Missing Girlfriend Prank- Bryce Hall

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This is my first part of this story so it is probaly going to be really bad. Sorry if it is!

Your Pov

"Hey guys, welcome back to mine and Bryce's channel. So I realized that me and Bryce haven't posted anything in a while so I was like why don't we mess with Mr.Hall so that it starts a prank war and you guys get more content." I say to the camera. "So to do that I am joined by Bryce's best friend who I like more than Bryce." I let out a laugh.''Hey Guys." Tayler says than I continues. "So Tayler is going to be helping me do the missing girlfriend prank because well I am Bryce's girlfriend so I need someone to make sure that everything goes smoothy." I say then starts explaining the plan.

"Yeah, so Y/N is going to hang out with Bryce for 10 minutes then I am going to ask her if she can get my hoodie that I left in her car and she will say she is going to get it from her car than she is going "Missing" than we let the prank roll out." Tayler explains since I already told him the plan. "And what if he doesn't realize I am 'missing'" I asked to remind him "Then I will go see him 10 minutes later if he still hasn't realized and ask where you are with my hoodie to see if it clicks.Oh and this prank is on Addison too because she pranked me the other day and I need revenge too and you're like Addison's sister." I nod my head. "So Let's get started." We say at the same time as we head up to the roof where everyone was hanging out in the pool. When we got up there, we went our different ways. By that I mean I went to Bryce and Tayler went to Josh to explain the plan so we can get the word out so no one calls the cops.

10 minutes Laters.

"Hey Y/N! I left my hoodie in your car the other day. Is there anyway you could get it for me?" Tayler says starting the prank. "Yeah, I can go get it." I say starting to get up only to be stopped by Bryce. "Why can't you get it Tay. I am comfy with Y/N here and I don't want her leaving me." Bryce whines. "Babe, I'll be like 5 minutes." I laugh at him. "5 Minutes!!!! How about 2?" He says still whining. "Or Tayler can just get it himself." I let out a little laugh and Tayler chuckles. "Because by the time I get through the whole house, than outside to my car than back through the house it will be 5 minutes heck even 10. And it's my car I don't want Tayler in it without me so either way I am leaving." I explain to my 5 year old boyfriend. "Fine." He says fake pouting. So now I get all the way out of his grip and head inside. Tay follows me when I enter the inside.

"Hide in my car." He says handing me his keys. "Okay. Also I will probably leave my driver side door open to make it more believable. Close it when you guys leave the garage. I don't want anyone stealing my car." I laugh. "Okay, also I did leave me hoodie in your car so put it on the ground so it looks like you just grabbed it." Tayler says "Okay." I head outside and set up everything then get into Tayler's car. Now all I have to do is wait.

Bryce's Pov

10 minutes later.

Y/N left 10 minutes ago she should be back by now. I get up from where I was and head over to Tayler who is with Josh, Mads, Anthony, Avani, Kio, Griffin, Jrod, Rafy, and Addison."What's up bro?" Tayler asks to see my presents. "Has Y/N come back yet?" I am kind of scared that something happened. "No. Wait she's still not back?" I shake my head. "We should probably go look. It's been like 10 minutes. She should be back by now." Josh says getting up the others following his action. We all nod our heads and head downstairs then to the garage. I head over to your car and see that the door is open and Tayler's hoodie is on the ground but no sign of Y/N.

"Guys, her car door is open and Tayler's hoodie is on the ground." Everyone rushes over. "Where could she be?" Mads says scared to death now. "Y/N!! YOU OUT HERE?" Addison yells. No answer. "Where the fuck could she be? Like everything looks normal besides the part of her not being here and Tayler's hoodie on the ground." I panicked. "Did someone grab her? Or is she just in the house because she got sidetracked by something. You know her if someone cried for help or needed help she would be there in a heartbeat." Rafy says. "Yeah, let's go look through the house." Tayler says. So we all head inside and look in every room. After looking through every room 3 times and asking the whole house if they have seen her and had them help us look we ended up in Josh and Jaden's room. Everyone was sitting on the ground or on the bed.I was pacing back and forth.

"Where the heck is my fucking girlfriend?" I shout getting upset. "Calm down dude. She is here somewhere." Griffin says trying to calm me down. It doesn't work though because I am so concerned about Y/N. "Don't tell me to calm down. Y/N/N is MISSING. She could have a gun to her head right now. Like where the hell is she?" I yell. "Don't you dare say that Bryce Hall. If something happened to Y/N like her being dead that would fucking break me into pieces. So don't even think about her being dead." Addison yells "Has anyone tried calling her?" Anthony says. Everyone shakes their heads no. "Dam we are dumb." Avani says. Then picks up her phone and calls Y/N and puts her on speaker. It goes straight to voicemail. This only makes me worry more. I start pacing again but this time faster as I run my fingers through my hair. "BRYCE! CALM DOWN!" Mads yells."I CAN'T IF SOMETHING HAPPENED TO Y/N IT WILL BE ALL MY FAULT. I AM SUPPOSE TO PROTECT HER AT ALL COST AND I FUCKING FAILED!" I yelled back.''Bryce you're not the only person that fucking failed her so stop being a bitch. I would too This is all my fault I let her go outside by herself and she got fucking kidnapped." I was now crying. I didn't know what else to do. I sit on the floor and put my head in my knees and start to cry more and more.

Griffin, Anthony, Rafy,  and Tayler come and comfort me as I see Josh text someone. I completely ignore it though. I keep crying until I hear someone scream for Tayler. I know that voice out of anywhere. I get up really fast and run downstairs. "Babe!" I yell once I see her and give her a big hug. I keep crying with her in my arms. "Aw. Babe I'm okay." "I thought something happened to you." I say hugging her tighter. "I'm sorry but just think Tayler made me do it." I froze in my spot then slowly turned around to see Jrod with a camera. "You did this?" Tayler nods. Anthony is filming us too by now. "Did you all know?" Bryce yells. "No, you didn't tell me that this was just a fucking prank." Addison yells. "Addison you're being extra." Y/N laughs. "I thought my bean was kidnapped. So no I am not being extra." Addison says back. Then she walks over to Y/N/N and hugs her. "Besides Addison everyone else but Bryce knew." Josh says. "Never fucking do that again." Both me and Addison say at the same time. "Oh shit. Tayler what time is it?" Y/N says panicked. "12:00 pm. Why?" Tayler says. "Fuck I gotta go." Y/N says getting out of both mine and Addison's grip. "Where are you going?" I whine. "I gotta go get something." Y/n chuckles. "Nope, not unless your main girl comes with you." Addison says. "Whatever." Y/N says walking to her car. "I'm coming toooooooooooo" I yell following them. "THANKS TAYLER NOW THEY ARE DOING TO BE PROTECTIVE." Y/N screams and we hear everyone laugh.

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