Brothers Best Friend (Jaden Hossler and Quinton Griggs)

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Today's the day me and my boyfriend of 6 months are going to tell my older brother we are dating. Oh I forgot a little backstory. My name is Y/n Hossler. I'm 19 years older. Me and my older brother Jaden Hossler are like best friends. He his older then me by 4 years. I live in the house Jaden and His friends are living in. I'm a youtuber and tiktoker. I have secretly been dating my brothers best friend Quinton Griggs for 6 months now. We are finally ready to tell Jaden that we are dating. We were about to do it right now but I had just started freaking out so instead we were in Quinton's room with me pacing back and forth.

"Babe, calm down." Quinton says. "I'm freaking out right now. We are really going to tell him. He's going to flip. Plus what if he doesn't approve and tries to break us up." I rant still pacing only to be stopped by two arms wrapping around my waist. "It'll be okay. Hopefully he will respect our choice. If he doesn't so be it because I'm not breaking up with you. And I will fight tooth and nail for our relationship." He says then gives me a peck on the lips. "Now breath everything is going to be okay" he countiunes.

"I just feel bad. You're his best friend and now I'm like stealing you away from him." I sigh. "Take a deep breath in." He says and I do. "Now let it out." He says and I do it again. "Now give your favourite boyfriend a kiss." He says with a laugh. "You're my only boyfriend." I giggle but still give him a kiss. "Good, because I like being only yours." He smiles and I giggle. He then picks me up and spins me around which causes me to laugh. We keep spinning until he throws me onto the bed. Then he hovers over me and starts attacking my face with kisses. "I love you" He says as he stops attacking my face. "I love you too." I say. At the moment to door opens, so we both quickly move away from each other. And there stood a very angry Jaden.

"You're joking right?" He yells at us. "Jae, I am so sorry. We were about to tell you. I just started panicking so Quinton brought us in here to calm me down." I say back. "This isn't just one of your sick pranks or jokes?" He yells again but this time at only his best friend/ your now known lover. "No, We aren't pranking you. I love your sister if you like it or not." Quinton yells back. Quinton never gets mad unless he gets accused about something he isn't doing/ have done or when it comes to the ones he loves. So in this case it's both those things he is getting mad about. "I trusted you. I welcomed you into my life and introduced you to my sister. And when I introduced you to her I made it very clear that you couldn't go out with her. And for what just so you could stab me in the back and date her without telling me." Jaden yells at him. "Jae, stop please. We didn't mean for any of this to happen. We were going to tell you but we wanted to make sure this was a for sure thing before we said anything." I cried. I now had tear streaming down my face.

"Dude, come on. You know me, you know I would NEVER break her heart. Like would you prefer some guy she mets out in the world that would for sure break her heart." Quinton says this time a bit more calm. Jaden sighs and sits down. "I know. It's just....." He sighs again. "We haven't been doing good lately. And you know that. I feel like if she gets into a relationship now she will be even more stressed." He rants. "But I'm mainly afraid of you leaving me. Like Mom and Dad just left us. You're the only family I got left." Jaden says as tears leave his eyes. "How could I leave you. You're A) my brother, B) best friends with my boyfriend and C) I'm best friends with Nessa. So there is no easy way to get rid of me." I say as I hug him. "You're right. You guys can date. Just no PDA in front of me unless for some video of some kind." Jaden says causing me and Quinton to laugh. "Now if you excuse me. I have a girlfriend to get to anyways." Jaden says getting up and leaving. "Well that went better then expected." Quinton says wrapping his arms around me. I nod and snuggle into his chest. He kisses my forehead. "I'm happy he agreed. I would feel bad if went behind his back." I say causing Quinton to laugh and nod.

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