Let go

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The morning after the wedding I woke up with his arm around me.
"How can I be soo stupid" I told myself, I just let him walk into my room and ravage my whole body. I removed his arms and sat up, this wasn't what I wanted.
I made my way into the bathroom, showered, once I got back into the room he was setting up the small table with coffee and breakfast
"I ordered coffee"
"Thank you" I grabbed a cup and made it myself. He was just looking at me, didn't say nothing, but he felt my annoyance and my reluctance to talk to him.
"Evelyn, look at me"
I did, he's grey eyes melted into mines
"Your gonna walk away from me, from us, aren't you"
"I told you last night henry, just because we had sex, doesn't change nothing between us"
"Let me try ( he got on his knees) I will do anything for your forgiveness, tell me what to do eve, I can't loose you again"
"I didn't do nothing, you choose to cheat on me, I've been honest with you" I remove my hands away from his.
"Please eve, don't, don't give up on us; let me try to fix this"
"I don't think we have anything to fix henry, you've lied to me and cheated on me. I can't be in a relationship we're theirs no trust"
"Please love, don't give up on me, tell me how I can win your trust"
"I can't tell you how, you have to show me. I thought you trusted me, but one phone call and you've showed me you don't, and revert back to being this asswipe."
He grabbed my face, and never broke his gaze away from mines.
"I will show you how much you mean to me, how much I love you, and that I'm the one for you. Please give me that chance Evelyn, please" he's voice and his eyes pleaded.
"You can try..."
I took my pager and rushed to get dressed
"What's going on eve"
"It's Chris, I have to go" I rushed out the room, leaving him alone with his thoughts.

3 weeks later I found myself sitting at a benefit dinner. I was bored out of my mind, and all I wanted was to go down to the stupid fucken hospital and drag her home. She's been avoiding me, she answers my calls but she hangs up just as soon as she answered.
I can't stand it, but I needed to show my face to keep all of our clients happy, and my father isn't able to come so I'm here for my father. Plus I heard from a birdie she'll be here tonight and I haven't been able to spot her.
As I'm making my way toward the back I bump into one of the girls I was with not too long ago
"Well isn't it Henry, I've missed you" she all but rubbed herself on me. Her eyes were flushed, and her skin looked hot. Looking down at her I knew she wouldn't mind getting on her knees. But my head was set in the right place, I was thinking with my brain, not my dick.
"I'm sure you have, excuse me" I tried to move away but she held my arm
"That's all I get, you used me, I'm not complaining, but maybe you can do it again"
"Not interested" she dug her nails into my arm, now she was pissed off
"Oh sweetheart, if you think Evelyn will take you back, I highly doubt it, why not continue we're we left at"
"Oh sweetheart do you really think you're that good, your a easy lay, but not great enough for me to go and look for you"
"You could've fooled me, you loved it"
"Who wouldn't love to get his dick sucked and then shove his dick in your ass"
"You ass hole"
"No sweetheart, you have a nice ass hole, now leave your nagging is giving me a headache"
"You'll be back henry"
"Doubt it, I've made the decision to only fuck one pussy, and that's Evelyn's" and I walked away leaving her fuming.

I didn't want to come, but my brother couldn't attend, and I had family duties, after all I was an Avery. I stayed away from the spot light, i didn't want to bump into Henry.
So I stayed in a corner hiding
"Don't you look beautiful" I saw Maurice standing next to a girl.
"Well you finally brushed your hair isn't that something"
"Shut up, eve this is my date Tiffany"
"Nice meeting you" and they sat down. I forgot about everything and relaxed.
But after too many champagne I needed to use the ladies room. I walked down the hall when I heard a familiar voice, I hid so he wouldn't see me. But not enough because I wanted to hear.
"You'll be back henry" her voiced annoyed me
"Doubt it, I've made the decision to only fuck one pussy; and that's Evelyn's" he told her and I head his foot steps walking away
But the girl was still there, and she was pissed off
"Son of a bitch" she yelled at him.
I heard her her heels clink down the hall.
All I wanted was to go to the bathroom not spy like I did when I was in high school.
I made my way back to the table to find Maurice sitting with Tiffany, I needed to say bye and go home and hide.
"I'm gonna leave, it was nice meeting you tiff and Maurice I'll see you later" I hugged them and walk toward the valet area
As I was standing there I felt him stand next to me.
"You know the army taught you a lot, but you still can't hide"
"What are you talking about"
"I saw you earlier"
"So you only said what you said because you knew I was there"
"No" my strap for my dress fell off my shoulder and he reached and slid it back, his finger tracing my shoulder
"I ment every word you heard"
"Oh" I didn't know what else to say, two guys appeared infront of me.
"Ms Avery, is he bothering you"
"Who are you"
"Body guards" Henry said and I looked at them and they verified it.
"Who send you"
"Mr Alexander Avery ma'am"
Mmmm, I stood looking at them.
"What squadron were you in"
They laughed, and one payed the other, while the one who had to pay up looked annoyed.
"Sorry ma'am. We made a bet"
"$20 dollars really"
"That's all we carry ma'am"
"Well I'm fine, tell my brother I got carried off  to a secluded island and I'll be returning when he realizes Im no longer his baby sister"
"Sorry ma'am, but we really need this job"
"Here, call me Monday morning and I'll have something for you, better than following me around"
"We know you can take care of yourself" he said while he rubs his nose.
"Till Monday you won't see us ma'am" they walked off, I didn't know to call Alexander to and yell at him or laugh.
"Well that's great isn't it"
"Amazing, I didn't know I still had bodyguards"
"Where are you going"
"Home, to cuddle with my sofa and a nice glass of wine"
"Can I join you" he stood in front of me and placed a small kiss on my lips.
"Oh isn't this nice" we turned to see astoria
"It is, can we help you"
"Still the same bitch aren't you Avery"
"Yeah, What's your point"
"Honey let's go ( we saw a man coming towards us) ms Avery it's good to see you" he was one of the hospital directors
"Nice seeing you too, we were just leaving" I grabbed Henry by his arm and astorias face crunched up is dislike.
"Have a good night ms Avery, mr Harrington" he grabs astoria and pulls her away from us.
As we're getting in my car, my eye lids became heavy, but I did see him yelling at her.

"Do you want me to loose my job"
"No, I just said hi"
"Oh please astoria, like I didn't hear how much you hated that girl during your high school days"
"Look all I did was approach them"
"I want you to stay away from them, I don't want her to dig her nose into my business"
"No I'll do what ever I want when I see her stupid face, she loves to flaunt her money"
"And I don't want to end up like your father"
"Fine, let's go"
I looked at her, she was going to be the death of me. She's young and brilliant with numbers, we came into some financial problems and she figured out a way to embezzle money from the hospital.
But all I needed was to get her pregnant so I can cash my inheritance, I couldn't wait till I was 45.
I needed to her to birth my heir and then I can get rid of her and blame the embezzlement on her.

As I opened my eyes, I was being laid on my bed, but all I could smell was him, I snuggled into his chest not caring about anything. I haven't slept in weeks, I was tired, and he smelled like home.

I saw myself on a couch, blankets all over the place, a boy was playing with a girl, I smelled Henry next to me
"Mom I'm home" a voice called out but I didn't see who it was. Both kids ran towards her and she picked them up and spins them around
"I've missed you babas, and you too princess"
I felt content, I felt happy, and proud
"Mom I love you, dad I love you too"
As she came to sit next to me
The boy sat on my lap and the girl cuddle with him.

I woke up and sat straight up, I looked around but I only found him laying next to me.
"Eve, what happen are you ok"
"Yeah,um I just had the strangest dream that's all" I laid back, the couch was the same as the one in my living room, but it seems like I was in a different house, yet it felt so real.
He sat up and looked at me and smiled
"Do you wanna go with me beach"
"Sure, but for a few, I have work later"
Once we got there we sat on the sand, and we talked for hours.
It wasn't hot but I wasn't cold, it was perfect.
As I took off my shoes to feel the sand I couldn't help but to remember other type of sand
"You ok"
"Yeah, just thinking"
"It's been awhile I've been at the beach, and the sand is different"
"Do you want to talk about it"
"No, but it's not bad, I would take off my boots and just enjoy the sand in my feet, trying to connect with it, too much negative energy, it made me relaxed"
"I'm here if you ever wanna talk about it love"
"I know, thank you"
"Come let's go, you need a shower and get a nap before work" he held out his hand, as I took it, I felt a surge of energy going through my body. I was facing him and he cradled my face with one hand while the other never left my hand
"I'll do anything to gain your forgiveness Evelyn, I know you felt that right now, it's always been there and it's always gonna be there "
"I know and I just don't want to get hurt again, I swear if you hurt me I'll break something else"
He chuckled and kissed me
I felt a wind around us
"Let go" I swear i heard my father telling me to let go. When I was younger, and something wasn't working in my favor he would always tell me
"Let go, if it works it works if it doesn't atlease you didn't give up"
I looked at Henry and smiled at him
"I ought to  be crazy, but I love you"
"I love you too" and we walked back towards the car, a small wind tunnel forms and ended at my feet.

Once at my apt, mer walked out her room
"Hey" she looked tired
"You ok" I asked her
"Yeah I just feel tired, an nauseous"
"Nauseous" I questioned her
"Oh fuck me, fuck Evelyn" she ran toward the bathroom
"It's too early to tell, we've been back for what two going on 3 weeks"
She lifted her head out the toilet and flicked me off.
"Do you want me to get you a test"
"No, I'll get it"
"Get some food and some rest mer, your gonna need it"
And she slammed the door on me
I was laughing when Henry looked at me like I was crazy
"Is she ok"
"Yeah just pregnant"
And I walked into my room and threw myself into bed.
He came next to me
"Your next" he tells me and a chill ran up my spine.
"I'm not ready, maybe in 3yrs" I laughed and my eye lids dropped

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