Surprice 🥳

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It didn't matter if I worked or not
I always woke up by 4am, shower, and got myself ready for the day. But today I looked over at my clock and I was surprised to see it was 9am. How in the hell did I sleep soo much, but when I tried to stretch out I found myself wrapped around him.
He was sleeping so I took the time to really see him. He's gotten older, he's hair looked darker and wavier, he's smell is different too, it's darker but sweeter. Last time I saw him he was much leaner, he now has broader shoulders and he had a lot more muscle, not stocky but more define. I rolled over to get up but he grabbed me and shoved his face on my neck.
"Good morning" he whispered, chills went down my spine. When's the last time I laid in a bed with a man, 10 fucken yrs and it was with him. My skin got hot, my Sensor we're working over time, he's breath sends wild chills down my body and straight into my.... shit I can't do this.
"Good morning, do you mind getting up" I tried to move him away from me, but he just kept on holding me. So I wiggle around till, oh sweet baby yoda.
"Keep moving, and I'll fuck the shit out of you" he whispered into my ear, sending me straight to heaven.
"I really need to get up" my voice cracked, and honestly who can blame me, I've haven't had sex in years. I guess he heard my voice cracked so he gave me a earthy laughter.
"Fine, lets shower"
"Ugh no, I'll shower alone"
"scared" he raised his eyebrow at me
"No, but I got shit to do before this party" I got up and checked my email and my text.
Nothing of importance, except for one email

I'm coming to see you

When I read it, a big smiled appeared on my face, I didn't see him standing over me reading my messages
"Who's morcos" he didn't sound too happy, but when is he happy when I talk to someone else.
"A friend" I told him and slammed my laptop shut
"A friend who makes you smile like that"
"Yes" I tried to walk away but he grabbed my hand
"If you have someone else, tell me."
"We dated, but with circumstances we broke up, I was send to Switzerland while he stayed in the Middle East"
"Why we're you in Switzerland"
"I'm a trauma surgeon, i went to school there, but we kept In touch."
"Do you have any feelings for him" he's whole face turned dark
"I don't know, it's been a year in a half since I seen him, but we do talk"
"So I'm gonna ask you a question"

I grabbed my dress off my hanger and just admired it.
It was dark blue and it shimmer, it was short but it had sleeves. Since I got tattoos and my family didn't know yet, I didn't wanna hear it just yet.
My tattoos were on my upper back, one of my shoulder blades was a cluster of roses ( which ended on my collar bone), while the other side were little birds flying around( down to my collar bone) , and right in the middle I had a cross and I had both my grandmothers name and my dads name.
I had my hair done, so it laid straight. While my makeup was done in a smoky tone, and bright red lipstick.
"Oh sweetheart, I'm really debating if I really really like men, cus your making me doubt myself" mer stood by my door
I smiled at her
"Shut up woman, the shoes are over there" she walked and grabbed the shoes
"You ok"
"Yeah, am just thinking"
"Morcos is coming, and Henry, fuck mer I don't know"
"What's in your heart, like really who's there" i looked down because I myself didn't know.
"Look Eve, Morcos was there when you needed him, but was he able to remove him out of your heart 100%. He made you smile, laugh, enjoy life. Both of them and you know this, we're controlling, demanding, and cared of themselves before they realized it's YOU who they have to care for. You heard the rumors on base, but you never got confirmation about him cheating on you, while Henry did shit in front of you. Morcos told you he loved you, before you left. While Henry told you everyday, didn't matter what was going on"
She was right, when I met Morcos I thought he was drop dead gorgeous. When we started to talk he made me feel all gooey, he made me feel special, but when I told him I wasn't ready for sex, he changed.
He no longer put effort, didn't call me, or look for me. He would blame his job, and the fact that he was in charge. Don't get me wrong I understood, but when I'm making rounds and hear the other girls talk about him and all the shit he was able to do, it pissed me off.
I did ask him, but I wasn't in high school were I can just randomly walk around and find shit out. I didn't talk to him for a month, I waited for him to come to me. And he did
I was tired, my ears were ringing due to an explosion near by, I took off and saved as many as I could. I didn't even realized my thigh was bleeding till I came back to base. It wasn't much a bullet just pass me and ripped skin, I was lucky it didn't hit me completely.
Knock knock
I got up and opened my door and there he stood
6 feet tall, dark hair, dark brown eyes that looked almost black and those long eyelashes. He was from Egypt, and he was drop dead gorgeous.
"Habibi are you ok" he grabs me and starts to check me. He grabs my head, my shoulders, he lifts my shirt, and then he noticed my leg in a bandage.
"What happen"
"I don't know, we were on a extraction mission and then I don't know" I walked away and sat down on my bed. He sat down next to me and held my hand
"Am glad your ok my love"
"Yeah me too" I was tired and hurt but not physically but emotionally.
"Why are you here" he looked at me like I spoke a different language.
"What do you mean"
"I mean why are you here, I haven't seen or heard from you in a month"
"Habibi I'm sorry I've been busy"
"Yeah I've heard how busy you've been"
"What does that mean"
"It means I've heard about your little flings"
"I've never do that to you"
"Yeah well, when you hear about it constantly it's kinda hard not to believe"
He got mad and blamed it on everyone else, telling me about it's jealousy talking.
"Then answer me this Morcos, how would they know about your birthmark, the same birthmark you can ONLY see if your completely naked. Answer me this" but he couldn't answer it, and the only reason I know was because I met him while I was treating him as a patient. That's how we met, he got hurt and I was his doctor.
"I love you Evelyn, I've made mistakes but I do know that I care a lot for you. Your the first and last person I think about."
"I'm leaving, so it doesn't matter"
"You going home"
"No, Switzerland and then I'm not sure"
"Don't leave me like this eve"
"Look morcos; I've been with one man in my entire life, and the moment you knew you wanted to have sex with me. Once I told you no, you changed, I didn't"
"No, leave please I have an early flight tomorrow."
He got up and told me he loved me in his native tongue
A week later, we started talking again but I made sure to tell him we're just friends, since I can't trust him.
A year later, he trying to come back, and I don't know what to do.
When I got up and I saw my reflection, am no longer the girl who lets people talk about her, I'm stronger, smarter, I have a career, but I'm still stupid when it came to men.
All I wanted was someone who loves me, without strings, demands, without me feeling trap.
I opened my jewelry box, and right in the middle stood a 2.7 karat emerald cut diamond ring, his ring
After 10yrs I still had it, after 10yrs would I be able to finally tell him yes
After 10yrs he was still deep in my heart.
When he told me i belong to him
Body and soul
I didn't believe it, but no one has made me feel the way he has. Morcos got closed, but it never evolve to more.
I can't be thinking about this cluster fuck, I had a party to attend, and I was excited for revelations.
I grabbed a a box and took a peak at it, it made me smile knowing she's gonna love it. It was a beautiful 3 karat oval halo diamond ring, Stephanie Wilburn will finally be my sister in law, I know we joked about it, but it's time to make those jokes into reality.
We grabbed an Uber to the location, it was the same stupid restaurant potter took me.
"Welcome back ms Avery" the owner told me while I gave them my coat.
"Hello, David correct"
"Yes ma'am, can I escort you"
I turned around but I didn't see mer, so I agreed
Once we walked into the room, the lights were off
"Seriously were the fuck are we" and as soon as those words left my mouth, the room erupted in laughter and the lights came on, and I saw everyone standing there.
I left David, and rushed to my mom
"I need to wash that mouth with soap"
"Love you mami"
I turned and hugged my brother
"Did you bring it"
"It's in my purse" he smiled but he looked soo scared, poor Alexander. At this moment he wasn't the hot shot lawyer, he was a terrified child.
"It's gonna be ok" I turned and greeted more guest.
"Well we'll well isn't ms Evelyn Avery" I turned to see sil holding a bundle of pink.
I gave him a kiss on the cheek and saw the bundle was a baby.
"About time you met her" Jessica stood behind me, I rushed to hug her.
"I missed you Jess"
"I miss you too Avery" we both cried a bit and we laughed.
"What her name"
"Caroline olea Rawls"
I saw the tiny little girl, she was a mixture of sil and Jess. She had sils hair but Jess lips, she opened her eyes and hazel eyes started back at me.
"Oh my god, her eyes" smiling down at her
"She got her grandmothers eyes, she eats just like him but throws major bitch fits"
"Like her mama" sil told me
"I'm sorry I couldn't be here for your wedding Jess, I tried I really did"
"I know sweetie, am glad your back, now we can spend time together and you can babysit"
"As long as am off" sil passed me the baby, I stood there holding her. I kept on smiling at her, and I swear she rolled her eyes at me.
"I think your ready for one"
"One of what" I asked her while I was rubbing the babies cheek
"A baby"
"Sure, let me find a husband first" sil started to laugh but became quiet, I turned to see henry walking towards us.
"Sil, Jess, hows the baby"
"She's good, she misses you though" I looked at him, and he reached for the baby. It seem strange to see him carrying a baby with such care.
"So I was telling eve, it's her turn to have a baby" which caused me to cough uncontrollably and sil laugh while trying to help me.
"All she needs to do is tell me when she's ready" he said while looking at the baby.
"Am gonna go find Steph" and I walked away from them. She's never gonna change, always trying to set me up
"Aww my favorite doctor" I reached Richard and Beatrice
"How's my favorite patient, and how's mama doing"
"Well I'm fine but she's been throwing up"
"Richard" she scold him
"Talk to Torres, she can give you some meds for the nausea, as for you why are you standing, go sit down with your wife"
"Yes ma'am" and he walked away with Beatrice.
I reached the bar, when I felt a tap on my shoulder
"Stephanie" I yelled as I threw my arms around her. She's still tall, blond and beautiful.
"God I missed you eve"
"I missed you too" we both cried while we held onto each other. Jess walked toward us and we pulled her into our hugging circle.

3 hours later, we all ate, we all danced a bit, we had fun. But it was time
I grabbed the microphone
"Hello, my name is Evelyn Avery, and I'm an alcoholic" the room erupted into laughter
"Am joking, I want to thank everyone for being here tonight. ( with this my brother took his place) I want to thank my mom for being there for me, I want to thank brother for understanding me. I want to thank these two girls, who taught me a lot, who been there for me, even when I was across the pond. Jess I'm sorry I couldn't be here for you big day, but I'll make it up to you and love and adore that little girl.
Stephanie my love would you turn around." She looked at me puzzled and the she turned around and saw my brother on one knee
Her dad stood next to him along with my mom, I made my way next to him.
"Stephanie Wilburn, when I met you, you got on my nerves. You challenge me, you made me walk on my tippy toes, your smart ass mouth made me fall in love with you. You put me in my place when I needed it, your a big part as to why am a better person a better man. My grandmother once told me she approves of you, I don't see anyone who I rather fight and built a life with. With both our parents blessing and my sisters help ( I gave him the box, he opened it) will you marry me, fight with me, love me, and be the next Mrs Avery" she stood there crying and laughing
"Yes" and the whole room erupted with applause, I saw my mom with tears in her eyes, also her father. I scanned the room till my eyes landed on his. He never broke contact with me, my whole body lite up for him. And at that moment I knew, he was still there locked inside my heart, after 10yrs we never lost hope for our once young love. Can we as grownup find a way to make this work, and evolve into something like what my brother has with Steph.
I smiled at him and he made his way toward me, all he did was grab my hand, and I felt peace and warmth. I've been home for a week and not once did it feel like I was home, till he came back till I was with him
He was my home

"So I'm gonna ask you a question" I liked into those grey eyes of his
"Will you, give me the chance to show you I've changed, show you the world, show you how much I love you and care about you. Show you I can be the man for you, will you Evelyn Avery be my girlfriend"

I didn't answer him, he just got up and walked away, but now I can tell him now everything seems to fall together, little by little
I turned to him
"Will you be my boyfriend Henry fucken Harrington" he didn't answer he just gave me a kiss, and all I heard were clapping
"About fucken time" someone yelled

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