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After many painful hours on waiting the girls to finish they finally got a break and went for food "hey y/n" jennie says walking over and flopping on top of me laying on the sun lounger. "Hey Jennie" I wrap my arms around her and rub her back "you okay" she nods her head and wraps her self like a koala around me so she won't fall off or let go "how about we order room service" I feel her nod againts my shoulder, "hey Lisa she's tired I'm gonna order room service for her and put her to bed" "that's fine we'll be back in a while" Lisa says turning back to Jisoo and chae deciding where to go for food.

I walk to the hotel and go into the lift(elevator depending where ur from) "you okay love" she looks up at me and kisses me slowly longer than a peck kiss "hmm seems like your okay then" I say making her giggle. I walk into the room and plop her on the bed "you wanna get changed" she stands up and hugs me "can I wear this shirt" she asks tugging at the one I'm wearing. I smile "sure" I take it off and give it to her seeing her beautiful gummy smile that melt my heart. She slips off her clothes and puts on my shirt and cuddles up into the bed putting on a movie.

I pick up the phone and order room service for her. "So what we watching" I flop beside her making her instantly cuddle up to me "princess and the frog" I smile at her "I'd be a sexy frog don't you think" I say wiggling my eyebrows making her giggle. "Shut up y/n" she says giggling *knock* *kncok* I stand up and take in the food "here you go princess" I bring over the food and put it down to her "thank you" she dives straight in eating "wow somebody is hungry" she nods her head not looking up as she goes through the chicken wings like she hasn't eaten in days. I sit beside her and eat some of the brownies I got "this was a good idea" I say kissing her cheek. She nods in response

After she was done eating she lay beside me "that was so good" she curls up beside me "is someone sleepy after eating" she nods "awh the poor baby mandu" she puts her head in the crook of my neck and closes her eyes letting her soft breaths hit my neck "sleep baby" I rub her back with my finger tips and rub her hip with my other hand. "Mhh~ y/n" I stop "yes jen" she shakes her head "don't rub my hip" I nod and rub her back knowing a horny mandu would happen if I kept up with the movement on her hip.I close my eyes and fall asleep

Lisa POV
We have been trying to get them up for the past 2 hours and they aren't even moving "do you think they're dead" jisoo says making rose look at me then put her hand to there pulse "phew no" "that's it" I walk and pick up a glass of water and throw it at them "AAAAHHHHH" jennie jumps up while y/n rolls over still asleep and lands on the floor "owww" he says "why the hell did you do that" jennie says wiping her face "use wouldn't wake up" I say hiding behind chae "hey this is on you don't hide behind me" chae says trying to move "no I'm to young to die" they all laugh and stand up "right anyone wanna go fishing" jisoo says we all nod and go get ready

(Hi I'm sorry for not updating in a long time but I hope u all are well and safe and have a safe Christmas if use celebrate it, if u have any ideas don't hesitate to share)

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