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Nervous, nervous, nervous, nervous, nervous,

"Jezz Thalia, you keep thinking that loud the whole pack will hear you." Jacob chuckled at her thought process as they walked through the woods.

"Well, sorry I can't help it!" Thalia blurted, she didn't mean for that to sound rude but she was so scared. She was about to meet her mother, her real mother. "Sorry," she whispered covering her mouth.

"No offense taken," Jacob smiled.

"C'mon Thalia, you'll be fine, she'll love you and she misses you terribly," Embry spoke swinging his arm over his sister.

"Now what makes you say that?" Thalia questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, what mother doesn't miss their daughter?" Quil shrugged and Thalia frowned. It only took a glare from Embry and a punch in the arm from Jacob for Quil to realize what he said.

"Shit Thalia, I'm so sorry I-"

"Quil, it's okay." Thalia cut him off, "really, she doesn't really matter anyway." she chuckled a little in an attempt to break the awkwardness.

"The house is just over here," Embry finally spoke, breaking away from his sister and walking ahead of everyone. They came out to a house slightly larger than Emily's that had hanging flower pots on the porch. "You'll be just fine," he reassured Thalia before turning around and walking into the home. Jacob came up behind her and put a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

Hide behind me, he suggested as they had done earlier. Thalia nodded quickly and stepped behind her much taller friend, it was almost as if he were shielding her or something. They stepped in to find Embry greeting his mother and then she greeted the two boys that walked in the door.

"I hope that you boys are hungry because I made extra today." she smiled as she set the table.

"That's great mom," Embry smiled, 'is it okay if another person joins us for lunch." He sent Thalia a small wink and she giggled.

"Well, that depends," she gasped, "did one of you finally meet a girl?" The boys looked between each other and shrugged.

"Eh, somewhat," Quil's voice pitched for a split second.

"Well, I would love to meet her." With Tiffany's attention turned back to the food, Thalia slipped out from behind Jacob and stepped forward.

"Hi mom," her voice was soft but loud enough to hear. Tiffany dropped everything she was working with and looked up at the sound of the voice. She walked forward so she was closer to Thalia.

"Thalia?" her eyes were glossed over and it felt as if she was in a dream. She put a hand on her daughter's face to ensure that she was indeed not dreaming. Feeling her mother's cold hand on her face made her shiver the slightest. "Oh, Thalia," a tear fell from Tiffany's face. "It's really you."

Thalia didn't realize that she was already sobbing at this point. "Mom," she sniffed before she was wrapped in her mother's embrace. The room was now filled with the sounds of the girl's violent sobbing and the boys weren't bothered by it one bit. They actually found the reunion quite sweet.

"Oh, my baby," Tiffany pulled away and took a good look at her daughter. "Oh, you're all grown up." Her mother wiped her eyes and took a deep breath. "Come, sit, eat, there's so much to discuss." Tiffany quickly went back to the kitchen to place more food on the table. Thalia looked around at the boys, who couldn't seem to wipe the smiles off their faces.


They talked a lot well, Thalia did most of the talking but they didn't seem to mind. She told them just about anything in her life up until recently, minus Janie and her attempt. She had told them about how she's been reading the same book since she was eight years old and she told them the title. "Weird right?" she spoke after her long rant.

"Ah, I always told your father that that would be an issue," Tiffany answered after taking a drink of water. Thalia raised an eyebrow in confusion as to what she met. Her mom immediately stood from the table. "Come, all of you." She made her way to the small living, still confused, Thalia and the boys got up and followed her. When they got to the small sitting room, Tiffany motioned for the four of them to sit on the couch whilst she left the room to grab something. The four of them squished together on the small couch. She came back seconds later with a large book in her hands. She handed it to Thalia and Thalia dropped it in her lap and looked up at her mom.

"What is-"

"Memories," she cut her off. "Of when you all were very young." Tiffany motioned for Thalia to open the book and she did just that, flipping to a random page. The photo was of the four of them, probably no older than four, five even. They had been playing a game of soccer that day. The next photo was of the four of them all sitting under a tree, the same age. Jacob had fallen and skinned his knee because Quil had accidentally tripped him while they were playing tag. Thalia laughed the slightest since the memories were creeping back into her mind effortlessly. She then flipped to the last page. The four of them were standing by Tyler's truck with Jacob holding a "thumb's up" since Billy had shown him how to change a tire hours earlier. In fact, he was the one to take the photo.

"That was the day that it happened," Tiffany spoke through the silence. "Thalia, do you remember it?" Thalia shook her head.

"I don't know," she shrugged and frowned. "Please, tell me."

Her mom sighed and sat in the chair across from them. "Alright, let me start you at the beginning."

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