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"Ladies and gentlemen, we got her." Paul moved out of the way during his introduction to reveal a very nervous Thalia standing behind him. Besides him, Sam, and Jared, two other shirtless boys stood in the room along with a girl who she guessed was Emily. She had recognized one of the boys from her father's funeral.

"Wait, Quil?" The boy smiled at her acknowledgment. "That's why you looked so familiar! And you," she pointed to the more lean boy standing next to Quil. "Jacob?" She tilted her head, she had seen his face before, when she was young, she remembered him.

"Long time no see," he smirked before walking up to her and giving her a hug. The four of them would always play together when they were little kids.

"Does this mean that he's-" Quil cut the girl off with a small nod.

"Embry!" he called, "there's somebody here that you'd want to meet!" The whole room smiled like idiots as they waited for Embry to emerge from the back room. Thalia's heart practically beat out of her chest as she heard the footsteps get closer.

"This better be more important than sports Quil because the team was just about to score a goal and I-" The boy immediately stopped mid-sentence as he looked around the room at all of the smiling faces. "What?" he questioned, confused by their looks. Thalia moved out from behind Jake, who was standing in front of her.

"Hey Embry," she smiled shyly and looked up at the boy.

"I- Thalia?" he walked closer to her. There's no way that his own sister was standing right in front of him. He felt frozen, he couldn't move a muscle. "Is it really-"

Thalia nodded her head rapidly. "It is, it's really me Embry." she felt tears begin to welt in her eyes and she could wipe the stupid smile off of her face. After staring at her for a split second, Embry grinned widely before pulling Thalia into his arms, possibly suffocating her. But she didn't care, even though she couldn't remember clearly as much as he could, she could tell that she missed him just as much.

"I thought I'd never see you again," he mumbled in the croak of her neck. He could feel the tears flowing out of her eyes and onto his bare chest but he didn't care, it had been far too long. The pack stood around, watching the reunion, and smiled.

"There's so much to say," Thalia spoke as they pulled away from each other. Embry looked over at his alpha and Sam nodded.

"Go," he smiled.

"Wait where are we going?" Thalia asked, confused as Embry pulled her out the door behind her. She looked back at the pack asking for help but they just held their hands up and shook their heads laughing.

"Someone who would be more excited to meet you than I was." Embry smiled as he dragged the girl out the door. The twins walked through the forest in silence for a moment before Thalia spoke up.

"So, you knew of me?" she knew it sounded like a dumb question but she had only found out about Embry the day before and wondered if it was the same thing for him. The boy shoved his hands in his pockets before speaking.

"Mom had always told me that I had a sister," he started and Thalia's heart broke a bit at the word mom. "She never hid anything from me, she told me that I had a father and that she didn't know where he was but she had said she knew that he loved me. What about you?" he asked as he jumped down from the fallen tree that he walked across. "What was dad like?" Thalia felt her heart pierced at the mention of him, she still missed him terribly.

"He was as spiritful and care-free as they could get," she chuckled. "Until he met mom- I mean, Janie." Those words used to roll off of her tongue with zero effort. She would now have to break that habit. "After he met her, it was almost like he shut himself off just to meet her standards. She cared more about her image of course. I would always wonder how we were even related but I guess it all makes sense now." She tried her best to joke and smile but the pain was still fresh as she tried to adjust to her new life.

"Well, dad sounded like he was a great man," Embry reassured, putting an arm over her shoulder. "I'm sure I would have loved to meet him."

"And I think he would have loved to meet you too." Thalia smiled, they stood there for a moment before Embry got distracted and ran off into another direction. "I thought we were going to meet someone?" Thalia questioned as Embry began to walk on the sand.

"We are but-" he paused mid-sentence as he scrolled over to a fallen log and pulled out a soccer ball from behind it. "How about a little game?" he smirked and his eyes moved behind Thalia. She looked back to see her two childhood best friends standing there like idiots, they had followed the twins.

"Now we weren't going to miss out on a game were we?" Jacob smirked looking in between the girl and her brother.

"No, not at all," Thalia dragged, allowing a smile to cross her face. "Two on two?" she asked looking between the boys. She was glad the memories of her childhood were slowly returning. They all smiled within each other before nodding.

After finishing their quick game of soccer (with Thalia and Embry winning of course) the group just stood in a square kicking the ball back and forth between them, trying to make small talk.

"Do you remember coming here?" Embry asked as he passed the ball to his friend Quil.

"I'm not sure," Thalia shrugged. "Maybe once, when I was like, five?"

"You really don't remember much do you?" Quil questioned looking over at the girl, this just made her shrug again and shake her head.

"What about the day it happened?" Thalia looked at her brother, knowing exactly what he was talking about.

"Vividly?" she questioned herself. "My memories are scattered, almost as if I was brainwashed. I can remember certain things and certain places almost like deja vu but other than that, I would have to be reminded." The boys nodded and looked between each other. "What?" Thalia looked at them with confusion. "C'mon guys you know I'll hear you."

"It's almost lunch," Jacob said, checking the invisible watch on his wrist. "I think we should head back to your place Em."

"Yeah, Tiffany probably got lunch ready," Quil added.

"Tiffany," Thalia's breath barely escaped from her lips. "As in-" the three boys looked at her and smiled.

"Ready to go meet mom?" Embry grinned.

A/N: Ah, these reunions make me emotional. Anyway, there's only one more update after this and this book is complete and I'm so happy that I finished another book!

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