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In the morning the forest had been covered in morning dew and Thalia had yet to shift back into a human. She wasn't sure that she'd be able to do it this time considering that she was still extremely angry with Janie and not just Janie but her father as well. No matter how much she missed him, she was now upset with him for lying.

When she woke, Thalia began to stroll the forest to try and become aware of her surroundings. The young wolf had never been to this part of the land before so it was all very new to her. However, certain places felt strangely familiar to her. Maybe this was the place she had been to in her dream? I mean it sure looked like it. As she walked through the forest, she heard the occasional snap of a stick and maybe some rustling in a shrub but she didn't pay any mind to it. It almost felt like deja vu for some reason, was it just a dream? Or had she actually been to these places before?

Rusling around her was increasing and it was confusing Thalia. What the hell could possibly cause such ruckus? The lone-wolf stopped in her tracks and tried to focus on her surroundings, putting her hearing to good use. She heard footsteps and ones of a deer or a fox, they were ones of another very large animal. A bear maybe? No, there was no bear, they live further up in the mountains. What could it possibly be? Foxes weren't that big! She heard a faint growl come from behind her. Thalia whipped around into the direction the noise was coming from, she responded to the sound with a low growl as a warning. Not just that but Thalia could hear multiple growls coming from all sides of her, almost like she was getting ambushed. She looked around frantically to see multiple sets of eyes appearing out of camouflage. Thalia lunged at one of the figures out of pure fear, though terrified of what they were, she was willing to make an effort to protect herself. One of the figures bared its teeth at her.

Paul that's enough!

What? Where did that come from, is there someone else out here? The figures moved out of the brush and stepped forward. They were, wolves? Three of them, a little larger than she was. She lunged at the dirt-grey one again since he hadn't seemed to quit his act. He snarled as she began to back up. It was almost like they were trying to corner her. She backed up until she hit a tree, trembling in her paws. Unintentionally, she lashed out at the grey wolf, baring her teeth while lunging at him. Before a fight could break out, the large black wolf stepped in between them, growling at the grey one.

That is enough!

Who kept saying that? Her eyes flicked between the two wolves, she thought for sure that a fight would break out right in front of her eyes. The grey wolf wouldn't stand down. A wave of panic washed over her.

Thalia, you need to settle down for Paul's sake.

Who said that? The voice seemed familiar.

Thalia, listen to me. You can hear me?

She shook her in confusion. Why did she keep hearing voices? Her eyes scanned over the forest until they landed on the darker brown wolf that was standing behind the black wolf.


After what seemed like hours of explanation and arguing. The boys had finally calmed Thalia enough that she could go back to her human form. It took a lot, the boys had shifted back into humans to explain. When Paul had tried to approach her against Jared's warning, he was hurled back and into a tree. He groaned at the pain but smirked at how strong she was, getting up and going back to join his pack members.

How can I hear you guys? She thought You're not even speaking.

Wolf telepathy Thalia, Jared thought. We can hear each other's thoughts since we're all linked together as a pack.

Bet you didn't read that in a book, Paul smirked and Thalia shot him a harsh glare to get him to shut up. He immediately went back to his straight face.

A pack? Her breathing became steady. As in, there are more of you? The three boys nodded.

"Yes, there are more of us." Sam spoke out, "and if you are now calm enough to phase back, there is someone that we have that we think you would like to meet." His serious face turned into a smile and right away Thalia knew exactly who he was talking about.

Thalia followed closely behind the three boys as they led her through the woods on foot. Certain spots and spaces definitely gave her a sense of nostalgia. She chewed on her nails a bit since she was extremely nervous. She couldn't even count how many years it was, for all she knew (which she knew very little) it could have been her whole life.

What's got you so nervous? Jared asked

What if he hates me? Thalia questioned

He's not going to hate you. He chuckled, if anything, he'll tackle you from missing you so much.

Jared's thoughts made her feel a little more at ease but that doesn't help the fact that she's practically meeting this kid for the first time in her life. Who knows, maybe she would remember him? They walked a little distance further until they reached a small house in the middle of the small clearing. From what she could hear from outside, there were quite a few people in that house. They walked up to the deck and Sam walked in before Paul spun around, stopping Jared and Thalia from entering.

"One more thing before you go in there." he started, "just, don't stare at Emily."

"Yeah, it bugs Sam," Jared continued. Thalia nodded her head showing that she understood. Paul turned around and continued to walk through the door.

A/N: Ahhhhhhhh guys it's finally happening!!!!

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