Cabin (Josh Richards)

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No hate towards Nick Bean. Just decided to use him.

No One's Pov

Y/N was NOT a morning person. Everyone knew that. Everyone in Sway House knew never to wake you up in the morning. But today was one of those days where she has to get up. Everyone in Hype was going to a Cabin that was 14 hours away. So everyone had to be leave at 4 in the morning. And Josh being Y/N boyfriend had to have her up. Everyone was already packed and in the car and Josh had put all of his and Y/N's stuff in his car so all he had to do was wake her up. 

Fun. Am I right? Josh slowly walked into their shared room. When he walked over to their bed and slowly starts to shake her gently. "Babe, wake up we have to go." Josh whisphers. "No, I don't want to." Y/N says with a little whine. "Baby, you need to get up. We have a 14 hour drive you can sleep on." Josh says while rubbing her back. "Promise I can sleep." Y/N mumbles. "I promise. Now come on. If we hurry up I can stop at Dunkin or Starbucks if you want." That made Y/N shoot up from the bed. She changed then grabbed Josh's hand as they walk outside to the car.

When they get down there everyone is standing there waiting. "Took long enough. Was she dead or something." Nick Bean laughs. "Nick don't pick on Y/n/n. She sleeps as much as Addison, Dixie and Amelie. And are you picking on them. No so don't pick on her." Noah states. Y/N crosses her arms over her chest and pouts. Dixie walks over to Nick and slaps his head. "Look what you did to her. You hurt my girl I hurt you." Dixie says while walking over to Y/n and hugging her. "Fuck you Nick." Y/N says. "I mean you're not single so I can't" Nick says. "NICK!!!!" Addison yells. "Look can we just go. It's too early in the morning. I just want to sleep." Y/n whines. "Sure but I get to punch Nick first." Josh says. "What why?" Nick asks backing away.

"You upset my girl. I'm not okay with that." Josh says getting closer to Nick. "I'll be in the car if anyone needs me." Y/N says and gets into Josh's car. "Nick not right now. We have a 14 hour drive so let's go." Blake says and gets in between Josh and Nick. "Okay but if he opens his "smart" mouth again. I am punching him." Josh says. "No one will stop you." Rafy says while punching Nick's arm before getting into Bryce's car. "Well see you guys in about 5 hours." Bryce says getting into his car. "Remember to text or call when we are stopping to charge our cars." Blake says. Everyone gets into their cars.

Bryce's Car: Bryce, Rafy, Tayler, Nick Bean and J Rod.
Blake's Car: Blake, Amelie, Noah, and Dixie
Anthony's Car: Anthony, Jaden, Avani, Kio
Josh's Car: Griffin, Y/n, Josh, Quinton, Addison

Once everyone was on the road it was pretty simple. 

16 Hours later.

Everyone finally arrives at the cabin. Everyone get settled in and got food because it was 7pm. Once everyone got their food they settled down even more then they were before. Y/N didn't get any food because she had eaten a little while before. So she went outside to look at the view. She had gone a little into the woods because she thought she could get good pictures there. After about an hour she got a few text from everyone at the cabin so she headed back. When she got there she went straight to her and Nick's room. She laid down on the bed but then the door open and in walked almost everyone. 

"Where did you go?" Jaden asks. "The woods." Y/N answers. "Smart. Get attacked by wolves when you were out there or were you always that ugly." Nick asks. "NICK What the hell!!!!" Dixie, Rafy, and Avani yell. Y/N rolls her eyes and walks out of the room. "Y/N/N come back." She hears Josh, J Rod, Rafy, Jaden, Bryce, and Addison yell. But she left went back out into the woods.

Bryce Pov.

"What the fuck Nick. Why do you always pick on her? She has feelings I hope you know." Addison yells at Nick. "Nick what is your problem with Y/N?" Josh asks while looking really pissed. "You want to know my problem? I fucking love her but she's dating Josh so then to ignore my feelings so to help I pick on her." Nick says with a sigh. "You-----you like Y/N?" Avani shutters. Nick just nods and looks down. "I gotta go." Josh says while trying to rush out. "Where are you going?" Amelie asks. "I need to find Y/n/n. It's late and dark. She doesn't have any kind of light with her." Josh says while grabbing a flashlight and walking out. 

"Josh, let us help. You won't cover that much ground by yourself." Tayler says. Josh just nods before they all set out to find Y/N. Me, Nick, and J Rod stayed behind just in case Y/n shows up at the cabin.

Josh Pov.

Yes I was beyond pissed at Nick for treating Y/N so badly then admitting his feelings for her. But she just ran out so now I am worried. It's really dark outside so god knows what's out in the woods this late at night. We all divided into 4 groups and went our different ways all calling Y/N. 
After about 5 minutes I hear someone yelling they found her. Everyone runs back to the house to see Noah was carrying a passed out Y/N.

"Is she okay?" Amelie asks. "Yeah, She fell asleep when we were walking back here." Noah explains. "Where was she?" I ask. "She was by the waterfall." Blake says. I just nod. "Let's get in the house. It's been a long night and it's really cold." Jaden says. We all nod and head inside. We sit in the living room area. Y/N on one of the couches with her head in my lap and her feet on Bryce. "I'm sorry." Nick says after a minute of silences. "What?" I questioned him. "I'm sorry. This is all my fault. If it wasn't for my stupid feelings and me trying to push them away. We would never have been in this situtaion. Hell if I just got rid of my feelings in the first place and wasn't such a dick to Y/n we would never have been in multiple situations." Nick confesses.

"Nick, It's okay to have feelings. But when you picked on Y/N to ignore the feelings you have is when the line is drawn. We all love Y/N so when you mess with her you mess with us." Anthony says. "Yeah. We apperiate you and love having you around. And like Anthony said we all love Y/n so you need to stop acting the way you are." Quinton Says. Nick nods in respondes. Then everyone looks at me. "I can forgive you. You just can't be so hard on Y/N in return." I say with a sigh. "I can do that." Nick says. 

"Okay, It's been along night. I say we go to sleep." Anthony says while grabbing Avani's hand and head to the stairs. "I agree." Kio says while getting up. "Can you get her upstairs?" Griffin asks me while carefully moving Y/N legs so Bryce could stand up. "yeah, I got her." I say with a smile. Everyone then heads upstairs. I pick up Y/N and carry her to bed. Once I put her on the bed She starts to stir. I just kiss her forehead. "Go back to sleep baby." I mumble. She nods and snuggles into me. "I love you." I hear her say. "I love you too." Then we both passed out.

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