It wasn't your fault (Sway House)

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The whole Sway house decided to go to BOA steakhouse. Everyone drove in different cars. Y/n is Kio's sister and Josh's girlfriend so they tried making her come with them but she was being stubborn because she had just got a car and she really liked it. So she drove in her own car by herself. Y/n was the first person to leave and she had everyone else following her in their cars.

Bryce's Car: Bryce, Kio, Griffin, Josh
Jaden: Jaden, Anthony, Quinton, J Rod
Rafy: Rafy, Noah, Blake, Amelie, Dixie
You in your own car.

Bryce was right behind you and the rest followed him. There was a green light so you started to go but a truck didn't stop and came speeding down the road and hit you. It was a hard enough impact that your body jerked and you hit your head off the steering wheel. When Kio saw that happen his heart stopped. The truck that hit you swerved and hit the back of your car too. Bryce saw it happen too and his heart stopped too. Once they could tell that the truck was done moving they got out. Which caused everyone else to get out too. They had seen a little bit of what happened too, they just didn't know if everyone was getting out or not.

Everyone ran to your car to see if you were okay. When they got there they saw that you were awake but holding your head. Bryce ran back to his car and grabbed his spare shirt that he had for who knows what reason. He ran back and handed the shirt to Y/n to put on her head to stop it from bleeding. He then carefully helps her get out of the car because it clearly was uncomfortable. After Kio, Josh, Bryce, and Griffin  got Y/n out of the car they sat her on the road. By now all the cars went a different way and someone had called the cops and an ambalnce. "Is the other guy okay?" Y/N asks as she is still holding her head and crying. "We can look" Jaden says as he grabs Griffin's arm who grabbed Quinton's arm and J Rod and Rafy follow. Those five walked over to the truck as everyone else stayed with you. 

"How you feeling kid?" Noah asks as he holds onto Dixie who is crying. Blake was also holding Amelie. They were all really scared they thought they lost you. "Guilty." You say. "It's not your fault. You know that right?" Blake says/asks. "It kind of is my fault though. I could have hurried up and tried to get out of the way." Y/n cries. Bryce and Kio were holding onto Y/n trying to calm her down. The five boys walked over to the group again and looked a bit sad. "Is he okay?" Y/n asks as she quickly stands up. "You. Sit down." Josh says well trying to pull her down onto his lap but fails. "Is he okay?" Y/n asks again. Griffin sighs and shakes his head.

Y/N has more tears form in her eyes. Just at that moment the amblance pulls up. And paramdeics start racing out. Two male doctors run over to the group. "Was anyone hurt?" the one gets out before scanning the group only to have his eyes land on Y/N. "Get ready to leave." He says to the other doctor. Then that other doctor leaves and gets into the amblance. "You shouldn't be standing." He says while a sigh. "I feel fine." Y/n shoots back. "I don't care if you feel fine. For all we know your brain could be bleeding." The doctor says as the amblance that the other doctor had gotten in came beside them. Then he got back out and pulled the stretcher out and Y/n was moved onto it and into the ambalnce.

Skip 2 hours

After a lot of surgery's Y/n was fine and on her way home. Kio had made it very clear she wasn't allowed to do anything until she all the way healed. Right at that moment Y/n was laying in bed having that moment rewinding in her head. She kept thinking it was her fault. Just then everyone who lived or was with sway, came to check up on you came in. "Hey." Y/n says weakly. Josh sat next to her and held her. Kio sat at the end of the bed with Bryce, Griffin, and Quinton next to him. Everyone else was either standing, sitting on the floor, or in a chair of some kind. "How are you feeling?" Jaden asks. "Okay. Physical." Y/n sighs. "What about mentally." Quinton asks. "I feel bad. I feel like it's all of my fault." Y/n says as tear start to form in her eyes.

"Babe, It's not your fault in anyway." Josh says as he hold her tighter. "I talked to mom and she wanted to sue because the guy clearly wasn't driving right but when I told her he didn't make it she got even more mad. And started cussing saying what if it was you that didn't make it and stuff like that. She is blaming the guy, she also said that you are an amazing driver and that's how she knows it's not your fault" Kio says. Y/n just nods. "Can you guys leave. I just want to get some rest. It's been a long night." Y/n asks. Everyone nods. The boys come and give you a hug and Kio gives you a kiss on the forehead. When Josh was about to leave Y/n grabs his hand. He looks at her confused. "Stay" Y/n whisphers. Josh nods and gets in bed with her. "I love you." he says as he kisses her cheek. "I love you too." Y/n says as she cuddles into him. That night was one crazy night for everyone but at the end of the day Y/n was alright and that's all that mattered to everyone.

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