'm not your model child? Sorry that I can't be fuking happy all of the time? Sorry that I can't stand being your trophy? She shoved a pillow in her face and sighed as she looked out the window. She would have to cancel on Jared and she felt terrible for that. The two had gotten along so well. It was then that she realized that she didn't have his phone number. She had never bothered asking. How stupid of her. She rolled over and groaned, she wouldn't be able to sneak out without coming through the front door and her parents would know if she left. Ugh, he'll be so confused when she doesn't show.

Thalia laid awake in the night, unable to sleep. She could hear her parents arguing in their room across the hall. She laid in silence to listen to their conversation.

"I'm telling you Tyler," Janie groaned. "I'm not sure how much longer I can put up with, that girl!"

"Just give me more time Janie. I need to find the right way to tell her without losing her." Tyler pleaded. "Just a little longer, I swear."

Tell her? Tell Thalia what? Now it was obvious. Her parents were hiding something from her. No, they have been hiding something from her, but was it? What could they possibly be keeping? Thalia then decided, she needed to search for answers, and she needed to do it soon.

Sunday went by slower than Thalia hoped it would. She was confined to her bedroom and was only allowed to come out to eat. She still couldn't shake the conversation she heard her parents have the night before. What could they be hiding? She didn't dare to ask them about it. They would deny all wrongdoings and then her mother would accuse her of being crazy. If she wanted answers, then she would have to do her own digging.


On Monday, Thalia was relieved to go to school so she wouldn't have to deal with her parents. Due to them punishing her for nothing, and not being able to go to La Push, she wasn't the happiest person at the moment. The day flew by and before she knew it, Thalia was in her second to last class of the day. She wasn't late for once and she took her seat next to Jasper. The blonde boy never seemed to bother socializing with her, which Thalia enjoyed, but he had always seemed to stare and Thalia had yet to correct him of it. She didn't want to create a feud of any kind, after all, she was stuck next to him for the rest of the year.

"Alright class, today we are going to start your projects." The teacher put his pen down and stood from his seat. "Now to make this easier on me and all of you. You all will be working with the people who are seated next to you." Thalia groaned loud enough for Jasper to hear complaints and he didn't seem to bother by it. "I will give you all a week to work on this and I expect an effort." The teacher went back to his seat and the class began talking about their projects.

"So, who's place are we working at?" Jasper questioned as he turned towards Thalia. He could tell that the girl was not looking forward to working with her but he didn't seem to mind. "We could work in my place. If that's what you prefer of course."

"Your place," Thalia answered. "My mom is not too fond of me having friends over." Jasper couldn't help but giggle a little.

"Cool," he handed her a slip of paper. "There's the address, 3:30?"

"Sounds good to me," Thalia shrugged and the bell rang for the next class. "See ya then." she waved him off before walking off to her final class.

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