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Thalia didn't want to cry, she didn't feel the need to, however, the tears were still falling down her face. She needed to get to La Push, she would have enough time to say goodbye to Jared. Or she thought. Her eyes grew heavy as she drove down the winding road. No! I should have time! The meds' effect had kicked in quicker than she expected and she couldn't pay attention to the road ahead of her. A deer had stood in the middle of the road, causing her to swerve into the guard rail. Everything had happened so fast. The car spun once before hitting the guard rail with great impact. The airbags released from the dashboard, hitting Thalia square in the face. She was able to be aware of her surroundings. The car was angled perfectly into the new dent in the rail. She felt as if this was it. Quickly, she reached for her phone and began to write a message to Jared, out of all people, he deserved to know. She typed quickly, hoping to fit everything that she had meant to say in one speech bubble. The phone fell from her hands and her eyes rolled back before she could press send.


They were just cliff diving, nothing too eventful. It was Paul that noticed the car accident on the other side. He watched as the car crashed into the rail, making the noise echo through the woods. He and Jared had shared their thoughts before racing through the woods to get to the main road. Their duties were to protect humans at all costs, no matter if the supernatural was involved or not. Whoever was in that car needed to be saved. They managed to get to the crash site quickly thanks to their speed. As soon as Jared saw the car his heart dropped. He could recognize the blue Toyota from miles away.

"Oh, crap," he rushed to the driver's side. Paul, it's Thalia!"

"Shit," Paul mumbled before going to assist his friend.

"Thalia? Thalia, can you hear me?" No answer, Jared continuously spoke to her as if she were conscious, letting her know that everything was okay. He began to pry the door back so he could get her out. Paul reached into the shattered window and pulled out the cellphone to get help. The phone was unlocked and on a message screen.

"Jared," Paul spoke. Where he stood now, Jared had pulled out Thalia's body from the wreck and still spoke to her loudly. "Jared!" he shouted this time, hoping that his friend could hear him. Jared whipped his head around this time, his full attention now on Paul who stood there with her phone in his hands. "Dude, it's a suicide note."

"Wh- what?" Jared stumbled to find his words.

"Overdose," he spoke softly. Jared reached for Thalia's neck, no pulse. "Man, what do we do?" Paul spoke frantically. "Our hospital doesn't have the proper things to help this." Jared looked to his friend, and then to the girl. One thing, in particular, came to mind.

"No," Paul stated, giving that he had already read his mind.


"What choice do we have?" Jared shrugged, "we can't take her, we're not allowed." he sighed and held his hand out for the phone. Paul reluctantly rolled his eyes and put the phone in Jared's hands. He nodded a thank you before searching through the contacts for a number to dial. After a brief awkward phone conversation, Jared finally hung up and slipped the phone into his pocket.

"I'll carry her," Paul offered. It wasn't that Jared couldn't carry her, Paul was just a great deal stronger. Jared nodded as Paul carefully picked up the unconscious girl and they sped off to the border where they had agreed to meet. As they got closer to the borderline, the horrible smell had crossed their noses and they did their best to ignore it. They had to do this, there was no other choice. If it were just an accident, her speed healing would kick in and she would be fine. The abilities that the shifters possessed however could not help the fact that her organs were shutting down. They needed a doctor, one with the right tools to help her. When they met at the border, Paul reluctantly passed Thalia off to Jasper.

"Get her there quickly," Jared spoke. "I'm not sure if she has much longer." The vampire could feel the worry coming off of the wolf. He had really cared about her and just hoped that she would live. Jasper nodded off the two wolves and Jared looked at him almost like a thank you. He turned his back and carried the girl bridal styles as he rushed through the woods, hoping to make it to the hospital in time.

As soon as he got there, everyone worked quickly. The Forks Hospital had rarely seen overdose patients so most of them weren't quick sure how to handle it. Luckily with Dr. Cullen's "years" of experience, he knew how to handle it. The room began to fill with panic as Thalia's body started to go through convulsions. Jasper just stood in the corner watching as he tried his best to ease the panic in the room. It was difficult considering that there were so many nurses and they were in all different stages of it. He noticed that his ability had an effect on some more than others. A nurse handed Carlisle a very large needle and without hesitation, he stabbed it into Thalia's thigh.

"This should work as a reversal," he spoke. Over the course of seconds passing, her body came to slow and steady breathing, and the nurses were able to properly attach an IV and heart monitor. Dr. Carlisle spoke of having to run a blood test to make sure the drugs were out of her system. That was Jasper's cue to leave, as much as he wanted to stay, he would not be able to handle her blood being drawn. He left for the waiting room to inform his family. For some reason, a certain smell would linger in the air around him and it confused him. Was it from him meeting the shifters in the woods?

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