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Thalia stood there unable to speak. Every bone in her body told her to look away, to run, to close her eyes, and wake up, but the shock had set in forcing her to look at the horrific scene before her. Sam had been carrying him and her father's body now laid at his feet, mutilated by scratches all over. Thalia was confused if he had been all marked up, where was the blood? Everything had suddenly moved a lot slower as she had been shoved around by officers, and reporters. Every sound around her had seemed to fade away. She didn't even feel the tug on her arm as Jared tried to pull away from the crowd. She didn't even notice the tears that had already made their way down her face. She couldn't think straight, her vision had been fogged by the tears.

"Thalia," went a voice.

"Thalia, say something," went another.

"Thalia? What's going on?" it was the voice of her mother. As much as Jared tried to block it, Thalia would continue to look in the direction of her father's body. The images rolled in her head like a stop-and-go film. She felt queasy and her head began to spin.

"Woah, Thalia you feel like you're running a fever." Jared pressed his hand on her forehead. His words snapped her from her daze. Only now, sudden rage had filled her body. She let out a noise to what seemed to be a growl. Jared backed away at her sudden mood change.

"Thalia, are you-" Thalia ran off before he could finish the question. She didn't know where she was going, she just ran fast through the woods. She needed to get away, away from the crowds, away from everything. Her tears fogged her vision and the black sky didn't help her navigation. Each time her feet hit the ground, she felt the need to go faster, and farther. She didn't stop, not even for a split second to breathe. Her anger level had filled to the brim, causing her to do something completely crazy. The more emotional she got the heavier her breathing became and she was sure that steam was coming from her ears. One minute Thalia was racing through the woods, the next, she burst through her own skin and turned into a giant wolf?

As soon he got the call, he knew the cause and he knew the outcome. His heart ached for his friend and the pain that it would cause her. Jared hadn't planned on finding the body of his friend's father laying in the woods. That was the last thing he had ever hoped to do. When Sam had told the pack that there was a missing person fitting the description, Jared knew that it was her father based on how she described him to him. Short cut black hair, tan skin, hazel eyes. He immediately contacted Thalia to see if she was alright but she didn't answer. He continuously called and texted until he gave up and she eventually called him back. He had tried his best to comfort her but he wasn't sure how he had never done this before. He had promised to update her but wasn't able to since she had ignored her phone.

Finding the body wasn't so difficult since it had been laying in the middle of a small campsite. To the public, Tyler's cause of death would forever be unknown. To the supernatural, it wouldn't be as difficult. The smell filled the pack's noses as soon as they stumbled across it, it wasn't a hard scent to miss. Anger and remorse filled Jared's head, the last thing the poor girl needed, was her father dead.

"We have to tell her," Jared pushed in a stutter, he had been begging to tell her since the day they met.

"No," Sam boomed, "it could pose a risk and conflict." Jared cocked his head and clenched his fist, upset with the alpha's choice.

"Wh- what are you talking about? Sam, she deserves to know how this happened!" his friend Paul pulled back on his arm a little. He wasn't about to see a fight break out.

"And she will!" Sam's voice made everyone hush, nobody wanted to make the alpha angry. "The time will come soon, I can guarantee that." Jared longed to speak but he shut his mouth. Sam walked over and picked up the body. There had been bloodstains on the man's shirt, but no blood. Jared had offered to meet Sam at Thalia's house which he had agreed to. They already knew what to do, it would be simple to pass this off as an animal attack for he was in the woods when it had happened. Paul and Jacob had offered to search for the one who had caused this and off they went.

Telling her was probably one of the hardest things he had done. Jared had done his best not to let Thalia observe what was to come. He tried to hold her close and comfort her but she refused. "Thalia he was attacked," was all the boy could say before she saw it. Jared could have sworn he had heard some sort of a growl come from her. When he pulled her in for a hug, her skin felt as if it were boiling. Before Jared could say anything further, Thalia stumbled backward and raced into the woods. He was slightly confused at first but as he looked at Sam, it had all made sense.

"Do we run after her?" he had asked him telepathically.

"No! She's far too angry right now," he replied. "She could harm one of us, possibly worse. Give her some time. We will get her soon."

Jared nodded at Sam's response. Though he longed to track down his friend, if they were to find her she would have to know the truth. If she didn't take it well, it could go bad for everyone.

Thalia couldn't count the days that she was gone for. She tried her best to tell by the cycles of the moon. If she had to guess, three days and two nights. It took her far too long to figure out how to shift back into a human but by the third day, she was able to go back home. Her mother just about freaked but understood if she was too upset to talk. Her mind was racing 1000 miles a minute. None of this made any sense! They were only legends and besides, only Quileute tribal members could shift, she was not a tribal member. She needed a clear head, she needed to eat. Thalia felt as if she could down an entire breakfast buffet but at the same time, barely held an appetite. The past few days have been nerve-wracking for her, maybe she needed sleep? Better yet, her meds. How long has she been without them? Too long, she didn't care, she could bring herself to take them.

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