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"Unnie Y/n is scratched up bad" Lisa says "hmmm" I say and look over at him smirking at how hot he looks "unnie" they say and I stand up and walk over to him "hey" he says. I straddled his lap and wrapped my hands around his neck "baby?" I kiss him "mmmhhh baby the girl's are there" he says I look over and see them staring "sorry" I mumble and bury my head into his neck "did I hurt you" I say rubbing my hands over his scratches "no I'm fine" he says and kisses my head.

"Baby can we cuddle" I ask seeing Jennie look and walk over to me until I picked up kuma and had her give me a look of death "awwwhh look at my baby" I  say and rub his head "hheeeyy what about me" she says pouting "no you are not my baby you are my princess" I say making her smile and sit down with Lisa to watch a movie. "Sup" Rose says sitting beside me "you okay" I ask she nods "what's up" "stressed" I nod and put my arm around her and rub her shoulder "chill out you guys have been doing great" I say making her smile "thank you" she says my phone pings and I see my uncle "meeting 9am" I send back thumbs up and shut off my phone "Y/n we have comeback show tomorrow" Lisa says "I'll be there but I have a meeting at 9 am so I'll miss your rehearsals sorry" I say "it's okay just be there to see us" I nod and look at Jennie and see her rubbing her foot "how is it" I ask "sore" I nod and stand up and walk into her room and look for the support bandage she has. I see it on her desk and walk out and lean down to wrap it around her foot I stand up and kiss her head hearing a awh from the girls "thank you" she says cutely "no problem princess" I whispered and bury my head into her neck RINGGG "fuck" I stand up and answer "hello Y/n you need to come to the company right now" "okay I'll be there" I hang up and run and get dressed "where are you going" "company next back later bye" I say giving Jennie a quick kiss before rushing to the company building

"Ah Y/n sit down.. the ceo wants to have a chat with you" I gulp 'oh shit' "Jeon Y/n" I stand up and bow "hello" I shake the ceo hand and sit down "so how has your time been with the girls" "eh..v-very good I was welcomed quickly by them and yes we al get along fine I love working with them" I smile and he nods and picks up two pieces of paper "and what about... you and Jennie" he says and turns the paper around to see photos of me and Jennie kissing in the building. "......well" "em I-I.." sigh "Y/n I'm sorry but we cannot have this in the company there can be situations created if use break up or something" "w-what do you mean" "look are you too dating" I nod my head making him sign again "Y/n I'm sorry but you cannot live with them anymore and from now on the only time you will see Jennie it the others will be for working purposes only understood" I nod "good pack your stuff we will have a dorm ready for you" I stand up and rush back to the dorm and see Jennie in tears and the girls hugging her "Jennie I'm s-sorry" I say breaking down crying "I c-can't leave *hiccup* I bend down and feel someone hug me "Y/n baby look at me" I look and see her teary eyes "it's going to be okay" "I-I can't leave you" "sshhh I know we will figure it out your still my baby and I'm yours okay" I nod and kiss her lips "okay let's get you packed up and I'll come visit you okay" she says caressing my cheek

After a while I finish packing and say my goodbyes "thank you I'll miss seeing you crazy asses all the time" I say hugging them "it will be fixed soon okay" I nod and hear a knock on the door and see milo and other men from the company "we're just grabbing these and here is the address meet us there" he hands me a piece of paper and I nod watching them take all my stuff "Y/n it will be okay FaceTime me and we can talk okay" I nod and hug her one last time "oh wait" I take off my hoodie and shirt and give them to her and put on my coat "so I'll always be with you" I say kissing her head making her smile "thank you" she says and takes off her bracelet and takes my hand and puts it on "for you" I smile and hug her "okay I can't watch so I'll see you later"
"Bye princess" I whisper and kiss her one last time and watch her run into her room "Y/n we will fix this unnie might be strong right now but she's breaking inside" "I know" I close my eyes and sigh "text meIf you guys need anything okay and make sure Jennie is okay" they all nod and I turn and open the door "bye girls" I say and walk out to my car and drive to my "new home" but it's not home without her with me

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