NO! (Josh Richard)

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TW; Mentions of blood, guns, and shootings.

No One Pov

Y/n Rae is Addison Rae's younger sister. She is best friends with Bryce Hall as weird as it sounds. I mean Bryce may be Addison's ex but Y/n doesn't seem to care. Bryce also introduced Y/n to Josh and they had also become really close but after the drama with Nessa soon after the two started dating. Josh and Y/n have been dating for around 5 months. The two are currently just being a couple and hanging out at Y/n's apartment. Nothing seemed wrong with the day, it seemed completely normal. They had been talking for about 2 hours when Josh deceided he needed to go to washroom. That's when everything went wrong. Once Josh reached the bathroom, which was on the far side of the huge apartment, the door broke down and three huge men came running and pointed their guns at Y/n.

Quickly, Y/n turned around in shock only to be shot three times. Once in the rids, one in the shoulder, and once in the hip/side area. The three men quickly ran out and completely out of Y/n's eye sight. Once they were out of the apartment Y/n fell to the ground. Josh heard the gun shots and quickly ran out of the washroom to see what is happening. When he does make it to the living area and sees Y/n laying on the floor nearly lifeless, he starts to panic. He rushes over to her/him to check for a pulse. "Y/n, baby, you gotta keep breathing for me. Come on baby." He says while breathing really heavily. When he knows what her/his condutions are, he pulls out his phone and calls 911. 

"911 what seems to be the issue?" The operater asks from the other side. "Yes, uh my girlfriend/ boyfriend has been shot. I don't know who did it, or how they got in but she/he is bleeding out on their apartment floor currently." Josh says while shaking. "We'll send help right away. What is the address?" The opterater says while starting to figure stuff out on the other end of the call. "291 +++++++++ street. In apartment +++++++++ in room/house 36F." Josh says while trying to calm himself down. "Help is on the way. Please stay calm." The opteraters says yet again. "I'm going to need to hang up but put pressure on the wound and make sure that when help is there that they are let in right away." The opteraters says. "I will thank you." Josh says and with that the phone in hung up. 

Not even 2 minutes later, which is shocking with the LA traffic, you could hear the sirens from the amblance as they pulled up. And not even 3 minutes later there were nurses and doctors in the room/house trying to save your life. The thing they didn't know was that they were just too late. By the time they made it to the hospital you had died. Now they needed to tell Josh. When he arrived he was instantly greeted by a doctor which scared him even more. "Hi, Josh Richard is it?" The doctor asks. Josh only nods. "I'm very sorry to say this but Y/n Rae didn't make it. We were just too late. I am very sorry." The doctor says before walking away. Josh's eyes filled up with tears before he quickly left. When he reached his car he pulled out his phone. He dialed Addison and when she picked up Josh couldn't hold it in anymore. "Add--ison." He cries. 'Josh what happened? Why are you crying? Is Y/n okay?" She says sounding panicked. "I'm so sorry. I fucked up. I was suppose to protect her/him. I fucking failed." Josh says full on sobbing by now. This only scared Addison more. "Josh!? What happened?!" She said more stern this time. "We were at the apartment and I left for not even 2 minutes and the next thing I know------ she/he is gone addison. I fucking watched them die." Josh broke down even more if that was even possible. "Wha---what!" Addison says now sobbing. "I'm sorry. I failed" Josh says and hangs up. From that moment on Josh went into a dark place and slowly stopped posting, plus he never let another girl in again. Addison did the same but it was not as bad as Josh. What he saw and how he was told killed him inside because Y/n Rae was his soulmate and he died when she/he did.

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