When the cameras are off J.M

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Jonah acted happy her acted fun he acted like the dad of the band like everything was perfect for him. Currently he was in an interview he didn't want to be at but no one could tell. "So Jonah any special people at home?"the interview person asked Jonah the band laughing and looking at him. "Let's just say I'm private." He said laughing. Fake. "Taking things slow I sense." The person say Jonah laughs and nods. Fake again.
After the inter view they went back to the bus and Jonah was back to his real self. He sat in the bunk looking at the photo of Y/N he stuck to the side of his bunk. He has been hating life for the past month. The boy have realized it as well trying to cheer him up or making sure he called y/n everyday to brighten his mood. "Jonah come on let's go get some food you haven't eaten in days and you've lost your energy during concerts." Daniel said looking down at Jonah who was sitting on the couch. "I'm not hungry." He mumbled. "No stop with the lies Jonah your coming with me to get some food we're here in New York we have so much to try." Daniel said Burt Jonah shrugged. "Ok Dude Im fucking done get your ass up we're going." Daniel said grabbing his arm and pulling him up. "Ugh fine whatever." He said as they both walked out to go to the city. Jonah wasn't paying attention most of the time but Daniel had a plan him and Y/N were gonna surprise him at a certain Pizza shop. Daniel dragged Jonah in and they went to order. "What do you want?" Daniel asked looking at Jonah. "Can I just share with you." He asked. "Of course." Daniel said reaching in his pocket for his wallet. "Shit I forgot my wallet." He said searching his pockets. "Do you guys need some help." Jonah turned around at the familiar voice eyes widening at the sight of Y/N standing There. Jonah pulled her into the tightest hug. "What are you doing here I oh my goodness I fucking kissed you so much." Jonah said kissing her head over and over again. "I missed you more Jonah." She hugged back barring her head in his chest. "Wow haven't seen a smile on that face in forever." Daniel said making Jonah break from his hug. "Did you help plan this?" Jonah asked. "Yeah he planned the whole thing." Y/n said. "Thank you so much Daniel." Jonah said doing their little handshake then into a hug. "Thank you." He said. "Of course."
They all hung out through out the day meeting with the other boys till it was time for sound check. "Hey babe." You called to Jonah. "Yes?" He said turning to you. "What's happening with you you seem so sad?" You asked looking at him. "It's just when your told to be an image for people you don't even know it makes it hard to stay like that like I'm happy but it's hard to look like it since I'm always looking happy on screen or at a meet and greet but when the cameras are off." He trails of as you nod along. "Oh baby how bout this imma stay here on tour with you till tour ends." You say kissing his cheek. "You'd do that just for me?" He asks. "Yes I'd do anything for you jonah cause I know you'd do anything for me." You say wrapping your arms around his neck connecting your lips together. He puts his hands on your hips pulling you closer. He moves his hand to your face moving a strand behind you ear than placing his hand back to the small of your back. You pull away gasping for air smiling. "I love you so much Jonah Marais." You say. "I love you more." Jonah said. "More than coffee?" You ask laughing. "Baby I'd give up coffee just for you." He said, "Woah woah woah were talking bout coffee here don't go to crazy." She laughs he laughs along  connecting their lips once more.

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