You're 2000 miles away (Quinton Griggs)

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Quinton is going to be 20 in this story.
No Pov

Y/N and Quinton have been dating for over 5 years. When Quinton moved in with Jaden, Nessa, and Cooper. He begged them to let Y/n move in with them. When they all finally agreed Quinton was so happy. Y/n already had a lot of followers due to being a model, photographer, and having youtube and tiktok. Y/N tried to stay in LA and La Vegas for photoshoots, but when she got a really good offer for a job for a few months she needed to take it even though it was far away. Y/n still had 2 months of the job. But Jaden had seen how sad Quinton had been and called up Y/n begging her to come home early.

So Y/n asked her boss and the people she was working with and they agreed to move to LA for the project. Y/n is suppose to come home today but only Jaden knows that. They made up a plan on how they were going to suprise Quinton so the plan starts now. At the moment Quinton and Y/n were on their daily facetime calls.

"Baby, I miss you." Quinton whines. "I miss you too baby. But I'm only gone for a few more months." Y/n respondes. "That a few months too long." he whines again. "I love you baby. Remember that." Y/n says with a small smile. This is where the part of Jaden's plan comes in. "Wait why? Wait why did you say a few more months. You are only gone a couple more months." Quinton says scared out of this mind. "Uh, they asked me to stay for another 3 months on top of the 2 months so I'm going to be gone for 5 more months." Y/n says while acting upset.

"WHAT!! Babe, I can't go without seeing you everyday for the next 5 months because then I have gone 7 months without your cuddles and loving you. Plus what if in those 5 months you find someone better." Quinton rambles. "Q, I'm not going to find someone better. I will always love you and only you." Y/n says trying to calm him down. "But, that's what every person who tries going months on end says before they either break up or the other person finds someone better." he say while almost starting to cry.

"I really wish I could kiss you right now. But you're 2000 miles away." Y/n says while starting to tear up herself. "Baby, I can promise you we will make it through this." Y/n adds. "I miss you a lot." Quinton says. "I miss you too love but I have to go to work right now. I will call you towmorrow. I love you." Y/n says. "Bye Love, I love you too." Quinton says. Then Y/N hangs up to get ready to go to the airport to get on her plane.

Quinton Pov

I can't believe I am not going to see Y/n for another 5 months. I am really upset but I head upstairs to where everyone is. I sit next to Cooper. Who is with Nessa, Sab, and Jaden plus some of the boys who we're still friends with. "Hey bro, how was your call with Y/n/n?" Cooper asks. "Uh okay. I guess." I say with a sigh. "What's up?" Nessa asks. "They asked her to stay for another 5 months. Like I am so proud of her for getting this far. It's just hard because I'm scared that she will find someone better." I say while looking down. "Dude, I have only known Y/n/n for almost a year but that girl has become a sister to me. And I trust that she wouldn't just up and leave you for some other guys just because of distance." Jaden says. "Yeah, when I first met Y/n when you guys first started dating, I could tell that she was different then all the other girls you had dated." Cooper says while giving me a supportive smile.

"I hope you guys are right." I say. "Oh shit I gotta go soon. I should make myself look not like a mess" Jaden says as he rushes up. "Where you going Jaden!?" Sab yells/asks as Jaden start running inside. "I need to change then make a fews stops before I have to pick something up." He says then goes inside. "That was weird." Nessa says with a laugh. "Yeah, but when you are trying to write new music, record it, and make sure everyone will like it, it gets crazy sometimes." Cooper says. We all nod.

Y/N Pov
It's been 2 hours since I called Quin and I am now in LA. Jaden had picked me up and we are at the house but I'm hiding in Jaden's room. Everyone was told not to go in there. I was waiting with Jaden for everyone to get in the living room area. When Jaden got a text from Cooper saying they were all in the living room we headed to that area. I saw Quinton blindfolded on the couch when we get to the living room area. Everyone gasped when they saw me and Nessa tackled me. Jaden put his finger up shushing them since Quinton still didn't know. "What the fuck is happening. Everyone just gasped and now I'm scared." Quinton says while freaking out. Jaden pointed at me to go to him. 

So I did. I sat next to him then kissed him. He was in shock. And pulled away and quickly took off the blindfold. Once he saw me he picked me up and kissed me. When we pulled away he still kept a tighter grip on me. "What are you doing here?" Quin almost yelled."I convinced my boss and the people I'm working with to move to LA so I can come back to my real home." I say with a smile. "I'm happy you're finally home." He says "As chessy as it sounds you are my home." I say with a giggle. "I love you." Quinton says while putting his head in my neck. "I love you too." I say with a laugh. "Yo, hate to be that person but no hello to your brother." Cooper asks. "wait since when were you two related?" Nessa's Manager asks.

Everyone laughs at her confusion. "We aren't. He is like my brother." I say. "Like? More like is." Cooper says. I get out of Quinton's grip and hug Cooper. "Sure. Just wait if we're brother and sister one day Quinton might be your 'brother in law' if he grows the balls to ask me to marry him." I say. Everyone laughs while Quinton pouts. "I could just say will you marry me right here right now." Que says while crossing his arms over his chest. "And if you did I would say yes." I laugh. Quinton then gets on his one knee and pulls over a ring. "Wait what!" Nessa yells. "I know we were joking about this but I can't wait any longer to ask you to be mine forever. So Y/N Y/L/N will you marry me and be my forever and anyways?" Quinton asks. I had tears coming out of my eyes. "Yes! of Course." I say then Quinton stands up and puts the ring on my finger and hugs me.

"Wait I just wrapped my head around this. You are now my brother in law." Cooper yell really happy. "No, not until they say I do." Jaden says. "Shut up I'm happy right now." Cooper says while pushing Jaden. "Okay, but like this is the best day ever." Nessa screams. "My best friend is back." I hear someone yell and I turn and see Sab. She quickly runs over and hugs me. I let out a giggle. "Also she is now offcial engaged." Nessa says which makes Sab squeal. Then me and Quinton kiss again. Then everyone starts cheering. "Wait, I should throw an engagment party." Nessa says. "OMG YES!!!!" Sab yells. "What do you think Shortie?" Jaden asks me. "Yeah, just keep it in the house, not a content house and Sway." I say. "Can the girlfriends of Sway come?" Sab asks. "Uh, Yeah, I mean they are apart of one of those house so yeah." Quinton says.

"Let's get this thing planned." Nessa and Sab yell. "Since when is Nessa someone for parties?" I ask thomas. "Since it's her best friends engagment party." Jaden laughs. After that everyone went there own ways. Today was such a good day and I'm so happy. 

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