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A/N: let the games begin😏

The day came Thursday, meaning that the project time was over and Thalia would no longer need to go to the Cullen's house. This made her a little sad because she somewhat enjoyed spending time with Jasper. Although he wasn't that humorous, he was a good listener and a very easy person to talk to. She never said too much about herself not wanting to let anyone else in, one person seemed to be enough. What seemed strange to her was that the little voice inside her never went away. Thalia didn't understand, he was completely harmless and he never seemed to push a boundary.

Since she was still grounded, that meant when her time with Jasper ended she would no longer be able to go down to La Push. She asked her father multiple times if she was free to go but he pulled the "go ask your mother" card. Thalia knew better than to "ask her mother" for she would scold her and the punishment would increase. Walking out of class, Thalia was pleased with her grade and she thanked Jasper before her next class.

She dreaded the drive home, as usual, she stopped by the local bookstore in Port Angeles to try to kill as much time as possible. Thalia parked her car in the lot before shutting the door and walking into the store. It wasn't a very large bookstore and Thalia liked it for that reason, not many people came through there anyway so that seemed to be a plus. She immediately went to the back of the store and straight to the very top shelf of the back bookcase. Thalia pulled out the larger dusty book, relieved that it was still there and that no one had bought it. Thalia had been reading through the book of Quileute legends since she was eight years old. She was never she of why, but the stories of wolf descendants fighting against the Cold Ones have always seemed to intrigue her. She could never purchase the book being that it was ridiculously expensive and plus, she would always seem to forget her wallet.

Thalia sat on the floor of the bookstore for what seemed to be hours. Reading over every word as if it were her first time reading it. She could never get tired of the words dancing across the page. For some reason deep down, she felt that she had some sort of connection with the book. It sounds crazy to say aloud but her mind processed the words as if it were normal. She's debating on asking her father a simple question about the Quileute legends here and there but he would surely think that she was crazy so she never bothered.

After she checked the time, Thalia began to panic, how was it 9 o'clock already? Her parents would probably be sending the search party considering that she had forgotten to message either of them. Thalia quickly put the book back on the shelf and raced out of the store and to her car. She yanked one of the car door only for it to be locked. She searched her pockets with no luck. Shit! Maybe she left them in the store. Thalia turned to the bookstore only to find the door locked, great. She went back to her car, thankfully she managed to find her keys on the ground. She unlocked her car, stepped in, and turned on the engine before speeding off home.

Thalia tried to think of the best excuse possible with no luck. Her mom would currently have her head and there was no stopping that. She was positive that not even her father could stop that from happening. She tried to distract herself with some music but that didn't help settle her nerves. As she drove through her neighborhood she noticed lots of people out and about near the tree line. Weird? Thalia paused once she was about to pull into her driveway. Multiple police cars had lined her entire driveway, lights were flashing and there were people scattered all over her yard. She parked on the side instead, shutting her car door and walking to the front of the house. Chief Swan was standing in the door, behind him, her very upset and distraught mother.

"Thalia! Thank heavens!" her mother pulled her into a very tight huge. Uncomfortable and confused, Thalia didn't hug back. Her mother had never hugged her before. "I was worried sick, I thought you would come home."

"Mom, what's going on?" She referred to the many cops outside. "Who are all these people?" It took a minute for her wheels to turn. After 10 minutes, Thalia had realized that her dad was nowhere in sight. "Where's dad? Does he know what's going on?" She began to feel panic since nobody had explained anything to her. Chief Swan had put a hand on her shoulder in an attempt to calm her down.

"Thalia," he spoke softly and Thalia could see the worry in his eyes. "Your father went missing over four hours ago." he sighed, "your mother called when he didn't return from work."

Everything had seemed to stop moving. Time felt slower and everything felt smaller. How could her father not come home? He would return home after work every day. If he was to be late then he would call. Maybe he had his phone. "But what about-"

"He hasn't picked up the phone either." he sighed again looking back at Janie who seemed like an emotional wreck. Thalia was very confused considering that not once has she ever seen the women shed a single tear. For some odd reason, Thalia couldn't find it in her heart to comfort the women. She guessed it made sense being that her mother was nothing but rude. She had her own problems anyway. Her entire world came crashing down as soon as the words left Charlie's mouth. She wanted to scramble and flip out by asking a bunch of questions but didn't bother since the Chief had probably known as much as he said and there was nothing else.

"Thalia honey, I think it's best that you go up to your room. They're gonna be here a little while longer and you might end up getting in the way." Jaine explained as she dabbed her eyes. Thalia couldn't believe what she was hearing. Her own father was missing without a trace and her mother has no sympathy? If only she knew how torn the girl was inside. Thalia stormed up to her room and didn't bother to argue. It would do her no good. She slid down her bedroom door, trying to hold in her tears. She didn't want to cry, not yet. He's only been missing four hours. Though it was unlike Tyler to disappear on his family like this, it hadn't even been that long. Maybe her mother was panicking too much.

Thalia's phone buzzing had interrupted her thoughts. She flipped her phone to check the contact name. Jared had tried to call her. She simply pressed ignore, she wasn't in the mood to talk. He called her a second and third time, both times she pressed to ignore. Thalia thought that she would try to sleep, even though she knew that it would be impossible. When she laid in bed her phone went off once again. Thalia groaned and rolled over to see who it could possibly be.

Jared: please call me back.

Jared: Thalia, I heard what happened

Jared: I need to know if you're okay.

Jared: please answer me :(

She ignored his text completely. Surely he would understand if she didn't want to talk, right? Thalia eventually decided to shut down her phone since it would have probably gone off all night anyway. Unable to sleep or even think straight, Thalia rolled out of bed and changed her clothes. She then walked over to her big window and looked out. The muffling from downstairs had died down and she heard her parent's bedroom door click so she assumed that everyone called in quiets for the night and they would continue tomorrow morning. As she gazed out the window, she noticed that the stars had been consumed by dark storm clouds, great. Her father could be out there, cold and alone in the rain- no Thalia stopped thinking like that. For you know, he could be at a friend's house. He's okay, he's fine, he's alive. That's all she could tell herself right now. The only problem was believing it.

When she laid back in bed, the light of her phone kept flashing. Messages and phone calls kept appearing on the home screen, and they weren't just from Jared, but from some other people that she knew, like Angela and Mike Newton. Some of the numbers were even unmarked. The word must have gotten around about her father. Although she knew that they were trying to be sympathetic, Thalia flipped her phone over to face the screen down. They would reason with her for not wanting to talk because they knew that she had enough going on in life and this was just the tip of the iceberg.

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