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I wake up to find myself on the coach with a blanket draped over me. I sit up and rub my eyes and stretch my arms looking over at the clock seeing 10:45 I sit up and pick up my phone and see messages from my boss telling me to get to work "FUCK" I run into my room getting dressed quickly and rush to my car straight to the building

Lisa POV
We are sitting in the meeting room waiting for Y/n to get here to tell him about our filming in Hawaii by he still isn't here "jennie he will be here" "I swear I'm gonna kill him" she says fixing her sunglasses and pulling the turtle neck up to cover the hickies on her neck (this girl🥴)

Jennies POV
I look at the door and see Y/n through the glass running as fast as he can before opening the door and bowing

"I'm so sorry I'm late" I say out of breath and sit down and fix my hair and looking up at jennie smiling at me and Jisoo trying not to laugh " so there will be filming in Hawaii for a show for the fans use leave in 2 days pack well for 2 weeks... and also Y/n you have to be apart of it many fans have asked to have you in challenges and I'm sure jennie doesn't mind" he says standing up "thank you for your time" he bows and leave making me sigh and slide down the chair "what took you so long" jennie asked "I only woke up" she nods and stands up and kisses my cheek "you okay" I nod and smile as her and the girls get up to leave for practice. 'Why do they want you on the show your only a no body' I hear in my head 'a no body a low life with no family' I shake my head and bang it on the table "ahhh shit" I run my head and put my hand in my pocket and root out my pills "long time no see friend" I take out two and take them feeling guilty for feeling this way all again the last time I became so depressed I just locked my self in my room I start to cry and quickly wipe my eyes. I walk out to the girls practice room "Y/n" jennie says looking worried and hugs me "what's wrong" she says stroking the back of my head "I'm a nobody" I say burying my head into her neck relaxing in her touch she shakes her head and kisses my cheek lightly a couple of times until she feels me not crying. "Go sit in the recording room we will be doing that today okay" she kisses my cheek and walks in to the girls. As I walk in in plop myself on the coach beside jisoo who is playing on a Nintendo switch "you okay buddy" she asks with her focus not leaving the screen "yeah thanks" she smiles and does "AHHHH FUCK" she shouts and puts it on the coach "dumb game" Rose laughs while Lisa and jennie are waiting on them to go in the record. I close my eyes soo falling asleep

"But no wait" "STOP YOU STUPID BOY YOU HAVE BEEN VERY BAD" she shouts slamming the door before I could stand up. I look down and see my blood everywhere and bruises new and old. "AHHHH" I stand up and drag myself to the door hearing a screams slowly opening it to see the woman on the ground with two men around her "HELP PLEASE" I stand looking in shock shaking with fear "GET THAT KID" a grey hair man says as he punches her face over and over. A blonde man walks towards me but I run and lock myself in my room hiding in my closet hearing screams and cries for help.....

I wake up screaming trying to stand up but two hands hold me down "shh shhh I'm here it's okay" I shake and look around seeing jennie looking at me worried and the girls standing by. I look at her with tears in my eyes "shhh it's only a dream shhhh" I close my eyes and lean my forehead against hers while she strokes my cheek with her thumb "it's only a dream okay" I nod and sit up properly while jennie wraps her arms around me making sure I'm okay "it's almost 6pm let's go home" Lisa says.

We arrive home and I said nothing for the ride the first time I have gotten the nightmare in months I close my eyes seeing bits of it making me open my eyes trying not to relive that night

Jennies POV
I walk in with Y/n and go to his room and tuck him in to bed "it's okay just sleep I'll be here okay don't worry" I smile and kiss his head before walking out (a hour later) "NOO AAHHHH" the girls look at me and I run in to see Y/n in a panic trying to get out the bed. Before he could I get beside him and calm him down "shhhh shhhh okay shhhh it's only a dream" he looks at me and hugs me tightly "do you want some food" he nods and gets out of bed taking my hand and following me to get food. After he was done I brought him back to his room and tucked him in and stayed till he was aleep. "Unnie maybe something happened that's why he has the nightmares" Rose says making jisoo agree "that's twice in a day" Lisa says we all nod until a familiar scream happens again making me jump up and straight into see him in the same state as earlier.

Jisoo POV
All night jennie has been up almost every hour with Y/n it's currently 3am and it's his 10th time today waking up screaming

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