Chapter 10: Feel Again

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Chapter 10: Feel Again

"Madlynn!" I yelled running toward her limp body. Ganter had led us a few miles out into the forest.

As soon as I got to her I checked her pulse and made sure she was breathing. My body relaxed as I realized she was just unconscious. Her eyes were closed and her body limp.

"Zenan, is she okay?" Blake came up behind me out of breath.

"I think so. She's still breathing." I told him and I saw him relax. "We need to get her back to Savanah though." I picked her up and started back toward Savanah's.

"Don't you think it would be easier to go back on Ganter?" Blake asked me, putting a hand on my shoulder. I mentally yelled at myself for being so stupid then got on Ganter, Madlynn's fragile body in my arms.

The ride was short and as soon as we got to the cabin, Savanah shooed us out of the room. All I wanted to know was that she was okay.


"She's awake. Come on in." Savanah led us into the room Madlynn had been staying in. For the last two days Savanah wouldn't tell me or Blake how she was. This was the first time I would see her awake since our fight.

"Let him have a moment alone with her." I heard Savanah whisper to Blake as I walked into the room. Savanah closed the door giving us a little privacy.

"Hi." I said walking up to the bed. She looked at me in confusion.

"Who are you again? You look familiar but I just can't pinpoint it.." She trailed off, looking into the distance. I sat down on the stool and buried my head in my hands. "Oh no not again." I muttered.

Suddenly I heard a beautiful laugh and I looked up to see that Madlynn was laughing so hard she was close to tears. "Y-you fell for it!" She gasped in between laughs. I frowned, glaring at her.

As soon as she stopped laughing she sat up and kissed my cheek. We stared at each other in shock when I felt the electrifying sensation again.

"Was that what you said you could feel?" She asked me quietly. All I could do was nod. "Wow."

"Your brother wants to see you. I'll go get him since he won't be here for very long, and he wants to see you before he goes." I said breaking the silence and standing up. She looked like she wanted to refuse but nodded. I slipped out the door and nodded to Blake to go on in. He smiled at me before going in.


"Hey." Blake said coming in and sitting on the side of the bed.


"How are you feeling? He asked.

"Fine I guess." I said truthfully. Then my mood dropped. "So your leaving? So soon? We just met."

"If I would have known I would meet you I would have stayed but I only had a couple days to come here. I was just coming to see Zenan since he hasn't had anyone to train for years."

"Maybe because the family paused for a while?" I suggested. He laughed.

"Maybe." He agreed grinning.

"Is it normal to feel some sort of connection to someone?" I asked quietly, wondering how he was going to act.

"Why?" He asked sounding surprised but wary.

"Zenan and I have some sort of an electric touch." I stated and his body suddenly grew rigid.

"There is a possibility of being bonded, but that's just a myth."


"Legend has it that when two people touch and they are bonded they get an electric sensation and even sometimes talk to each other in their minds." He said quickly. I could almost see the wheels turning in his head trying to figure this out.

"Don't take this the wrong way, but I can't let you see Zenan if you guys are bonded. He's awesome and he's my best friend, but after the incident I don't want him near you.


"It's not my story to tell." He sighed.

"I hope you know you can't tell me who I can be near and talk to." I stated noticing the air was becoming tense.

"Don't go near him. Please." He stated, but it didn't sound like him anymore. His chocolate brown eyes were glowing red and his voice was deeper.

"Zenan?!" I yelled and he came bursting through the door.

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