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Relief flowed through her body as she was the first one out of the classroom door. After stopping at her locker she rushed out of the main doors and to her car. Fumbling with the keys, she unlocked the car door and sat inside. She let out a sigh that she had been holding in as she started the car to drive back to her house. Thalia stopped to get a coffee from a local coffee house before pulling into her development. Where she lived was a small neighborhood but there were enough people to discuss gossip of all sorts of things. Whether it was sports, fashion, townspeople, everything would go around. Leaving little room for errors being Forks itself was a very small town. God forbid anyone steps on the wrong foot or takes a wrong turn.

Thalia pulled into her driveway and stepped out of her car slowly. She dreaded walking through that front door but never had another opinion. So she quit complaining to herself and turned the handle. Her house was not large, nor small, but simply, nice and decent. Her mother was a decent woman and needed everything to be perfect. Thalia removed her shoes and dropped her bag at the step before walking into the kitchen to find her mother sitting at the kitchen island, reading a magazine and sipping on a glass of wine. She ignored Thalia's presents and continued flipping through her magazine. The young girl rolled her eyes and opened the fridge hoping something in there would appeal to her. She grabbed a container full of last night's pasta dinner along with a fork out of the nearby drawer.

"Aren't you going to nook it?" her mother questioned raising her attention from her magazine to her daughter. Thalia shook her head, she didn't care if she ate her food hot or cold. It tasted the same either way well, to her at least. "Did you get your results from your test yet?" she asked, raising the wine glass to her lips.

"Yes, I managed to score an 89%," Thalia spoke proudly. "It was over the average score for the class which had been 85%." Her mother shook her head and tisked at the young girl that stood before her. She did not seem pleased with Thalia's above-average grade.

"I told your father that we should have put you into summer school." She continued to shake her head as her eyes moved back to the magazine. "Go on, I believe that you have school work to do." The lady shooed the girl away from the kitchen and to her room. It was at times like this that Thalia wondered how they were even related. She questioned that she could have gotten her free spirit from her father but even his wasn't all there. He seemed to be more relaxed and calm but definitely more caring about his daughter than his wife, who seemed to care more for her social image than her own family. Thalia didn't seem to mind though, she was too wrapped up in her own life to care about her mother's opinions.

Thalia pulled her bag from the first step and made her way up to her room. Once she got there she flipped on her lights and shut the door behind her, locking it of course. Her mother had a bad habit of sticking her nose in other people's businesses and has snooped through Thalia's room on more than one occasion. After the women would proceed to accuse her daughter of "hiding something" from them. Her claims were proven false each time and Tyler (her father) would always defend his daughter. Over time he had called BS on all claims and proceeded to ignore what seemed to be his wackjob of a wife. Thalia always had a key hidden for when she would lock her door in the morning, just to make sure even though she hasn't made a claim in quite some time.

The raven-haired girl threw her school bag onto her bed and walked across the room to feed her fish tank. Although Thalia and her father had a heart for animals, her mother seemed quite disgusted by them, claiming that they were extremely revolting. A big fish tank was the best Tyler could offer his daughter since he didn't want to deal with his wife complaining. The fish tank was large and had a wide variety of fish in them with large light on top that could light the room if it wanted to. She dumped some food in the tank before jumping back onto her bed and pulling out her school books. She opened the pasta container and rolled the noodles onto her fork before taking a bite.

After sitting at her bed for two hours, Thalia had failed to copy down any notes for her first subject. Her mind had wandered to other things and she had gotten distracted. She looked down at the blank paper and book in her lap. Screw it! She would just have to take notes in class. Thalia threw everything to the side and walked towards her window. She grabbed a soda from the mini-fridge by her bed and slid the window open. She carefully stepped out and made her way to the top of the roof. Thalia enjoyed sitting on the roof at night and looking at the darkened sky. It was what pulled her away from her racing, confused mind. She cracked the soda can then took a sip and sighed.

The sounds of her parents arguing were faint considering that they were on the first floor. Thalia knew that her mother (Janie) would complain about her grade to her father. Tyler would be simply annoyed by her complaints and demands yet again. Thalia would always be confused as to why her parents can't just divorce if they fight so often. Most of the people that she knows have divorced parents. She sighed and took another drink of her pop, gazing up at the night sky, which had darkened more storm clouds rolling in, great. She climbed back down the roof and into her open window, careful not to cause a disturbance. Thalia threw her can in the trash and shut her window. She went back over to her bed and cleared her school work, throwing all of it onto her floor. I'll get it tomorrow she thought. She wasted no time crawling underneath the warm blanket. Though Thalia didn't get cold often, the warmth under the blanket comforts her.

The young girl tossed and turned but sleep never spelled on her. The same things that kept her awake the night before, had kept her awake now. Ugh, why can't I depict them? Truck, wolves, soccer. Truck, wolves, soccer. Why is this so hard?! These thoughts seemed to haunt more often than not. The amount of energy that she put into thinking was crazy. She had asked her father on multiple occasions if those things had a leading explanation. But every single time, Janie would stick her nose in the room. Tyler would claim nonsense, and Janie would claim that it was just her medication. However, Thalia knew that both of those answers were lies. Someone had not been telling the truth, but who?

She saw him, he was right there,

They must have been young. No older than three, four even. The woods were dark due to the night sky and the trees swayed with the wind. Everything was peaceful, not a single thing disturbed. They squealed as they raced into the clearing and immediately started kicking a soccer ball? Back and forth it went between the group of small kids. There were four of them and as far as she knew, Thalia seemed to be the only girl. She didn't mind though, there was no difference to her. As the wind grew more aggressive. The sound of the parents calling had echoed through the woods to get the young one's attention. Before they raced back, one of the boys had stopped to speak.

"Promise that we will always play here?" His adorable voice squeaked over the roaring winds. Each kid locked pinkies with one another.

"Promise," they spoke

"I won't ever forget," the toddler girl nodded with a grin before the four had raced back to the house, with the soccer ball in hand.

Thalia awoke from her sleep, panting trying to catch her breath. What on earth was that? She questioned, a dream? No, memories? She kicked herself for the second option. If they really were memories, then where the hell did they come from? She took a sip of water before rolling back into bed and staring at the clock on her nightstand. 4:47 a.m, she would have to wake up in less than two hours. She groaned before staring up at her ceiling. As much as she tried to, Thalia couldn't shake the idea that those events were memories. But where from?

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