Lifeguard (Sway and Hype)

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It was no secert that Y/N was apart of the Sway house but it also wasn't a secert that she was a lifeguard too. She spent weekdays at the Sway house posting and on weekends she is at the beach lifeguarding. Well today the beach she was watching was being rented out by Sway, Hype, and some other people so her job should be easy. She still had to watch them but she could have convos with them and everything. They weren't even there for an hour when the lifeguard from the other beach pulled up on a four wheeler.

"Yo, Y/N there's a kid stuck on a boat in the middle of the ocean. And none of us know how to ride the jet ski." The lifeguard says sound paniked. Y/N didn't even hestaite. She ran to her four wheeler. "EVERYONE OUT OF THE WATER!!!!! EITHER STAY HERE AND TALK OR COME SEE WHAT'S HAPPENING I COULD CARE LESS!!!" Y/N says before driving off. She just left Sway and Hype there confused. "Am I the only one who has a bad feeling about this." Bryce speaks up. "You aren't the only one Bryce." Tayler says watching his girlfriend drive off very worried. Tayler has never liked that Y/N was a lifeguard because he knows how stressful it is and he know that something bad could happen to her. "We should go see what's happening." Thomas says while starting to walk the direction Y/N went. Everyone follows. 

Y/N  and another lifeguard were already there and on her jet ski when everyone got there. She started driving off when the lifeguard that came and got Y/N, walked over to Swype. "You guys have a crazy friend." The lifeguard laughs. "She will always put others first." Tayler says while smiling but you could still tell he was stressing. Everyone of the beach as watching as Y/N let the one lifeguard on the boat to drive it. She waited a minute so that the boat could leave before her. She was about the leave when she saw a shark. She talks into the radio she had one. "Yo, there's a shark. I can't move without hurting it. It looks pissed off to if I move I might lose a arm or something." Everyone that could hear the radio could hear she sounded paniked. "Okay. I'll turn back around with the boat and get her." The lifeguard that was driving the boat said.

"Just be careful when getting on the boat. It might jump up or something." The lifeguard that was with swype said. Now everyone was really worried. Everyone scared and worried about Y/N. When the boat finally arrived next to Y/N everyone had hope nothing would happen. Oh how they were wrong.

Y/N put her foot on the boat and was about to put her other foot on the boat when the shark jumped out of the water. And then you heard a scream. No one could see what was happening. All everyone knew was that the lifeguards on land were trying to get information and the boat was driving towards land. Those 5 minutes it took the boat to get to land everyone was panicing. Tayler the most out of everyone. When the boat hit land Swype and all the lifeguards ran over to Y/N. When they got there Y/N was laying in the boat with blood coming out of her arm.

2 weeks later.

It's been two weeks since the shark attack and Y/N hasn't been the same. She's been more upset and she's been queitier. Bryce, Nate, Tayler, Addison, Azra, Aisha and some others  have been really worried about her so they decided to cheer her up some. Or try at least. Y/N didn't lose anything she just got bit and it was really deep. The only reason she is the way she is, is because she is scared. She was doing something she loved and almost lost her arm. Who says one day she won't lose her life from doing something she loves.

She was in her and Tayler's room laying on their bed thinking about her life. When the door opened and the people she is closest with walked in. She didn't bother looking at them. She just looked at the ceiling still thinking. She didn't really even know they were there until she felt the bed dip. She looked next to her to see Tayler sat next to her, Bryce sitting by her feet with the twins next to him, Nate and Kelienne sitting in the gaming chairs that were in the room and Addison standing there.

"hey guys." Y/N says with a weak smile. "How are you doing Y/N/N?" Aisha says while looking at her. "I'm getting there." She smiles half heartedly.  "We talked to the other lifeguards at the beach. They think it's best for you not to go back. They said what happen is horrible and something that could haunt you the rest of your life. So they think if you did go back you won't be the same and do stuff so willly." Azra says a little upset because she knows how much Y/N loves lifeguarding.

Y/N nods while giving a weak smile. "Guys can I talk to Y/N alone?" Tayler says. Everyone nods and leaves. Tayler pulls Y/N into his arms and rubs her back. "How are you doing really?" Tayler asks. "I'm scared. But I will get over it." Y/N weakly says. "I mean mental." he says again. "Not good at all. I am scared to leave this room because the of the fear of getting hurt again. I hate this. I hate feeling like at any minute I will be attacked." Y/N cried in his arms. "Y/N/N baby everything will be okay. I will always protect you and I know that I didn't when you got attacked but I promise from now on I always will." Tayler says while rubbing Y/N back. "I love you." Y/n mumbles.

"I love you too Baby. Now when was the last time you slept?" he asks. He knew she had been up the last few days at night so he was going to try and get her to sleep. "I haven't slept since that night." Y/N says while a sigh. Everyone could tell just by looking at Y/n that she was so tired. "Go to sleep bubs. I will be right here the whole time. I will be right by your side the whole time so nothing will happen." Tayler says while kissing her forehead. "Okay" Y/N mumbles before going to sleep. "I will always keep you safe from now on." he says before kissing Y/N's head and falling asleep too.

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