Coming home

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I swear I just laid down and my pager was going off with 911
I'm gonna need some crack instead of my normal coffee. Running down the hall I pushed the double doors open to see a man in his 40s-50s on the gurney.
"What happened "
"Wife said he was complaining about stomach aches and collapse"
"any history"
"No, she kept crying it was hard for her to explain"
I got my game face on, and barked orders for blood samples and CT's being prep. But once I got a good look at the man on my table i noticed something, this was Richard Harrington
Fuck me right, but I blocked it off
"Is his wife here I need more information"
Bubbles, a RN yelled out
"She's in the waiting room"
"Bubbles I need you to go pick her brain" she ran out the room
As the ultrasound machine was brought out to me, I hurried and applied gel and there it was, his appendix burst
"She said his lower right side has been hurting, but he never went to the doctor"
"Yeah well now he had a burst appendix"
Take him upstairs and prep him for surgery, page Ramirez"
I was back for a week, and I'm already  running into them, now I really have to call my mom and brother.
"You paged" Marilyn came towards me
"I have Richard Harrington on the surgical floor, tell his wife he has a ruptured appendix, and then scrub in with me"
"Yes boss" she smiled and walked away
I ran upstairs and prep myself, I can't think about what's gonna happen later, all I needed right now is to focus on saving this mans life.

I rushed to the hospital, once my mom called me telling me father collapsed. I found my mom crying with a nurse who was explaining everything
"What happen" I asked her, more like yelled I didn't care about formalities
"Sorry sir, I was telling her that..."
"Spit it out"
"Bubbles go upstairs and assist, I'll take care of this" I saw Marilyn standing there, I haven't seen her in years.
"I would appreciate if you wouldn't yell at my staff mr Harrington, I understand this is a difficult time but theirs no need to yell. Now your father has a rapture appendix, his in good hands, she knows what's she's doing"
"Is he ok" my mom asked her, she looked at me and kneeled down to her
"Mrs Harrington, he's in surgery right now, now theirs always risk of infection but the doctor is amazing and she's gonna be able to take everything out, we'll keep him for observation. Just have some faith"
"I wanna talk to this damn doctor"
"You can't at the moment, she's with your father once she's done, she will come and find you"
"I want a name" I was getting irritated, I wanted to search everything on this damn doctor who has her hands inside my father.
"Doctor Evelyn Avery" she told us with a smirk and walked away, leaving both mother and I in shock.
"Beatrice, I came as soon as I found out, how is he, did they tell you anything" I heard Marie's voice. She was talking to my mom but my ears were ringing, she's back was all I can think about.
My mom got up and collapsed herself and the staff members came rushing to her aid .
"What happened"
"I don't know she got up and fainted, she's been having dizzy spells" Marie told one of them, I didn't know this.
They rushed her to the ER, were a doctor was on her way.
"What happened" Marilyn stood by the door while the nurse were telling her about BPs and other crap I didn't understand.
"Get blood samples, and call general"
While she stood over my mom, mom came back slowly
"Welcome back, how long have you had these dizzy spells" she asked, my mom didn't look at me but answered her questions.
"Ok, am gonna give you some liquids through an IV and I'll be back with news about your husband and let's see what's going on with you ok" she looked concern while she walked away telling the nurses something I didn't understood.
I sat down next to my mom, while I looked over Marie.
"Did you know your daughter was back"
"Huh" she acted surprised
"She's here, she's my fathers surgeon"
"I thought she was coming home next week henry, that's what she told me" she took her phone and called her but she didn't answer so she called Alex.
An hour later, Alex stood over his mom asking her is she knew about Eve, but she kept saying no.
The door opened and Two doctors walked in
"Good afternoon am doctor torres and I believe you've met doctor Ramirez, were just waiting for doctor Avery" she said this with a smile
"Is my father ok" I asked, he's the reason why we're here and we all wanted to know.
"Let's just wait for Avery"
And then we heard a code and they all took off and running out the room. I peaked out and saw her running towards the gurney, her hair was braided off the the side and she had a cap, her dark scrubs made her eyes look lighter. She was yelling out orders while Ramirez stood over the gurney trying to talk to the guy. As fast as she came she left, even at glimpse she still looked beautiful as ever.
30min later this doctor Torres walked in along with Ramirez,
"We apologize for that"
"Are they ok" my mom was worried about who over coded
"Yes their fine" she smiled at my mom, while I sat waiting.
"Sorry am late" eves voice rang through the room
"Evelyn Marie Avery why haven't you told us you were back"
"Mom, this isn't the time, I'm off in two hours and then I'll promise to talk to both of you" she said in a stern voice.
"We'll hold you to that"Alex told her but he kept smiling at her
"Ok, now mrs Harrington how are you feeling"
"A bit lightheaded but I want to know about my husband"
She grabbed a small chair and sat down. She looked around the room and her eyes locked with mines, I was pissed off and I really didn't know why
"He's fine, he's in recovery, I removed the appendix and cleaned out the area, he's gonna be with us for a couple of days just to rule out infections. As for you, we'll I'll let Torres tell you"
"Ok, what's wrong with me" she looked at her
"My name is doctor Torres I'm the obgyn, tell me when was your last menses"
"I don't know, about 3 months ago, I thought I was going through menopause"
"No, mrs Harrington, congratulations your 16 weeks along"
What the fuck is she talking about
16 weeks what
Damn it, I noticed the females were all smiling and my mom looked scared and shocked
"But I thought" she looked over at me and started to cry, which pissed me off
"What the fuck are you talking about, why is my mother crying"
"She's hormonal it's natural, congratulations your officially a big brother" Ramirez told me, and then it clicked. My mom was pregnant
"Torres is gonna check you and once your done, you can come up and see your husband and you can give him the good news" eve told her, her pager went off again and she looked pissed off.
"I gotta go, mom I'll met you in the cafe downstairs, take care mrs bee" and she walked away. Not once giving me a glance
"Well this... I cant seem to think straight...aren't I too old for this" my mom asked Torres, but she just smiled at her
"Woman are remarkable humans, don't worry we'll monitor you and help you deliver a healthy baby"

I can't believe 3 things happened today
Father had emergency surgery
My mother was pregnant
Evelyn is back
But I couldn't put her first, my parents were more important at the moment, I'll deal with her later.

My heart kept beating soo loud I thought everyone would be able to hear it. I can't believe my mom and Alex we're here and waiting for answers. As I walked thought the halls checking in on my patients, even though their in good hands I like to make sure they're ok and stable.
But I kept on thinking on my last conversation with him, I was in the Middle East and I had told my mom I was gonna stay for another tour. I don't know if she told him or he over heard what I said but our conversation didn't end well.
"Come back home now" he yelled at me
"I can't I signed...."
"Are those people more important than us, than your mom, your brother, me"
"Henry, I'm not done..." but it was stupid of me trying to talk to him, he just doesn't or won't understand.
And then he gave me the ultimatum
"The army or him"
"Am sorry" it's all I can say and he hung up on me. I haven't talked to him in 6yrs.
I walked to the cafe where my mom waited for me.
"Oh babygirl I've missed you soo much"
"Sorry mami, I know I should've told you, but this wasn't a for sure job so I didn't want to get your hopes up"
"What do you mean"
"I was gonna signed another term, if this hospital wouldn't hire me, everything happened last min"
"We're are you staying, you can come back home" hope shine through her eyes
"I got an apt with Marilyn mom, and it's close by, am fine mama. I'm here to stay, I'm done with the army, till they call me back"
"Will they"
"I'm not sure mom"
"Are you sure, I don't think Beatrice or Richard would mind if..." I wasn't gonna let her continue
"Mom, am fine, the apt is big and spacious and if you want you can move inn with us"
"Hay mija, am glad your back"
"Me too mama"
We got up and I took her to my apt
"Wow I thought it would be an actual apt but this, this is the penthouse"
"Well I do have the money for it and it's all mine"
"If your happy then who I'm I to stop it"
She made dinner and I dropped her off
"I'll see you soon mama"
"Call your brother"
"I will" and I took off

Once I got back home, Marilyn was there eating the plate mama left her.
"Well isn't this great"
"I know right"
"He knows your back, he's gonna come look for you"
"I doubt it, I saw a picture of him and another girl, the tabloids said it's he's new girlfriend"
"Yeah like him having a girlfriend has ever stopped him before"
"Anyways, I'm off to bed, I have a date tomorrow afternoon and work at night yay me right"
"Good night doctor Avery"
"Good night doctor Ramirez"
12hr shifts were killing my feet but never my spirit. As I laid down sleep took me; and without meaning too I grabbed my necklace

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