Leaving me

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We spend a week going back and forth between the ER and Chris. He was stable but he wasn't waking up, we've order test and hoping for the best.
With my schedule all over the place, the only time I spend with Henry is at night time. And I love it, coming home and seeing him with a pair of glasses while he reads or him trying to make dinner.
While mer just stood there laughing at him, she's been worried for Chris as well, we usually took turns to go and check on him.
"Honey am home" I pushed my door open and, I had guess.
"Finally I was being starved" Steph kissed my cheek, and I smiled at her. She's glowing if that's even possible.
"So What's this ( my table had a bunch of magazines, bridal magazines"
"Ummm, I have 30 days to get married"
"Why so soon" I looked a both Steph and Alex, I knew it..but both played dumb
"Well we've been together for years and why wait" she ramble
"Ok, well I have a bottle of wine in the fridge and I don't work tomorrow, let's open it" Stephs face was struck with horror, while Alex just smiled.
So I walked my happy ass to take out the bottle, set some glasses down; and waited.
Knock knock
Alex opened my door, and Jess came in along with little miss attitude.
"Hola, hope we're not late"
"No your fine, I was about to open a bottle of wine"
"So, 30 days really Steph, I mean I can do it, but 30 days"
"Yeah what's the rush" I asked, just fucken say it. But they didn't.
My door flew open and mer came in with Derek, she was holding some flowers.
"Hey, we're having a party and no one told me"
"I wasn't told either, remind me to take his key away" Alex just rolled his eyes
"Anyways, it's good to see you guys, what are we celebrating"
"Their getting married in 30 days" I told her, I didn't have to send out a signal to her, mer looked at Steph and understood.
"Oh yay, wedding prep"
"Anyways, I wanted to ask you ladies a question"
"Sure" we answered
"Will you be my bridesmaid"
Jess started to laugh, while mer and I shook our heads.
"Wine, let's celebrate" I yelled
Steph stood still and started to cry
"You fucken bitches, both of you know am pregnant and I'm scared as hell and your rubbing a wine bottle in my face, WHATS WRONG WITH YOU INSENSITIVE BITCHES"
"Am sorry sweetie, we noticed but I got tired of waiting for you to tell us" she looked at me and started to cry
"I'm gonna invest in Kleenex" Alex said which earned him a smack from her
"You did this to me you ass, why I'm a crying"
Mer reached her before I did
"Your hormonal sweetie, it's natural"
"It's the greatest news ever Steph, am happy for both of you" I told her which send her in a fit of tears.
This was weird since the Steph we all knew was constantly talking shit and being a smart ass, not this crying female. While Alex and Derek stood in a corner, talking about god knows what.
Knock knock
Again my door was open and in walked henry. My heart skipped a beat
"What happen, why is Steph crying"
Steph looked at him and rushed to him, hugged his midsection
"Am pregnant and they're being a bunch of assholes, Alex said he was investing in Kleenex, and mer and stupid eve wanted to open a bottle of wine, and and I can't stop crying" he looked down at her and gently patted her head.
"Do you want me to hurt Alex, and break the wine glass so they won't have none"
She looked at him and smiled
"Yes please" which we all laughed.
We had dinner and we started to talk about the wedding.
By 11pm I was done, I couldn't keep my eyes open.
"We're gonna let you get some rest eve, we'll talk tomorrow"
"Am fine"
"Yeah ok"
"Love you Steph and congratulations and thanks for making me a aunt"
"Bye sweetheart I'll see you tomorrow, come by bees boutique" Jess told me while she walked out the door with little miss attitude.
Once they were gone I noticed Derek was still here with mer, interesting I thought to myself. I felt myself being grabbed and being taken to my room.
"Now I have you all to myself"
"Mmmm I know and guess what"
"What" he snuggled into my neck
"I'm exhausted" and I heard his laugh in my ear.
"I know sweetheart, wanna shower before bed"
"No, I'll pass out, just lay here with me" and he did

Ring ring ring, I didn't hear the phone ring but henry didn't
"Hello" groggily into the phone
"Sorry to bother you, I'm looking for captain Avery, this is an emergency"
I felt myself being woken up, i opened my eyes to see henry over me and he was asking me something
"Their looking for captain Avery" he was holding my phone, I woke up quickly
"Avery here"
"We need you to come in"
"Can't discuss location"
"How long"
"Two weeks"
"I'll make arrangements"
"Captain, thank you"
"I'll see you soon"
Once I hung up he was up already and he was pissed off.
"How long are you leaving now"
"Two weeks, look I left unfinished business and I need to go take care of them" I grabbed my army bag and started to pack essentials, I walked into my closet and grabbed my uniform
Knock knock
"WHAT" he yelled at the door
"Sorry, eve did you get the call"
"Yeah, did you"
"Yeah, I'll meet you in the living room" and she walked away, and I can hear that she's having the same discussion as me.
"Look Henry I'll be back in two weeks, no more I promise, but I need to do this" he grabbed my face and I felt all his pent up energy
"I don't wanna loose you eve, come back to me in one piece" he kissed me, while I heard something being thrown against the wall and mer yelling at Derek.
"LETS GO RAMIREZ" I yelled out and she Came out her room looking pissed off.
"Question, why are you wearing regular clothes"
"Because right now we're civilians, once were on base we change, plus we really don't have to wear our uniforms we mostly wear scrubs" I told them, while mer just rolled her eyes.
"I'll call Alex, once we're in the car, but know this we'll be back ok" and I kissed henry and hugged Derek.
While mer only hugged Henry and ignored Derek.
We ran downstairs to meet the van that was supposed to take us, as I look back my heart aches, I didn't wanna leave but I still had responsibilities with them, and I didn't wanna leave Chris.
I looked over mer who had tears on her face, I gave her a reassuring hug
"One last time mer"
"One more, and we're done"

3 weeks later
We threw our bags on the floor and threw ourselves on the couch.
"We did it"
"It's done"
"I think am gonna sleep for a week straight" mer told me as I laughed, I was laying on my back, my whole body ached but I wasn't tired.
"I'm gonna head out, I'll see you later" she told me as she was getting up the couch.
"Where are you going"
"One. Too look for Derek, and two to go see Chris if I don't find Derek"
"Ok, I'll be there later, I can't seem to move" and she was out.
This should've taken us 2 weeks or less, but shit just didn't work out the way we planned.
I got up and walked towards my room, it felt empty and then I got an amazing idea.
To surprise Henry
I smiled to myself, I took a quick shower and got my lingerie, and threw a long T-shirt over it.
I drove over his place, and saw that he was home, and started to make my way upstairs.
I looked at his door and got nervous, what if he's mad, I stayed longer than the original two weeks. Maybe the sexy undergarments Will work and he'll forgive me.
As I put the key and pushed the door open, darkness was all over the apt. But then I heard giggling, I walked towards the bedroom and stopped at his door
"Fuck, just like that, suck my..." dejavu all over again, but I knew when I opened this door my boyfriend will be with someone who wasn't me.
As I open the door, what my mind was imagining came true
My fucken "boyfriend" was getting his dicked sucked by some blond bitch
"I hope I'm not interrupting anything important" casually I wasn't gonna loose my head, but my chest was hurting.
He pushed her and she looked up and smirked at me.
"We were busy till you opened the door" this bitch stood up, butt ass naked infront of me. I saw the hickeys on her obviously fake chest. I turned to look at him, but he just stood there.
"Who the fuck are you anyways" she pointed her finger at me, which if you already know, that pisses me off.
"His girlfriend, or ex girlfriend, now remove your finger from my face before I break it"
She shoved her pretty manicure finger at my forehead
"What ( poke) are (poke) you (poke) gonna (poke) do (poke) about it (poke)
I smiled at her, grabbed her whole hand and broke it
"Just like that, I break you hand" she laid on the floor crying and yelling at me for being a crazy bitch.
"Fuck you henry" I walked out his bedroom, out of the apt, and called my brother
"Am gonna get arrested"
"Wait what, eve what are you talking about"
"If I do I'll call you" and hung up and he kept on calling me but I didn't answer

2 hours later, I was arrested
"Ms Avery, you have a guest" the guard walked away, and enter my brother.
"Well well what did you do Evelyn"
"I broke her hand"
"Just like that"
"It's that easy Alex, what now"
"Well she's gonna drop the chargers, if you pay restitution"
"How much"
"Half it mill"
"Crazy bitch, what did you say"
"Gave her a check, you'll be out in a few"
"Thank you Alex"
"Wanna tell me what happened"
"No, because that means your gonna go break his face and I have to repair it"
"Evelyn, tell me he didn't do what I think he did"
"He couldn't keep in his pants" it's all I told him for him to become pissed off.
An hour later I was walking out the station with my brother
"Wanna go home or do you wanna come with me and Steph"
"No, I'll go home, am ok Alex" but I wasn't ok, I was hurt and I was pissed off.
He dropped me off at home, I closed my door and I fell on the carpet crying. After soo long he does this to me, why
Knock knock
I wiped my face and opened the door, without really looking
"I'm fine Alex I just...." once I opened my eyes I saw him standing there, and the first thing I did was break his nose.
"Leave or I'll break something else" and slammed my door.
How fucken dare he come, I looked down at my hand and it was swollen
Shit shit shit
My million dollar hand, I grabbed a pack of ice and set it on top.
Great just fucken great

By morning, I had an emergency meeting with the board of directors from the hospital, they were not please with me and suspended me for 3 fucken weeks
"Can I visit my friend, Chris hart" it was my only question
"You can during visitation hours ms Avery"
"Thank you sir" and I walked out the room, I stopped at his room and my heart leaped when I saw he was awake.
"Eve, your back"
"I am sweetie, how are you feeling"
"Better, my head hurts a bit, but I can't wait to leave"
"Am glad your ok, I'll be back to see you ok"
"Bye eve, love you"
"Love you too piggy" and walked out the room.
I don't know how I got home but I did
Once I reached my apt, I found a bouquet of flowers, I grabbed them and shoved them down the trash door.

I couldn't cry anymore
So I laid on my carpet, and fell asleep

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