Chapter 9: Surprise, Surprise

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Chapter 9: Surprise, Surprise

"I don't think any problems occurred!" Savanah beamed. "You are definitely back to normal!"

"Are you sure about that? I don't think she's mentally sane." A new voice stated, peaking his head through the doorway. Looking at him, he reminded me of someone, though I couldn't figure it out. He had short, shaggy, deep brown hair that was almost black. He had chiseled features and was tall, dressed in leather armor. On his waist hung a large silver sword and heavy ink decorated his arms. His bright blue eyes stared into mine knowingly.

"I'm Blake. Blake Sawyer." he told me holding out a firm hand, I took it feeling its warmth. "And you are?"

"Madlynn." I told him.

"Have a last name?" He chuckled.

"It's Sawyer also..."I muttered. "Do I know you?"

"You're siblings." Savanah muttered dumbfounded.

"What?" I asked her in alarm. I guess I recognized him from our similarities. "How?"

"Its kind of a family legacy. You may not remember much when you first get here, but your memories will come back eventually." He grinned. "I recognized you the moment I saw you.

"Will I remember the last few days?" I asked Savanah. She sighed.

"Probably not. It will be like nothing ever happened."

"Blake! You made it!" Another voice joined in. I knew who it belonged to this time though.

"Nice to see you Zen." Blake smiled giving him a quick hug. "Its been too long."

"Yeah." Zenan laughed.

"So, I'm guessing you know my sister?"

"I don't think so." Zenan looked at him questioningly.

"I'm surprised you didn't know." I frowned at him, wondering if he was playing or not.

"Wait.... You two are siblings?" Zenan asked confused.

"Don't be so surprised. How else would I be here? Do you think just random people would get sent here?" I laughed.

"So you knew then?" Zenan frowned turning to me.

"Yeah because I could remember you." I snapped. Something flashed across his face but I could register what it was.

"Savanah, do you know why she's acting differently? Did something go wrong?"

"No I don't know why she's acting different, but I kind of like it. And I know for sure nothing went wrong." Savanah calmly told Zenan.

"Madlynn, can I talk to you for a moment?" Zenan asked me. I stood, waiting for him to continue. "Outside?"

"Fine." I said bitterly.

"What happened to you..?" He asked quietly when we got outside. "Your... different. What happened?"

"Like i'm suposed to know. I don't even know how I 'was' in the first place."

"Then why do you hate me now?"

I stared at him in shock. He thought I hated him? "I don't hate you... I'm sorry if I made you think th-" I didn't finish my sentence. He put one of his strong hands on my cheek then dropped it and looked down.

"I cant feel anything anymore...." He muttered before going back toward the house.

"And you were supposed to?" I yelled after him.

"Yeah. I was. But I guess it's just my luck that I can't anymore." He turned back to me, raw emotion showing. "I know I shouldn't be upset because it probably saved your life, but I almost wish you didn't have to choose to start over."

"Zenan!" I yelled but he had already disappeared inside. I dropped to my knees ashamed. Pretty soon the beast came up to me and nudged me, trying to comfort me. "Take me as far away from here as you can." I jumped on his back and he took off flying into the air.


"Zenan, where is Madlynn and Ganter? I looked all over and couldn't find them." Blake asked me, coming into the room.

"Like I care..." I muttered, then paused. "Wait, they're gone?"

"Yeah, so you don't know where they are?"

"Oh no. Its my fault! She ran away because of me..." I buried my face in my hands.

"Calm down, its not your fault."

"She does hate me... She doesn't feel anything any more and she can't remember and now she left because of me. Why did I let her get shot.."

"I'm sure there was nothing you could have done. And anyways, she couldn't have gotten that far."

"Its my fault... Stupid connection..." Before either of us could say anything else we heard a flapping noise followed by a loud screech. We ran out side to see Ganter hovering above the house, no Madlynn to be seen.

"Ganter, where's Madlynn?" I asked. The beast screeched again before taking off.

"Follow that Darkling!" Blake yelled going after him. I followed a second behind.

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