Can't Live here (SwayLa)

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A/n:Please request ideas. I have a few stories on the go but I need more ideas. If there's a story you want me to right message me and I'll do it to the best of my ability.

You are anything but straight. You're dating Charli D'amelio but haven't came out to your family. Also tayler is a sway boy in this and no one ever left.
No One Pov

Everyone in Sway and their girlfriends were chilling in the backyard at Sway. Than out of no where Y/n comes running outside. She looked worried and scared. "You good?" Bryce asks. Y/n just shakes her head no. "What's wrong?" Blake asks. "My mom's coming here. She isn't the biggest fan of me being an influencer. She also doesn't like anyone in this house. She watches the vlogs and always tells me how much of a disappointment I am." Y/n says on the verge of tears. "It will be okay." Dixie says hugging Y/n. "She doesn't know about Charli." Y/n mumbles into Dixie's shoulder. "Oh" was all Dixie said. "She's going to disown me." Y/n says crying now. "It's going to be okay. I promise." Noah says rubbing Y/n's back. Just than the doorbell could be heard from inside ringing. Y/n tenses before getting out of Dixie's grip, whips her eyes and heads to the door. When she opens the door she sees her mom standing there. "Hello Mother." Y/n says with a fake smile. "Hello brat- I mean daughter." Her mother replies with an eye roll. "Come on in." Y/n says opening the door all the way to let her mom through. "This house is nice." Y/M/N says while looking around. "I agree completely." Y/n says not wanting to upset her mother. "Where are the people you live with?" Y/M/N asks. "They're in the backyard. Would you like to meet them?" Y/n asks somewhat sweetly. "Is that a question? That's dumb of you to ask. Like come on of course I'm going to meet the people who somehow live with my brat of a daughter." Y/m/n says harshly. Y/n just nods and looks down. "Follow me." Y/n stutters. Y/n leaves with her mom following behind.

When they both get into the backyard, everyone looked at them. "Guys, this is my mom. Mom these are the sway boys plus their girlfriends." Y/n says stuttering as she introduces her mom to everyone. Bryce walks over to introduce himself properly so he doesn't seem rude. "It's nice to meet you Mrs.Y/L/N. I'm Bryce Hall. I created the Sway house." Bryce says somewhat warmly due to knowing how Y/M/N treats Y/n.  "It's nice to meet you too. Now answer me this. Why my daughter? She's useless and untalented. So how did you magically make her popular?" Y/M/N says somewhat rudely and still trying to be nice. "I think she is very talented." Bryce states somewhat is shock that your mother would be so harsh about you. "but she isn't." Y/M/N says kinda annoyed. "Mom, why don't we go for a small tour of the house." Y/n says trying to get out of this convo, she is in right now. "No, I want to meet your roommates. And see what is so amazing about you because I don't see it." Y/M/N says glaring at you. "Whatever you want mother." Y/n says with a sigh. "Okay question time. Which one of you films my daughter for their youtube videos?" She asks. Bryce, Josh, Tayler, Noah, Blake, and Kio raise their hands. Plus the girls. "I hope you're proud of yourselves. My baby was innocent for the longest time and you all wrecked it. She clearly isn't safe here. I mean didn't most of you almost end up in jail or don't most of you drink or smoke." Y/M/N says starting to raise her voice. "Mom, please stop. I am safe here. You don't get to treat them like you treat me. That's where I draw the line." Y/n yells. "Give me one good reason I should let you stay here. You A) don't belong here. You aren't talented B)You aren't safe here. What would you do if the cops show up one day and arrest you for something they did." Y/M/N yells at you. "Mom, I'm done with this non-sense. I am so much more than what you think. I write music and people really do like it. I also dance and so many people have said they would pay just to see me do what I love. And you say I'm not safe here yet this is safer than with you and dad. These people in this room may have only known for a few months but they are more of a family then you and dad ever will be. "Y/n finally snaps.

"Listen here, you sick, spoiled, stuck up bitch, you have no reason to talk to me that way. I don't even want you to live here. You know what, you can't live here. You're moving back home than we will find you, your own place where they can't visit you. Let's go, go get your stuff." Y/m/n says while grabbing Y/n arms trying to get her to follow her. But Y/n pulls away. "No mom, I'm not moving out." Y/n says while backing away from Y/m/n. When Y/n said that you could see the anger rising on Y/m/n face, Everyone in the room knew something was going to happen but they don't know what. "You little---" but was cut off with Charli walking into the room with Marc and Heidi. "I heard the words moving out. Who's moving out?" Charli asks. "My daughter is and she won't be keeping contact with any of you freaks." Y/m/n says harshly at Charli. "Now, excuse me. I don't want you talking to my daughters that way." Heidi says kinda mad. "Y/n/n, sweetie, who is this?" Marc asks nicely. "I guess it's time you've met my oh so amazing mother. Heidi, Marc, and Charli meet my Mother Y/mb Y/l/n." Y/n says fake being happy and excited. "Oh, you're the amazing mother." Charli says making everyone besides Y/m/n laugh. "Listen here, young lady. I don't know who you think you are but you have no right to talk to me like that." Y/m/n, her anger rising again. "Mom, there's something you should know." Y/n says walking closer to Charli. And when she reaches her, Charli snuggles into Y/n arms. "Charli's my girlfriend." Y/n says while slightly shaking. Charli gives Y/n side a little but tight squeeze trying to calm her down a little making Y/n know she was right beside her and not leaving. "W---WHAT!!??" Y/m/n yells, her face changing from shocked to pissed.

Y/n quickly pulls Charli behind her, knowing Charli was the first target. "You too skinny, self centered, useless, ugly, bitch. You changed my daughter for the worst. You forced her to love women."Y/m/n yells walking closer to the couple. "MOM!!! Will you stop for ten seconds and try to see where I'm coming from? You need to leave Charli alone. She didn't do anything. I have always liked girls, I just never said anything because I knew you and dad would NEVER understand." Y/n says slowly walking towards her mother so she knew there was a bigger gap between her mom and charli.  "I don't know who you are little girl. But give me my daughter back who knew her place." Y/m/n says walking right in front of Y/n so they were face to face. Heidi was about to step in along side of some of the other girls but Y/n put her hand out to tell them no. "Can you just fuck off. I am living my life and of course you aren't happy with that because you think we are so fucking perfect. Well open your damn eyes. We are far from perfect." Y/n says not really regretting it until she got slapped across the face. Than having her chin grab harshly by her mother causing her to look her mother in the eyes. "I don't care if I have to beat the living shit out of you but get the hell back in you place." Y/m/n gritted through her teeth. 

"Mrs.Y/l/n. I'm going to have to ask you right now before I call the cops." Heidi says walking towards her daughter's girlfriend and the person Y/n unfortantly has to call mom. "I bet you don't have the guts to call the cops. Wouldn't most of you end up in jail?" Y/m/n laughs. "Leave now before we force you to leave." Bryce says with an eye roll. Y/m/n looks at Y/n again and says "this isn't over." while raising her hand to punch Y/n but Dixie  catches her hand before she could hit Y/n. "Just leave." Dixie says through her teeth since she was pissed. "Whatever" Y/m/n says annoyed while leaving slamming the door on the way out. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought her here." Y/n says. "It's not your fault." Tayler says. "I know it's not 100% my fault but I guess I was hoping her act of being the perfect mother would still be on when she's here. Since she always acted like the perfect mother in front of other people." Y/n sighs. "it'll be okay. She won't be bugging you for a while." Josh says. "What? How won't she be bugging me. I'm probably going to get a call tonight about how horrible of a daughter I am."Y/n says/asks. "I called the cops when she was yelling at you. They heard enough. When she got kicked out she was going straight to the cops hands." Rafy says while a small smile. "Oh my god. Thank you guys!!!' Y/n cheers. "It was no problem. No one should have to go through that or be treated like you were being treated." Noah says. Y/n than spins around and pulls Charli right into her arms and says. "I'm so sorry about what she said to you babe." "It's fine baby girl, you can't control what she said." Charli says with a giggle while holding Y/n tighter. "I love you." Y/n mumbles. "I love you too love." Charli says while giving her a small kiss. After this Y/n never saw their mom again and their dad even stopped contacting them.

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