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Thalia debated messaging her parents, letting them know that she would be studying at a friend's house that day. After some internal arguments, Thalia messaged her father, saying that she would be home by a decent hour. Without waiting for his response, she put the address Jasper gave her into the GPS before driving off. To kill some time before their meeting, Thalia stopped at the nearby coffee house. The Cullen residents were just 15 minutes from the school so she had a minute.

As she drove down the long driveway, Thalia was in shock. Their house was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen and her jaw seemed to fall to the floor. The entire house was made of glass, held up by the most beautiful wooden frame. The windows seemed to line the entire outside before leading to the front step. She parked her car and stepped out, slamming the door behind her. They must have been extremely wealthy considering that there were a lot of cars parked by the front. With her school bag slug on her shoulder, she went to knock on the door. When she did, it opened before her hand had hit it. Almost as if they knew that she was at the door.

Well dumbass the entire place is made of glass no shit. Thalia shook her head at her subconscious and turned her attention back to reality. The pixie vampire, who she believed to be Alice answered the door with a joyful smile.

"Ah, Thalia," she squealed with excitement. "Jasper mentioned that you'd be stopping by." Alice moved from the doorway and welcomed the raven-haired girl inside. Thalia nodded shyly before stepping into the foyer. She hadn't been invited over to anyone's house in a long time, perhaps she would forget her manners, or forget how to act. Ugh, quit overthinking. She fiddled with her fingers as Alice called for Jasper.

"Jaz, she's here," The gleaming girl called out. Jasper seemed to have been just in the next room because he had gotten there very quickly. Thalia shook it off and snapped back to reality.

"Nice to see you stop by," Jasper grinned. He motioned for the girl to follow him further into the house. She tightened her grip on her backpack as she followed slowly behind Jasper. "Excuse any sort of mess," he stated. "We don't typically have company over." Thalia chewed her cheek and nodded. She had no idea what Jasper meant by "mess." If anything, the house was pristine, without a single item out of place. Thalia wondered if Mrs. Cullen was as much of a perfectionist as her mother. Jasper had led her to a small room that had old paintings covering the walls, along with books lining the shelves, with a couch and a small chair.

"I hope this isn't too bad," he started. "It's the quietest place in the house." He shut the door behind him, leaving it cracked the slightest.

"Oh, it's not a problem at all." Jasper seemed to be caught slightly off-guard being that he had never really heard the girl speak before. Thalia didn't want to seem like a bother. "It's actually really nice." She was referring to the somewhat ancient paintings and the book-lined walls. Thalia had never seen such a beautiful study. "So, when do we start?"

The two worked on the project for what seemed like two hours. However, they barely spoke to one another. Sure there was the occasional, "what page number was it again?" and, "I'll do this and you do that," but that was about it. Jasper seemed to soak up her emotions like a sponge. He had not intended to do so, however, a deep, strong sadness which seemed to be suppressed by medicine lurked in her veins. Though she seemed to be fine on the outside, Jasper could feel everything she had felt. She had these mixed feelings of suspicion and annoyance. Something deep down was bugging the girl, and Thalia herself couldn't seem to put her finger on it.

The whole time that the two were working. Thalia couldn't help but feel strangely disturbed and she couldn't figure out why. It was almost like something or someone deep down inside was telling her to do a full sprint and get the hell out of there. However, everything else seemed somewhat normal. The family just seemed to keep to themselves and out of all people, Thalia understood that perfectly. They just seemed like a completely introverted family, but that little voice inside her practically begged for correction.

It wasn't until Thalia looked at the clock that she got the idea. 5 o'clock, they had been working long enough. She could go see Jared at La Push and give him an explanation.

"I think that's enough for today, you think?" Jasper questioned shutting his textbook.

"Yeah," Thalia began to pack her stuff. "I have to go anyway."

"Oh, really? Go where?" Thalia seemed confused by his question but she gave him an answer.

"I gotta go meet a friend." Her mood immediately changed and she seemed excited. Jasper questioned nothing further and showed Thalia out.

"Same time tomorrow?" he asked as Thalia walked to her car.

"Sure," she answered, "but can it be your place, or the library or something?"

"Sure thing," Jasper grinned before shutting the big door. Thalia threw her bag in the passenger seat and turned her key. She would still have enough time to get to La Push and this time, she would ask about a phone number.


Thalia raced down there as fast as she could and then parked her car. She raced down to their spot where she found Jared sitting on a log. When he looked over at her his nose immediately scrunched up from the horrible smell on her clothes. He managed to play it off considering that she knew nothing.

"You didn't show yesterday?" he acknowledged standing up from his spot.

"I know I'm so sorry." Thalia sat on the log, "my mother grounded me for some stupid reason. I wasn't able to sneak out because they would know that I was gone."

"So how are you here today?" Jared knew the answer to that question. He just wanted to confirm it.

"I was studying at a friend's house. Well, not a friend so much that I don't really have a choice." he nodded as Thalia went on about how she has to work with this guy for a project and that he just seemed a little strange and all. Although Thalia herself didn't understand what she was saying, Jared could see exactly what she was talking about. He had also noticed that something else seemed to be bugging her but he didn't bother to ask since he didn't want to upset her. They had swapped numbers for when one wouldn't be able to make it. Thalia had mentioned that she could come for the rest of the week since her parents know that she's got a school project.

After sharing some more conversations and some laughs Thaila said goodbye to Jared and went back to her car. It was nearly 8 o'clock, if she didn't get home soon, lord knows what will happen. She turned the key and pulled out of the parking lot.

Once the car had disappeared from his sight, Jared made a desperate attempt to shake the awful smell from his nose but failed. He was surprised at himself for being able to withstand it for so long. Jared had known one thing after tonight, that the girl was oblivious of her past and the world around her. He walked slowly back to the small house in the woods. The smell of the cooking seemed to erase the smell from his nose with much relief.

"How did it go this time?" Sam's imprint asked as she placed a plate of food at his seat at the table. Before he had time to answer, a few of his packmates had entered the door. The one known as Paul, was quick to notice the horrible lingering smell, even through Emily's cooking.

"Ugh, how come you reek of bloodsucker?" Paul's nose wrinkled in disgust as well as the others who stood behind him. Before Jared could give anyone an explanation, his alpha had walked in from the back of the house.

"She is unaware of everything," he spoke, having read Jared's mind. Sam pulled Emily close to his side before he spoke again. "And we must keep it that way until the time is right." the pack didn't even have to ask what he meant by that. They had hoped that the time would come soon enough. One boy especially had taken the new information a bit harder than the rest. When Sam had said everything, he had meant absolutely everything.

Thalia had kept true to her word for the remainder of the week. She would continue to visit Jared after finishing her study session with Jasper. Though Jared couldn't stand the lingering smell on her clothes. He chose to tolerate it, for he enjoyed her company. He had also kept his word to Sam when the time was right which he had hoped to be soon. She would know the truth, the whole truth.

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