Chapter 6: Big Decisions

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Chapter 6: Big Decisions

We walked for a few moments then walked out what seemed like a back door connected to the kitchen. After a few moments more, we stopped walking. Savanah whistled and soon I heard the flapping that greeted me when I first got here.

"Ganter!" I exclaimed, after Zenan situated me so he could catch me if I fell. He snorted with joy. Ugh. I mean she snorted with joy. "Hey- girl!" I forced myself to say.

Ganter gave me a snort of confusion and stomped her feet.

"Boy?" I asked.

Ganter head butted me and I would have been knocked off of my feet if Zenan hadn't had been standing behind me.

"Ganter boy, how have you been huh?" I asked and he licked my cheek with his gigantic tongue.

"I could have sworn he was a girl..." Savanah muttered from my left. Zenan wrapped his arms tightly and protectively around my waist.

I smiled at Ganters response. Then I noticed confusion coming off of him in waves.

"What's wrong?" I asked him and he gently nudged my somewhat limp arms. "Buddy, I'm being paralyzed. Kind of."

Ganter whimpered and leaned down to put his head at my feet. Zenan helped me kneel down to him and I shushed at him telling him I would be ok. If only I could believe it myself...


"Madlynn?" A soft voice asked and I blinked my eyes a few times, realizing I had fallen asleep.

"Hmm?" I looked around and saw Zenan walking toward me.

"Where are we?" I asked him. The last place I remembered being with Ganter.

"Back at Savanah's."

"Ok." I said quietly.

"Um Madlynn?" He asked nervously, and almost sounded upset

"What?" I asked curious of why he was nervous.

"Savanah knows of a way to get your movement back." He said quietly. "But it comes with a price."

"What's the price?"

"Your memories..." He said barely audible.

"Is that it?" I asked relieved.

"Yes."He sighed. "That's it."

"Will it hurt?"

"I don't know. I honestly don't know." He said. I could tell he was upset about something. "But you will have to go through everything again. And you won't remember Ganter. You bond might be broken."

"So it will be like this didn't happen?" I asked hoping it was a yes. Nothing good had really happened here.


"What's wrong?" I asked him. It was obvious he was upset and I couldn't hold the questions any longer. What could he be upset about?

"Nothing." He told me.

"Don't tell me its nothing. I know it's something." I frowned seeing right through the lie

"Madlynn! Your awake!" Savanah chirped coming in the room.

"Yeah. Zenan was telling me you know a way to get my movement back. Is it true?"

"Yep!" She exclaimed. Well she's happy today. "Have you decided if you want to go through with it?"

"Actually yes." I told her. I could feel Zenan tense and stare at me. "I think I'm going to go through with it."

"What?" Zenan asked. He sounded even more upset. Hmm...

"I'm going through with it."

"Great! I'll go get everything I need! It will take no more than an hour." Savanah smiled leaving the room again.

"Ok." I said, giving her a small smile.


"Madlynn I have one more thing to say before Savanah finishes." Zenan told me. Savanah had been setting things up and getting ready for at least twenty minutes.


"Drink this Madlynn. It will take effect in a minute or so." Savanah told me. Then she turned to Zenan. "Make it quick."

"I will." He assured her as I slowly drank the liquid she gave me. "First, when we touch, do you feel the electric sensation too?"

"You feel it too?" I asked relieved.

"Yeah." He slightly smiled then got back to the point. "Where do you want me to put you after... This?"

"The clearing you found me in." I muttered as I began to feel the potion beginning to work. I was getting slow and drowsy.

"Ok." He said. I could see his lips moving and his voice was slow. Then everything began to fade to black, making it harder and harder to see him. Eventually I gave up the fight and let myself drift into unconsciousness.

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