Twins & proposals

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For the past couple of months, everything has been running smoothly. Well as smooth as possible, mer is pregnant and I'll be alone in our apt since he wants her near. She's putting up a fight but she's loosing
As I finish my chart I remember their yelling match
"NO, I'm not moving I'm not gonna marry you just because I'm pregnant, NO"
"Marilyn don't make me drag you to the court house, shit I don't even think I need to take your ass there since I know the justice of the peace"
"No I won't do it"
"We're raising this child together"
And then I hear a large object breaking against my wall, this crazy bitch is gonna kill him, and then I hear her crying and him sweet talking to her.
I stretched my legs, and as soon as I take off my shoes I get paged
Why oh why
I run downstairs to see my brother looking pale
"What happen"
"It's Steph, she's inside" his voiced cracked and he looked lost
"I'll be back ok" I give him a hug and made my way inside the room
"Hey" I asked a lady I've never seen before
"Good morning dr Avery" she gave me a bright smile
"I got paged, and you are"
"Dr Martello, obyn"
I nodded and started to take Stephs blood pressure and it was high. I looked at her hands and feet and she was showing signs of preeclampsia.
"By the look in your eyes, I see you've come to the same diagnosis as I have"
"Yeah, the babies aren't being nice to her, I'm gonna take her up for observation" but as she was telling me a ultrasound machine was being wheeled inn.
"But first I need to check these babies"
"Babies" I was confused
She sets the gel on her belly and I look into the screen, and sure enough there were two little aliens.
"Oh my god" I couldn't help to smile
"She's having twins, I suspect it, but her ultrasound was scheduled for tomorrow but well she's here now"
"That explains the preeclampsia"
"Yes and no, I want to do a full examination along with a vaginal ultrasound"
"Let's go, I'm Evelyn by the way, I apologize for not introducing myself"
"It's fine, your Evelyn Avery, trauma surgeon" she smiled and I took an immediate liking to her.
"Go get your brother and I'll meet you up there"
"Yes ma'am" I walked away, looking for my brother. Once I saw him I noticed Tim and my mom were there with him.
"She's fine, but she's being moved to a room, come" I led them toward the elevator
"Eve, please tell me what's going on" Alex asked me.
"Well it's both good and bad, but dr Martello is good at her job and she's gonna explain everything ok"
"Why can't you"
I turned around and I set my hands around my waist
"Because I'm a trauma surgeon not OB I don't know much and I won't give you the wrong information"
"It's gonna be fine Alexander" my mom hugged him around his midsection and he calmed down.
I walked them to the room where Steph was awake and crying, when she saw my brother she started to cry more
"You did this to me" she yelled at him and he rushed towards her and tried to comfort her but she pushed him away.
"I know and I'm sorry, and this baby can be our only one" he tells her but she throws him her pillow
"No, because I have TWO living inside of me right now" they both looked at each other and both started to cry and laugh at the same time.
Dr Martello started to explain everything to them and made a plan of care.
"Congratulations both of you, I gotta go, love you both" and ran out the room.

By midnight I was exhausted but I was happy I had 48hrs all to myself.
As I entered my apt I noticed Henry's bag and fresh flowers and candles all around.
I made my way into my room and rose pedals led me into the bathroom. The tub was filled with bubbles and surrounded by candles.
I smiled and I felt him next to me
"Welcome home ms Avery" he snuggles his face into my neck and I feel chills down my back. He helps me out my uniform and shoes and socks, helps me into the tub and he joins me
"How was your day" he asks me and handling me a wine glass
"Busy, and I have good news"
"And what would that be"
"Alex and Steph are having twins"
"That's what I said, I'm happy for them" as I tipped my glass something hits my lip and he's just looking at me. I look down at the glass and I saw a ring, the same ring he gave me years ago. I look at him and he moves closer to me, he sets himself infront of me and smiles at me.
"Evelyn Marie Avery, will you do me the honors and become my wife, to love and to fight with me for the rest of our lives" he held my hand and tears rimmed my eyes and i just nod my head. After years he finally slipped his grandmothers ring into my finger. This time I fits better, feels better.
"I got Catherine's blessing before she passed, she told me I needed to grow up before I asked you" hearing that he talked to grandma made my heart swell, I missed that grumpy old lady.
"I love you" I didn't know what to say, I was both excited and exhausted, but I was overwhelmed with love for this idiot.
We both laid on my tub soaking up this feeling, once our bodies got all wrinkly we got out and slept wrapped around each other.
By morning I turned and felt a pull and my hand was under my pillow and it was tugging into it. My ring was caught and it made me smile.
I was admiring my ring
When I heard him wake up
"Good morning soon to be mrs Harrington"
"Good morning" he snuggled into my neck, but right now I wasn't tired so I gave myself to him, and this time I gave myself to him in body and soul.

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