Derek & marilyn

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Throwing my tie against the table I looked around, I hate coming home to an empty house. I was used to the noise, the laughter, the joy Chris made. But I wanted my privacy, I thought I wanted this, but now that I have it, I don't want it.
Ring ring ring
I smiled as my brothers picture comes up on my screen
"What's up man"
"Derek, she's back I saw her today"
"What are you talking about Chris"
"Eve, I saw her when I went to the doctor, but she was running I couldn't say hi"
"Evelyn is back"
"Yeah I saw her, do you think I can call her"
"I don't know, maybe she changed her number"
"I'm gonna go find her, she's gonna marry me one day"
"Is that right"
"Ok let me know" I heard his laughter as he hung up on me. So she's back and working at the hospital, maybe just maybe I'll go see her.
But right now I have a ton of shit to do, my father made this seem easy but it's not, all I saw were numbers and contracts, to the point of my head hurting.

By morning, I found myself walking into the hospital, asking for doctor Avery. I knew it's what she wanted but for her to achieve it made me proud.
I was walking towards the ER when I saw her, not eve, but Marilyn
She had light blue scrubs and laughing with some guy, and then sirens were outside and her whole face changed.
I saw her yelling out orders, and her hands were covered in what looked like blood
"Gun shot to upper torso, page Avery"
I just stood there looking at her, after all this time she's still fierce and beautiful.
"What do we have" eve looked towards mer
"Gun shot, I ordered xrays but I can't seem to find the bleeding"
"Put your finger on the wound and wiggle around" and mer nodded
"Found it"
"Clamp it"
"Vitals are stable, take him to OR 2 and Ramirez, scrub in" Eve yelled out and mer stood there smiling. Looks like Eve is in charge, and teaching mer.
I walked away leaving them to do their job
I'll be back

A few hours later I walked back to the ER and saw mer laughing with a patient, her hair was tied back and her while lab coat she wore made her look official.
She looked up and saw me, she didn't smile, she looked annoyed.
"Hey, can I help you"
I smiled at her, but she didn't change her scroll towards me.
"Well I'm looking for eve, but I found you instead"
"Aren't I the lucky one, she's in surgery, she'll be done in a few if you want to wait for her"
"How you been"
"Do you really care"
"I do"
She rolled her eyes at me, but looked at me
"I've been fine, I'll let her know your here" she tried to walk away but I grabbed her hand.
"Let me go or I'll break your hand"
"Look sorry, would you be interested in coffee"
"Fine, theirs a cafe downstairs, plus I need it" she lead the way, she grabbed her phone and she just texted away.
"Ramirez, Your still going Saturday or did you cancel your plans for me" this idiot asked her
"Nope I still have plans, not interested in co workers" she told him and kept walking . I don't know but hearing her tell him she's not interested made me feel tons better.
"So what are you doing later"
"Grocery shopping, wanna take me"
"Great cus I don't wanna pay for an Uber" I laughed, I don't mind playing Uber driver
"Hey" I looked up to see eve standing, she hasn't changed much, but she's gotten even more beautiful if that's possible
"Hey" I stood up and gave her a hug
"So, why are you here" we'll I felt the love
"Chris saw you yesterday but couldn't say hi, since you were running"
"Oh poor Chris, I'm always running"
"She's like the energizer bunny"
"Shut up ( she laid her head on the table and whined) why did I pick trauma, this is the first time I've sat down all day today" she looked tired i saw it now.
"Well you have this weekend off, you'll get some rest"
"But I have to wear a dress and I just wanna sleep" she laughed while hitting her forehead on the table, we both smiled at her. She picked up her head and looked at me
"Can you bring Chris over on Sunday"
"Sure, but I gotta tell you, he wants to marry you"
"I accept" and mer and her started to laugh
"That's gonna keep Potter the creep away"
"Who's Potter" I asked
"No one important, but here's my number and my address, just come by around noon... don't you dare...." her pager went off and then mers pager went off
"We gotta go, call me" and there she went running off
"Does she ever stop"
"Nope, see you later Derek"
"Wait, give me your number"
She looked at me but didn't move
"Here, she took a pen and paper and wrote it down"
Beep beep beep
"Shit I gotta go, bye" and she ran

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