The phone call

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It's been the longest week of my life, I've talked with her but it's brief.
Taking off my tie I threw it on the table. I was looking around and noticed something.
This apt won't be big enough for us, I grabbed my laptop and started to look at houses. I want her to have a house, a yard, a huge kitchen, I want, shit maybe I'm getting ahead of myself again.
Rubbing my face out of frustration, I picked up my phone and dialed her number hoping she would answer

"Hello" I mans voice picked up, I looked at the screen thinking I had the wrong number
"Am looking for Evelyn Avery"
"She's sleeping at the moment"
"Who the fuck are you" I yelled
"Morcos, what do you want with my girl"
"Your girl, that's MY woman"
"Oh I see, your the poor idiot who won't leave her alone"
"Put her on the phone" I started to walk around my apt, thinking of ways to kill this son of bitch.
"Like I said, she's sleeping, I got her tired if you get me drift" he laughed and I smashed my phone against the wall.

All I can think about was her being with him, why didn't she tell me. I started to randomly grab shit and threw it around.
I grabbed a bottle and drank
And then the bottle was empty and smashed it against the wall. I wanted to call back but my phone was smashed into pieces.

By 8am I was steaming, I wanted to take all my anger out on someone, and the first person I saw was my receptionist
"Who are you talking too" I yelled at her
"My mom sir"
"Do I pay you to be on the phone with your mom"
"No sir.. I just wanted..."
"Your here to answer my calls, take care of my schedule, not to talk to your mom"
"Yes... sir..."
"Get me a fucken coffee you useless brat" I left her with tears but I didn't give a shit.
She brought my coffee but she was shaking that the stupid bitch drop it down my shirt
"Get the fuck out, your fired"
She was on her knees trying to cleaning it
"I said get up and leave NOW"
She hurries out my office crying
I look down and I felt the burn on my chest.
"What the fuck happen"
I saw Steph standing by the door
"What do you want"
"What crawled up your ass, and why did you fired her"
"She fucken threw the coffee and as you can see she burned me"
"Is that it or are you pissed off by someone else"
"Hire a new receptionist Stephanie" she rolled her eyes at me but walked away.
Beep beep
Fuck, I have court in 1hr and I wasn't ready any my head wasn't in the right place. Fuck it
2hrs later I was shaking my clients hand, i fought I yelled but I didn't lose.
"Next time, you come into my courtroom with a damn stick shoved up your ass counselor I will hold you for contempt" the judge told me as I walked out the court room.
I needed a fucken drink, I walked down the street and found my favorite little bar
I saw Derek sitting down
"Well don't you look cheerful"
"Fuck you hart, have you talked to mer"
"I called last night"
"What did she say"
"Not much, she sounded tired"
"Did she tell you anything about eve"
"Didn't ask, why"
"I called last night"
I asked for a double shot before I can answer, once I drown it I told him
"She was sleeping, with morcos"
"What, come on and you believed it"
"It's her ex, they have history, plus she didn't tell me he was there"
"You know they can't disclose about shit like that. You should know your a fucken lawyer, if they find out their talking they can get in trouble"
I took another double shot, and shook my head
"Look call her back and talk to her"
"Why not"
"Broke my phone"
He laughed at my misfortune, got up fixed his suit
"You got issues, talk don't fight and don't do anything stupid"
"Yeah" I took another shot, my mind was begging to feel numb
He walked out the bar leaving me alone to wallowed.
"Hey handsome" a brunette sat next to me, she had this mouth on her and I started to wonder, what can she do with her lips.
"Wanna get out of here" I asked her and she gave me a flirty smile

I pushed her against the wall, kissing her and pulling on her hair, and not once did she cry out. I pushed her down on her knees
"Don't just look at it" her smile reached her ears
"With pleasure"
And that's how I spent the next two weeks. Picking up girls and drinking, trying to forgot that lying bitch.

After a long fucken day at court, I saw this young, beautiful blond bomb shell. Didn't take me long to her to my apt
I fucked her from behind and then shoved my dick in her mouth, I was in heaven, and I didn't hear my door being opened.
There she stood with a long trench coat covering herself, and when the girl started to poke at her, it took her 2.5 seconds to break her hand.
"Fuck your Henry" and she walked out
I finally woke up from my stupor
"Who was she"
"My girlfriend"
"You have a girlfriend and you didn't tell me"
"Shut up and leave"
"She broke my hand" she held her hand and started to cry
"I'll take you to the hospital"
Once she got seen, she asked for the cops since she was pressing charges, shit
"What's her name"
"Look I'll give you what ever you want"
"I want a fucken name"
I really hoped she called Alex already
"Evelyn Avery"
"I hope that bitch is loaded"
I walked away leaving her, I'm soo fucked
My phone rang a couple of hours later
"Why is my sister in jail"
"It's a long story"
"Do I wanna hear said story" he was pissed off, I was soo fucked
"She broke a girls hand"
"We'll talk later, I'm going into the station" he hung up and i kept smacking myself.
Wait why the fuck am I mad, she's the liar here, and why the fuck was she here like she didn't lie and cheated on ME
As I laid on my bed, I kept on seeing her eyes. Those hazel eyes were not only pissed, she was hurt
What if I missed judge her
What if he lied and I've been the one lying to her
I needed to talk to her, I rushed towards her apt and saw when Alex dropped her off, but I waited till he drove off to go see her.
As I knock on the door i heard the faint cries, when she opened the door I swear I didn't see it coming
Her hand collided with my face, I heard my nose crush
I stood outside her door, debating on knocking again but blood spilled down my hand into my shirt

The same doctor who treated what's her face came to see me.
"I don't even wanna know" he said
"Then don't ask, just fix my nose"
He laughed under his breath, the bubbly nurse walked in with some supplies
"Mr Harrington, are you ok, do you want me to call doc Avery for you" I shook my head and doctor dumb ass put two and two together
"So I'm guessing, ms Avery did this, that girl is a firecracker"
"She's also nice" bubbly nurse told him
"Ha she broke that girls hand in 3 places, what did you do for her to loose her head" he questioned me
"Mmm, if you say so, take him to X-rays and call plastics, his nose is broken" he took off his gloves
"You know mr Harrington, a lot of men would kill to have ms Avery, and from what I've seen and heard today. Well your an idiot" walked out the room leaving me fuming.
"A handsome idiot" bubbly nurse whispered.
"Why do they call you bubbles"
She looked at me like she was scared of me, but her face changed and she smiled at me
"Because I don't let anything get me down, I believe in the good in people, and I always have a cheerful attitude, if I didn't I'll loose my mind working here"
"What's your real name"
"My name is inna bubbles" she laughed her way out my room.

I got fixed and was send on my merry way, I felt like the whole damn hospital was laughing at me, while some of the females were happy to know I was single again.
I walked into my office to see, my old receptionist sitting down on her desk.
"Look mr Harrington, I know you fired me yesterday, but I can't loose this job. I have a daughter to take care of and my mother in a home, please mr Harrington I can't loose my job" her tears were genuine and I felt bad
"Get me the files for this week and try not to burn me again, and bring me a coffee" I walked into my office.
"What the fuck did you do henry fucken Harrington" Stephanie was yelling at me
"I plead the fifth"
"You stupid asshole, if she leaves again it's gonna be your fault. You don't deserve her" slamming my door and leaving me alone.
I was on the phone, when Alexander walked in and slowly sat down across from me.
"I'll give you a call by the end of the day" and I just hung up. He was pissed
"I was gonna come in here and break your nose, but seeing that she did it herself I won't"
"Look alex, I..." he didn't let me finish, he raised his hand at me like I was a child and I needed to listen to him.
"This is your fathers law firm, and I get it, it's all yours. I've made the decision today to cut off all ties with this firm, I've spoken to both Richard and Tim. I refuse to work with you any longer. After my wedding I'll no longer be an associate, or want any association with you"
"If you just..."
"What listen to you, you've done nothing but cheat on my sister since she left, I've noticed, you also got her suspended from work. I don't NEED to listen to you" he walked out, I slammed my head on my desk. My phone rang and I answered it
"What in the hell did you do henry" my fathers voice came through loud and clear
"Nothing father"
"So you won't take responsibilities towards you actions"
"I didn't say that"
"You don't have too, fix this henry, or find another law firm" he hung up on me
I'm royally fucked
And it's all my fault

I needed to talk to Evelyn

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