Chapter 8: Explanations

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Chapter 8: Explanations

"Zenan! How'd it go?" Asked a peppy and small woman with long red hair down her back.

"Take her." Zenan said gruffly. "I'm going on a walk. Come on Ganter."

"What was that about?" The girl wondered out loud as Zenan walked away, the beast in tow.

"I bit him." I said frowning.

The girl gaped at me. "That is the worst thing you could have done!"

"It's not like he's madly in love with me." I defended. We just met merely five minutes ago."

She sighed. "We'll I'm Savanah. Did Zenan explain anything to you yet?"

"Nope." I said.

"Madlynn, we met you a few days ago. When Zenan brought you to me, a local rebel group attacked us and you got shot in the side and passed out. Zenan and I managed to get you back safely but we weren't sure how to treat you since you're human, and we're not. Zenan stayed by your side until you woke up, then we figured out the poison was paralyzing you. I'm a Fae, and I can heal minor injuries, but since this was more serious, I took your memories as a price for the healing. You agreed to the exchange and told us to leave you in the forest where Z originally found you in and we did."

"Now I need to make sure nothing went wrong during the process. I'm not that strong as of a healer as other creatures, so I want to make sure I didn't do something wrong."

"How much have you healed?" I asked as she started checking me.

"So far, the most I've healed is your paralysis. But I've healed minor injuries countless times. So far nothing's gone wrong, but I want to make sure."

"Do me and Zenan have some sort of a bond or something? Because he was really upset."

"He said something about an electric touch before I healed you. Maybe there was something to with that?"

"Yeah maybe." I sighed. I needed to somehow make it up to Zenan for hurting him. "So tell me about yourself. I want to know all about you and Zenan."

"Really?" Savanah was surprised by my comment. "Well, as you know, I'm Savanah, and I'm a Fae. Fae are kind of like storybook fairies. We can heal and have different niches. We also have slight magic."


"Yep." She smiled as the air shimmered and a small rose appeared. She then gave it to me then continued, "I have an older sister who's 30 years old and I'm 27. I'm native to this area of this world and I've only encountered one human and you are the first girl. My sister though has met quite a few humans of all sorts."

"Who was the other human you met?" Were they still here? Are they alive? Can I meet them?

"His name is Blake. He's a few years older than you. I believe he's 20 or so."

"Ah. So he's three years older than me."

"Yes. I believe he appeared when he was your age."

"So he appeared like me?"

"Yes." She smiled then started looking me up and down again. "Do you remember much?"

"No. I know it, but when I try to think of anything it gets covered by a fog and I can't get through."

"That's normal. Most can't remember very much in the beginning. Takes a few years."

"Years?!" I exclaimed. Would I be stuck here forever?

"Yes, years." She looked confused about my outburst.

"Am I going to be stuck here? Will they know where I am?"

"No human has been able to go back. I suspect you will spend the rest of your life here."

"How long do I have?! Is my life going to be shorter here?!"

"Calm down." Savanah laughed. "I have a friend who was brought here nearly a hundred years ago and he's still doing fine."

"Will I get to meet him sometime? I want to see how well."

"You are still young. You have plenty of time." Savanah chuckled. She was right. I was only 17. This friend of hers is nearly a hundred. I have time here, wether I like it or not.

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