Chapter 5: Names

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Chapter 5: Names

I opened my eyes sleepily and realized I was still curled tightly up against Zenan's warm chest. Apparently Zenan had also fallen asleep because his breathing was slow and his eyes were closed. He looked very peaceful when he was asleep.

"Zenan?" I asked quietly, my voice better than before. It was still scratchy, but more like normal than it had been. I began stretching, stiff from the position I had slept in.

"Let him sleep. It's been a long night." Savanah advised me, doing something near the doorway. I looked over in her direction. I didn't realize she was there until she said something and made her presence known. I could see a small table near it and I knew she was doing something on it, but at the angle I was in I couldn't see anything.

"Can I get something to drink?" I asked quietly, not wanting to disturb her if she was doing something important. I was pretty sure she was just cleaning up something or fixing something; nothing really important but I still wanted to take precautions just in case.

"Sure thing sweetie." Savanah smiled, putting down what looked like a flowery vase with a soft thump and left the room in a pretty quick pace. Pretty soon I could hear a cabinet open and the jostling of cups and mugs, then I heard a squeak of a handle before hearing water running from what I presumed was a kitchen. She then returned with another coffee mug, this one cobalt blue-instead of coffee colored-and standing out taunts the blandness of the plain room.

"Thank you." I said taking it from her and taking a small sip. My hands weren't shaking nearly as bad as they were yesterday, so I didn't think I would need help drinking it even though I did spill a few drops at first.

"Your welcome." She smiled, sitting down at the foot of the bed, it making a slight creak and rustle with the applied weight and pressure and started to stare at me intently, eyes filled with curiosity and wonder. "Can you remember your name honey?"

I felt Zenan stir a little bit underneath me, but I figured he was still sleeping and just wiggling because of a dream. "Yeah. My name is-"

"What are we talking about?" Zenan asked, still sounding half asleep unaware of the conversation Savanah and I were having, or if he knew about it he didn't care at all.

"I see your awake." Savanah grumbled, glaring at him. She wasn't very happy that my answer got interrupted. Apparently my answer to her question was pretty important to her, though I didn't understand why it would be. It's just my name. "But she was telling me her name before you interrupted. Next time you should listen and think before you speak." Savanah scolded him like he was a two year old. I tried to hold in a laugh.

"Oops." Zenan told her, giving me a goofy grin, signaling he didn't really care about Savanah's lecturing. "Continue m'lady."

"My name is Madlynn." I said chuckling slightly. These two acted like siblings, though they looked nothing alike so I knew they weren't. At the very least I think they had some sort of connection. Speaking of connections... "How's Ganter?"

"He should be around here somewhere if you want to go and see him yourself." Savanah suggested. I figured she wanted me to be moving a little to make sure I could. I think she was afraid that I wouldn't be able to move soon so she wanted me to get out and get the fresh air while I could. It kind of scared me the way she was acting.

"Can we?" I looked between them wanting to see my newfound friend again. I could feel some sort of connection with him though I don't know how I did or why I would.

"Zenan, help her walk there." Savanah instructed and he got up then helped me slowly but steadily stand, wrapping his arm firmly around my hip so I wouldn't fall when we started out. We then started off to find out wherever my Darkling was.

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