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She wasn't sure what it was, the breeze that went through her hair, or the aggressive waves that seemed to roll in constantly. For some reason, La Push beach seemed all too familiar. Sure she could remember coming here when she was young, but it felt like so much more than that. She could really figure it out. She walked closer to the water's edge she did not plan on sticking her feet in though she was wearing sandals. She breathed in the ocean air and let out a sigh. Everything felt suddenly at peace and calm. Something Thalia loved.

"You know I haven't seen you around here before," a voice from her left caused her to jump a little. "Are you one of those kids who surfs all the time?"

"What? No I-," Thalia was lost for words, she was very confused as to where the voice had come from. The boy got up from his seat and walked over to where Thalia could see him clearly.

"Because those kids come here all the time and I don't think I've ever seen you with them. Are you new around here?" When he stepped forward, Thalia could see the boy clearly, he was shirtless with very short hair and was wearing only shorts.

"No-" she cleared her throat out of nervous habit. "Born and raised in Forks."

"Ah, how come I've never seen you before?" It was obvious that he was a Quileute boy.

"Not sure," she shrugged. "I don't really like to go out, more or less, socialize."

"Well, you talking to me." The boy pointed to himself.

"Well, then consider yourself lucky I guess." Thalia gave a small smile and the boy gave a small grin. When he got a better look at her, the boy couldn't help but think that she looked awfully familiar. "What?" The boy had stared into space looking at the girl.

"Oh, nothing," he tried his best to play it off. "You just- you just look familiar."

"Well, I don't see how that's possible." Thalia couldn't help but laugh at the acknowledgment. The boy's features did not ring a bell, however, the tattoo on his shoulder did. Where has she seen that symbol before? Before she had time to ask, her phone went off. She cursed silently before reaching into her pocket to check. How was it already at 8 o'clock?! Her mother would certainly have a freak attack.

"Is there something wrong?" The Quileute boy questioned.

"I'm sorry, it's my parents. I have to go."

"Oh don't apologize," he laughed. "It's fine, would you maybe wanna do this again? Say, tomorrow, same time?" Thalia was a little surprised by his offer. He barely even knew her!

"Sure," she laughed "sounds good to me. Well, I gotta go. I guess I'll see ya around-" Thalia had realized that he had yet to tell her his name.

"Jared," the boy held out his hand for her to shake. "Jared Cameron," they joined hands. "And you are?"

"Oh, Thalia, Thalia Call." It then clicked in his head where he had seen that face before. "Is there something wrong? She questioned since Jared had zoned out.

"Oh, nothing," he spoke. "It's just I've heard that last name before."

Thalia raised an eyebrow. "I highly doubt it," she laughed. "It's not very common. Well, I'm going to go. See ya tomorrow Jared!" she called before rushing back to her car and starting the engine. She knew that her mother would have her head as soon as she arrived home.

The downpour had started as soon as she hit the road. She then patted herself on the back for shutting her bedroom window earlier. She pulled her hood over her head before getting out of her car and walking to the front door. She hesitated again before turning the doorknob. Her sandals were soaked from the rain. She peeled off her jacket and shoes before rushing upstairs. It was not almost 9 and Thalia assumed that her parents were already asleep. Luckily she managed to avoid her mom and get to her room and lock the door. She got ready quickly and then crawled into bed. As she drifted to sleep, she couldn't help but question what Jared had said. That he had heard her last name before? How has he heard it before, it wasn't common. Minutes later, Thalia had drifted to sleep.


Jared had waited until the girl's car was out of sight before rushing back into the woods. He had to tell his pack the news. He purposely made his mind race, not making it easy for his pack members to hear his thoughts. He raced into the small house, trying to catch his breath since he had covered the distance in human form.

"Jared, what is it?" Sam had asked, confused by his excitement.

"It's her," he breathed, "I found her." A few of the pack members had immediately shot up. They knew what he meant, and he wasn't referring to an imprint.

"Are you sure of that Jared?" his alpha questioned. Sam needed to know if he was 100% sure.

"She told me her name." Everyone paused when he mentioned that detail. They were appalled, he was right, it was her. Jared had found her.

A/N: ooooo new mystery guy😏 hope you guys love it so far! Don't forget to check out some of my other stories and remember to vote!

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